As we enter the alignments of the Grand Sextile this month, I thought it fitting to explain what the Star of David and the Holy Grail really represent.
The Pentagram or Star of David has been the subject of many religious interpretations. Captured in paintings by artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, and is a well recognized symbol throughout the world. But what does it really stand for?.. And what was the Holy Grail that Arthur's Knights searched so diligently for? And sought to protect?.. The chalice cup of Christ?
Yes! Humanity stands on the threshold of a 'Return To Our Belonging'...
to a reunion with the Glory of the 'Gaian Mind'...
to full manifestation of our birthright: 'Unity-Consciousnesss'
( ( ( OneLoveEvolution2013 ) ) )
Cool/thought provoking post Master of Light... keep up the Good Works! ~InLight555
Yeah where as I meant the seventh point being the "cross, flower, glyph, etc" residing in the middle of the pentagram ^^ then that means that the pentagram is actually a way to express sacred geometry, only that it is not showing the circles, but straight lines drawn to the middle of each circle. I also see now how it is the metatron cube :) Thanks Feather!
Wonder how many that know about this relation, or how many that even know what sacred geometry is ^^. For me it's very interesting and so much more fun and easy to understand than that math we had in school, I almost failed first grade :S haha
( ( ( R E M E M B E R ) ) )
~Nuff said ;-)
( ( ( OneLoveRevolution247 ) ) )
The two geometric symbols of the pentagram and the hexagram have linkage within their evolutionary symbolism....
We can view these two as being microcosm and macrocosm......Planetary initiation and cosmic initiation....
Think of the pentagram as representing a single line of vision, which comprises five stages of awareness....aka, five degrees....
1) Birth, 2) Baptism, 3) Transfiguration, 4) Renounciation, 5) Ascension....The microcosmic planetary degrees, which ultimately lead to FULL CONSCIOUSNESS and the macrocosmic levels of awareness..
Agreed Feather......and I like the way the different wisdoms all converge into the one Ageless Wisdom...
For you stated, Vishnu is Christ consciousness, and so is Krishna, aka Lord Maitreya..
And we can see the parallels esoterically demonstrated here:
1st Ray---2nd Ray---3rd Ray
There are many various deep meanings of the hexagram, from Hindu and Egyptian interpretations to Satanic interpretations. And actually it's quite accurate and factual with "conspiracy theory" in lieu of the Rothschild's use of the hexagram with their family shield (which is the true depiction per the article) and their net worth now over $100 trillion. Anyone saying that these money addicts (who carry or ID themselves with this six-point star) having no desire to steal the oil rich lands of the Middle East is the equivalent of saying that Jesus became a carpenter because he had a green thumb.