I have just gone through saying goodbye to my life long love of 17 years, my little Cinnamon, long haired minidachshund. She eventually became ill with a tumor too large to remove.
She began to suffer in pain so we decided we had to put her to sleep. I'm having a really hard time missing my little girl. I chose her from a litter when I was 11 years old. She was a constant source of love and light in my life for all those years. Anyone have any thoughts on what happens to a dogs spirit? Anyone ever connected with a pet on the other side?? I appreciate all the advice. Thanks.

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  • Dear Ali,
    My beloved pet dogs have all passed away, the last one (Sammy) had cancer and died in 2008. Since then, I found out that the biggest killers of dogs (and other pets) are the the highly toxic vaccines, and also the processed food that we feed them (Please read my discussions about these in the 'Food, Health & Nutrition' Forum.).
    On the spiritual side, I believe that dogs have souls, and that they also go through reincarnation, just like us humans. I know that because when my beloved dog Suki passed away in 1994, I woke up one night to find her sitting on my chest. I was sure I wasn't dreaming, because I could see her lightbody and felt her weight on my chest. But although she was big and heavy when still alive, her lightbody weight was less than a kilo. I spoke to her and asked her to come back to me as another big brown dog with white paws. And then Sammy came along. I'll end the story here coz I feel like crying again. I suppose I haven't recovered from my grief yet.
    Ali, rest assured that Cinnamon is with you forever (in whatever form she chooses to be), and that she is now happy, healthy, and free.

    PS: If you cannot open here the above powerpoint show (TOGODfromdog.pps), please go to my page and open it there.
  • I feel in my heart that animals go to the next realm when passing just a people do. I had a near death experience when my heart stopped about ten years ago. I went through a tunnel and came out into a bright light and presence. It was a glorious and luminous place, so beautiful I could not even begin to describe. There were deceased relatives there to great me as well as my beloved deceased cat Lenore. So for me there is no doubt what so ever that pets go to that place or dimension that I call heaven.....so feel peace. Our beloved pets live on just as we do.
  • Namaste Ali,
    I send many blessings of love to you and your beloved Cinnamon. I truly believe that all dogs and cats have souls and pass to a higher dimension of love, heaven, with our creator. I had an experience two years ago while commuting 2 hrs.to work. I was running behind and on the interstate a beautiful female dog ran out from nowhere and the car two cars in front of me hit the doag. Semis swerved and I can not believe a pile up did not happen. I pulled over to help the distraught lady who hit the dog. The dog had not passed yet, but slowly was making the transition. A vet asst. and a state trooper stopped as well. I held the dog and prayed over her and lay my hands on her as she passed. I felt my love for her, though not have knowing her. I knew she felt it and returned the love. I could hear her voice as if she were speaking to me in words. A light was hovering over her body. I immediately received a message from my Ascended Masters on Sirius. I could see them and the dog.They were receiving her and let me know she was ok and in their care. They were taking care of her in a place where she could run free and at peace. I could see her running in the field with Sanat at her side waiting until I would come claim her. I'm not sure about why this was the case as she was not my dog, but yet she would be and was I went on to work after the experience which seemed to take about an hour. However, it was as though time stood still. I should have been to work an hour late, but was on time even though I had been running behind schedule before the incident. I have never forgotten about that beautiful dog or how there was a time shift. I know she is in a better place and that I will see her soon! Be assured of my sincerity from my heart that this is a real situation that actually happened and I experienced it just as I have told you. You can visit your beloved Cinnamon in dreams on the astral plane as well as through meditation. Cinnamon vibrates on a higher plane of existence now, but I know you will be reunited when the time is right. You may want to visit Rainbow Bridge website for comfort as well. Do not be sad, for Cinnamon's work on this plane was finished. Cinnamon lives on. May you be comforted, loved, and at peace my dear Ali.Know this to be true. Love and Light...

    Rainbows Bridge.Com

    • Thanks so much for the words of comfort!!!
    • An amazing story - thanks for sharing : )
  • My understanding is that every form of life has a soul, and the kind of physical form it incarnates in determines/limits how much of the soul is expressed through the physical form. So a dog doesn't necessarily have any 'less' of a soul than any other soul, it's just that being in the body of a dog limits how that soul can be expressed. That's definitely how I think of my cats, too - souls expressing themselves to the extent possible through the cat form.

    Rest assured that your beloved Cinnamon will be taken care of, you may even encounter her in another form one day : )
    (or on the astral plane in a dream)
    • Thank You all for your input! I have been having dreams with her. It's so strange how you become so close with and develop such a deep bond with something that does not talk. I felt like she was with me yesterday when I was having a fight with my mother. It was like I felt her energy reminding me about unconditional love. That if she was here, she would demonstrate that patience and loyalty. Do you all think the animal souls are individual? Or that they exist in sould group forms? Do you think they reincarnate into humans? Love and light to all! Any grateful blessings for those of us who share that experience with powerful pets!
  • Dear Ali
    So sorry about the loss of yuur dear Cinnamon. I never had dogs/cats myself but I understand you, from deep in my heart.
    Since I was a little girl I have communicating with animals, most cats and dogs becauce we have so many here in Denmark.
    The last few years I had helped cats/dogs and their owners with "problems".. The animals certainly have something to say, and most times it turned out to be good.
    What I tell you now is my truth and experience.
    You my dear sister have done the best you could for Cinnamon. Putting her to sleep, ending her suffering, was an act of Love, and she is very grateful. Be aware that she is around you, Like our dear family also can be when they pass.
    My truth is that our pets go to heaven too. Cinnamon had a long life, a wonderful life with a loving owner, where else could she be now?.
    I believe she is in a place living happily with her mother and brothers/sisters.4 years ago I was healing a very sick dog. Not healing her to get well but to help her to the other side. She was in pain, but the ownwes couldn`t bare to put her to sleep. So I had to help the poor dog, the best I could. I sat with her and she went into a coma. When that happened I felt a
    great peace and happyness from Toby. I saw a glimpse of him running around on a grren meadow, playing with other dogs.
    .It was like he wanted to show me that he didn`t suffer any more, and he was alive in that wonderful place.
    Toby passed after a couple of hours, After a couple of days I dreamt that Toby wanted them to buy a new dog. No way, no more dogs. But they did after 6 months. It was not Toby incarnated , but it was like this puppy sometimes watshed another dog. This puppy learned where not to go, and what to do, by an invisible teacher. This new dog Yama was trained by his owners, but also by Toby. Yes I believe there is a heaven also for pets, and they wiill be there to recieve us, the day we pass. I am sure that Cinnemon want you to have a new little dachshund, think about all the love and joy you shared with Cinnamon. You will never have a dog like her, but one you will love as much as you love her.
    I hope this is a comfort for you, think about all the happy years with her, and you wil be happy again.
    You are welcome to write to me. If you want my private mail I will give it to you.
    In Love, Light and great respect for your feelings.
    Soli Trinsia
    • When my beloved animals have died I also have seen them in a beautiful meadow, and my son has the dogs living in his cottage on the other side and I have seen them laying on the rug in front of the fire,your little girl will be fine everything is taken care of and one day you will be together again .
  • Ali, contact Karen Anderson, you can find her website on the internet. She is an animal communicator. I have used her a couple of times. She is the real deal. I'm sure Cinnamon would love to let you know she's alright and how much she loves you. When dogs pass it is a natural transition for them, not like when a human passes. She is with you. Talk to her she will hear you. Make an appointment with Karen, every time I have spoken with her she has told me something that only my dog would know, which was validation that she was communicating with my beloved friend. This is a difficult time. Take care of yourself. I'm sending you love my sister.
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