What I wonder about right now is:


From previous discussions it is obvious that most, if not all of us, go through stages where our feelings are being intensified because we are opening up, listening more to our hearts than to anything else, call it ego, mind, etc., energies flooding us, and so on.


When I understand correctly: In the process TOWARDS ascension we are listening more and more to our hearts not mind, learning to love (more) and BE love, and AFTER ascension greater understanding coming forth because more will be revealed to us.


So, if we listen to our hearts, will our feelings intensify even more up until ascension or even be intensified after ascension? And if they do intensifiy, will the feelings of overwhelm-ment have stopped because we have more understanding? Resulting in "only bliss through insight?" Or: When someone is hurt, we will surely show compassion, but with the new understanding we will have gained, will we be more calm? Will our feelings sort of stabilize? I cannot really imagine that we would still have emotional roller coaster trips after ascension.


I'm just playing with possibilities and am curious to receive opinions/wisdom/knowledge from my "other parts" of I AM.


Love and Light


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  • Thank you for your wisdom as well.

    Peace love and blessings
  • Yes religion is man-made and controlling and limiting. But to continue to serve all others out of love looks beyond all religion and ties all together into the One. Your being is reachable it is always there. There is always a choice which path to go. Not one path is more perfect than the other, all are perfect. All beings deserve equal love, there is no placement of one above or below the other, that is why going into hell to bring others to love is admirable because no one else has the detachment of self to want to go. Believing one loses their "life" to save others is illusion, it is clinging to attachment. "Life" will remain there inside despite the changing outside illusions. What you give, you shall receive so as you continue to guide others in love to the center of All That Is you shall be guided closer as well. There is no end point in the journey. As the Mahatma, Melchizedek etc continue their infinte path, so do others. To end is to to limit. No one is above, we are all one. But again, what you do, and how you do and where you want to go on the journey, is up to you. And also what Polaris AB writes later is correct. See all as God and you are God. So then one sees the God within those in the hell areas and guides them to their truth- the God within, the love they have lost. Then all will realize they are God and their hell will cease to exist as they have found the love and they forgive themselves and others forgive them because love greets love once again. And unity will prevail as all love connects all dimensions, all will be drawn back to source during the in-breath of God and our current theme of free will will cease and be absorbed into unconditional love and then a new theme will be explored later for the next out-breath of God.
  • the feeling of the ultimate bliss and love from reaching ascension would be AWESOME!!!! WOO!!!
  • The chosen combining of Alpha and Omega creates the child of the Christ consciousness within your heart. The child has no ego, no thoughts or feelings that it intellectualizes over – the thoughts are spontaneous and the child acts accordingly. Just be the child – live life as the child with eyes open at every wonder and new experience. See God in everything and you will see and feel nothing else - for there is nothing else to see or feel. That is Ascension – pure love consciousness and detachment from self. You are only one realisation away from Ascension.
    • Verbum Sapienti Sat Est

  • "Of these things no more will there be, for all pain will be done away in the Ascension of ALL Mankind, you have been told this many many times throughout your life, you had forgotten, but now you remember, now the truth falls into place, like the pieces of a huge jigsaw puzzle." Yes I agree unless you decide after or during ascension to take a bodhisattva vow- "If I do not go to the hell to help the suffering beings there, who else will go? ... if the hells are not empty I will not become a Buddha. Only when all living beings have been saved, will I attain Bodhi." This is where you decide to remain in a lower vibration just like Kwan Yin and others have done already to guide others to ascension through your actions. While many ascended worlds remain, there are a multitude of non-ascended worlds needing the service of enlightened beings just as the Maitreyas and Saint Germain help us now. Everything is your choice and there is an infinity to choose your path. Shall you stop and rest? Shall you stay in rest? Or shall you continue service to All That Is? Each path has its own reward.
  • "[Everyone] who hasn't [experienced awakening... is] going to have a really hard time getting their heads around "reality," so they'll need our help." --Tallystarr

    We didn't necessarily have anyone to help us, and we are rolling along... Everyone's awakening is different. We have to be careful and not cross the line into telling everyone "how" to awaken, rather than simply helping where we are asked personally.
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      • That is kind of an empty argument...
  • My thoughts are - Ascension would probably include our ability to expand our tolerance for compassion and emotions.... I think emotions, love, .... other energys are so powerful and intense, that we can't currently handle what we will be "able" to handle in times to come....

    We will feel more feelings, we will love more love.... We will be able to experiece every level of emotion more, perhaps even sadness, and maybe even be able to experience them simultaneously....


    The gates will be opened... and we will be able to see and feel everything more....

    Sometimes I feel like I'm on the verge of .... being pushed over the "edge" not in a bad way... but like at the edge of something.... :)
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