My friends, I am here to mention a few things of my oppinion, not officially true just what I FEEL. Before I start I have to warn you that some people on this site are here for trolling purposes, just to watch out..... What why are you looking at me for? lol kidding =Pmuch information recently has stated of a first contact, and as I am also aware this has been done many times before. I believe this is just either false channeling or lacking channeling abilities, much people these days are finding out about it and going over board in believing they can just do it as simple as clapping, in 3D it is not as simple as that, however I will not go on explaining the whole concept of channeling.So are the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command, Solar Star command etc. doing nothing, and caring about us as much as Bush cares about society?.... NO!!I am not a channeller nor entirely a telepath, but I almost daily recieve messages of reminder of the universal Love and friendship and unity that exists, even though I already am aware, I see UFO's quite alot but they are usually very far away in sight, however the Love is still there, and that is enough for me =).I would also like to mention that I do not like this 2012 'time limit' as I call it, the panic for ascension. One guy says "Oh I need to awaken before 2012 or I am doooooooomed" while the other lady across says "Well if 2012 nothing happens Im giving up and this is all deception blah blah blah..." ...... It is fear.The Fear of something you truely believe in your heart all the time, and someone else panics online all of a sudden because alot of FAKE channelings said they would appear on the 14th and then didnt, they express thier doubt, it carries on to others, they panic, leave the sites sometimes and go back to thier normal 3D lifestyle as if nothing had happened, having no power against the evil corrupt System and Government. Why who would want such a thing like that to happen?yes ILLUMINATI, Government, Media, Cabal, Dark leaders, Masons and there is far more. And I think that it's good more people are discovering more about it.Let me introduce you to what a see is the Media's new tactics of decieving.People becoming aware of these websites censoring truthfull videos and pictures with info. Becoming aware of thier true power and thier galactic history and especially the 2012 scenario. So would they pretend people still disagree with it and that the government isnt interested, NOPE. That would be a little too obvious wouldnt it? So it is supported to a huge extent such as October the 14th being broadcast even on the NEWS, so when it happens theres doubt (and havnt you noticed its always the negative aspects that they support of ET's), and especially confusion since so much people say they are against it all, and all of a sudden SEEM to be supporting it. Why I think that would tend to mix up a few ideologies wouldnt it?Remember this post on the old AC site anyone? "BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE ARE BEING DECIEVED!!!!!!!!"well, in a way that is true, except that the guy at the time kind of based his information on just this one source and stuck with that as if nothing else ever existed, and he was referring to ET's when not all of them are deceiving us, the vast majority are of the Light. We are being decieved alot here on our mission on Terra, but not by our TRUE cosmic brothers of light, they would never ever ever ever ever ever Xinfinite do such a thing, its by the Government and Dark beings trying to take control of this planet, and stop us advancing onto 5th dimensional consciousness. Very simple, we are at times being decieved, and at other times not, just be careful ;).(I apologise here if I am confusing you, I only felt a need to get these things of my chest.)And hey besides, if you choose the way of darkness, fine. There is NO right or wrong. I am naturally a light being but i also have some attraction to the dark but in no cruel way, maybe just the power metal music and the goa psytrance, and playing football games on the Xbox lol, I enjoy doing that alot of the time.I also believe that if nothing happens on 2012 (I am not saying something will or will not happen, time shall tell) it is no big deal at all, We shall ascend when ready, when we ourselves wish to do so. I at the moment do not since I still have a job to do and still learning many things, I am doing well at letting go of FEAR and staying in a calm state all the time. So for things like 2012 i dont really seem to care anymore, because it is not about our friends saving us by taking us up in the motherships away from Earth, hey wouldn't that just defy the whole purpose of us being here in the first place? loland besides we can always meet with them in astral or sometimes have contact in a ship if you are ready and welcomming enough, if your moaning that it doesnt happen or is impossible, well think about what the problem is.The year 2009 has been wonderfull, I have learned so much and experienced so much too, we should be in JOY and LOVE, and celebration in all of the work we have done and achieved here, quit the grumpy wumpiness, to all the TROLLS here I LOVE YOU and EVERYONE here, and I LOVE THE ASHTAR COMMAND and the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT, you don't realise how much power humanity really has, get rid of DOUBT!! Follow your heart, not the PAST, false science, religion, media, literature, Its all about you not some other person.Yeah this is yet another usual Oen Currie rant lol, expect another next time I feel I have something to say, all thoughts and feelings are important, NOTHING is a waste of time.So for 2010 I believe it should be very similar to 2009, but maybe with more surprises, do not be all doubt, if doubt is what you want visit because oh man I that is the most negative website in all of creation! lol ( at least I would say so, I can feel evil presences when i visit it, either that or the drain is blocked again lol ), Wishing you all a marvelous Month!Remember what the Ashtar Command Crew community is for though, Let us stay positive and respectfull of what people believe and feel is true, I sometimes share my oppinion, now it is your turn ;) hehe ~*I Love each and every one of you very much, Send light waves to you all forever, and Bless you with eternal Joy from me and my cosmic family and angels. xxxxxxOen~*

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  • Your words are wise and true. I wish I had seen this post when you wrote it, but better later than not at all. We had a minor incident today with a troll, and we handled it well. Nobody flamed him, we just kept calm and brought strong arguments that shred his bad intention to pieces.

    Don't feel bad for feeling a little "dark side" inside you. We all have it, or at least had it in another life. There is nothing right or wrong, everything is experience and you MUST go through it all. You play games on Xbox? So what? It only proves that you are open minded. If you like to play computer or console games, in order to feel that you live the life of your ingame character, if you want to experience a virtual life, then do so without fear. Many games these days are quite complex. I play games too, especially games that are related to fantasy and medieval age. I like to feel like a warrior of light, and probably I've been one in another episode of my Samsara. You can learn many things from games nowadays, especially if you plan to try astral projection. As for the psytrance music or the newage binaural beats, I assure you they are created by beings that have already awakened and the power of Kundalini Shakti is inspiring them to compose.

    Oen, you say you are not a channeler or "entirely a telepath". I think you already made contact with your other half (i am talking about the inner self, not your loved one). You are a telepath, as you are writing from the soul. Tell me now, don't you just wake up in the morning KNOWING STUFF? When you write something, when you're being honest and share your feelings with us here, you're actually channeling certain information. You don't feel the same? Just think about it: sometimes you write a long message and when you read it you ask yourself "now where did I come up with this?".

    The fear that you were talking about, it's created by our own conscious mind, by our ego. Those who fear 2012 are still blind to the power of light (they still have time to awake) and that blindness is caused by their own ego. I asked this before and I ask it again: do you really think that the unascended human being has the power to destroy our Mother Earth, which has been a haven of life and the library of knowledge for so many ascended beings through the millenia? I believe not. Live without fear, for the great crossing is close and it will bring light.

    Bless you!
  • I totally agree! Thankyou for putting things into perspective! We need someone like you to keep us on the straight and narrow! I think too there is too much hipe for 2012. ' I believe it when I see it' is my attitude now, meantime I think everyone should concentrate on their inner selves and develope within and living your reality in this present life. Follow your intuitions and forcus on joy,love and peace. The rest will take care of itself. Live your present reality with joy and for those who want to awaken it will happen at its own accord when you are ready. Thankyou for your wondeful real message. love and light Nikki
  • AWESOME! Great post =)
  • Bless you brother...
  • Very wise perspective Oen, blessings to you :)
  • Thank you!I feel the same:)
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