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  • Why I don't fully buy this is because there were also incidents all the way here in Toronto. I mentioned the case about the birds and fish dying to a few friends of mine. They told me that their birds also died too on that exact day. Now they also told me that their birds had been sick for about a month prior to them dying on that day but that might be a very interesting coincidence. Why they died on that day is going to be a real pickle to me. 


    The other reason why I don't buy this is because if they really emitted that EMP it would have damaged hundreds of flights around  the area. FYI there are almost 50,000 flights happening almost every day globally. So it would have been a disaster if that story was really true. 

    • It did change flights, look on the net.  I'm tired of posting links that no one pays attention to, do some research and you'll see the patterns as I did. Logic is its own reward.

      And locally, you'd see dead animals from natural causes or pollution. 

  • Interesting, yet he neglected to mention the people that was hit by lightning in South Africa, at about the same time this happened.  One house got hit from straight above.  It was a mud hut, with wood and thatch roof no metal.  A grandmother and children were killed as well as 15 other people mostly hit in their very homes.


    The way that lightning hit was not very normal.  There were no reports of animal deaths, only "Freak" Lightning strikes.


    Just thought I should mention that.


    Love and Light

    Anush (Marshal Law)

    • I don't feel the GFL had anything to do with that, perhaps if Afganistan had the same occurance I would hesitate but lightning strikes are different than EMP and they wouldn't be in Africa because they are unlikely to fire upon them.
      • High energy EMPs knock electrons free from air molecules and if enough of these are knocked free close enough to the surface 3 - 5 Km they will interact with the ground current and may cause lightning.


        I'm not saying this is what happened in SA but it is quite plausible and as Anush said "only freak lightning strikes". It would also depend on a few factors like weather conditions on the day, as hot dry weather has a more ionising effect on the air, this is also why you get more static shocks from your car door and metal objects on hot days.

        • I agree.  That one house they showed on the news, made me look closer at it as they showed it from a few angles and from inside, there were no way lightning would do that on its own.


          Our weather is now very volatile and wet, it is raining season, but the amount of lightning activity is not normal at all and the rain is causing lots of floods.  Nearly all the dams are open for the first time in years.  We are even experiencing more regular tremors, but slight.  It feels more like vibrations. 


          In Pretoria area it is common to feel those slight tremors, at times it feels like a wave rolling.  There is always an incredible quiet, then you hear the slight rumble and then everything shake slightly.


          Now in Mpumalanga it has not been felt, and in 2010, we had a tremor in the Sabie area.  It was front page news in the lowveld as it was very abnormal.  This happened about a month before we had the phenomena where there was a rainbow around the sun.  And I can feel the tension in the earth.


          I can feel that we will have one soon again.

          • It's quite alarming what's happening in SA at the moment, cos as you say the dams haven't been open in years and all the main dams are filled over capacity, and they are huge dams I know.


            The last flood in Natal that I can remeber was way back in 1986 I think and the last tremor I know about was in 1990, and it's not a usual occurence for SA to have tremors on a regular basis, they are usually few and very far in-between and not even severe enough to knock a photo frame over, but yeah it's always calmest just before the storm.

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