Greetings everyone:
I had an idea that I think may create some positive change here on earth, a very simple concept that seems obscure in modern life but is apparent when you connect to your sourroundings. As humans, especially in western society we are dependant on non renewable resorces for the most part. From a third party perspective looking in, most people have taken alot from this planet, and given very little in return. Most religions agree that to be human is to make mistakes, to be wise is to correct these mistakes and to be devine is to learn from others and not make our own. If you look at the general effect of the human race, we are now in a time where we are starting to become aware of the damage to ecosystems, biosystems and even ourselves as a society. Even worse we are at a pinnacle of global conflict over the remaining resorces trapped under ice up north. Now the one saving grace for humanity is the ability to make changes, we can achieve almost anything we put our minds to, maybe its time for us as a responcable earth people to start giving back, to the air, the water and the soil, for we are only truly taking from ourselves a future, for our children and future generations. Why isn't every day Earth day? Becuase the media does not push this mentality, instead they seem to push, violence, degredation and hoplessness, with little tidbits of positive news to keep people sane (i guess) Countries are even fighting an invisible war with toxins from pollution streching beyong borders, and spreading like a cancer; influencing innocent people, plants and animals. How can we even think we have "cosmic abilities" when the very room we grew up in still has piles of feces in the corner, and toys laying around we were never taught how to put away. Every individual is in some part responcable for humanity as a whole, our thought actions and beliefs are part of this devine creation. The human body consists of earthly minerals and molicules, suggesting we are a part of this beautifully radient sphere, and have the great potential to one day create universes like the one we live in, but not untill we restore earth to her maiden beauty, to restore the balance and harmony of the earth spirit in purity. If we can all "awaken" to the earths cry, and be responsible for our own actions, first starting with a thought and then manifesting to action. If worse comes to absolute worse I think the world should race to become the most efficient and balanced country (greenest and cleanest) should be able to claim soverignty over the untapped resouces, but I think there may be something else under the ice up there, I mean what great human discovery didn't come at some cost, shouldn't we know this by now..
Thank you for reading and may we evolve to the true sense of who we are and why we are here..
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