What are you gonna do, if nothing happens the famous year 20012?
Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda said that nobody know the hour or time... that he comes like a thief..
Hatonn say its more important to know the fruits and the time sequence than the actual year or date..
So, it could as well that nothing happens. what youre gonna do then?
what youre gonna do, when suddenly, the evil elite crash the stockmarket, stops all trains and busses and get you as cattle gathered and into prizon like camps? what youre gonna do, when the photonbelts coming and few of you are alive after that event? when your eye sights blinded and you dont know whats happening? when you have no food stored up? when the evil elite makes you all slaves and under mind control?
what youre gonna do? then,know, your only road to freedom is go within and talk to GOD. In the stillness.
get together and make plans to not put up with the elite.
ill tell you they will hunt you like animals. you will have no chance to escape for an eon, unless you now choose God and His laws. which is the only ticket away from this planet and on to 4th dimension and a cleansed earth where no evil resides. or whereever you choose to go. Phoenix will pick you up, but the ticket is GOD AND HIS LAWS. youre gonna regret it when all the bad happens. then you will know. but then at least I hope youre souls remembers. to next eon and next chance comes. youre all gonna be thrown back to stoneage consciousness.
you dont like this? sorry, but it IS the truth. www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com
and yes, you are free to do whatever you want and choose. God allows free will. you dont have to agree.
Melodramatic version..
After the last 'Armageddon' ..some 6800 years ago.. many of the Elder soul collectives left Earth..
..But some remained - for the love we shared, above as below..
( when we were not in a soul 'hierarchy' which is 'upside-down' )
..American melodramatic ( teenage trailer ) version :
"..They thought what they did on Earth wouldn't be noticed elsewhere in the universe.. They thought wrong."
..Raising the awareness of not 'just' the consciousness, but the 'consciousness of the soul'..
- of millions of people ( yes, close to 428 million - initially. ) will remind them who they really are
Will not only raise their 'understanding' - but the very vibration, by which they exist - here on Earth..
( Somewhat 'sucky' Sirius humor : Oh, and there were -like- both an asteroid and a comet blocking our signal
to Sirius-PlejaDeus. So we -like- moved it.. 'Hope you don't mind'? :)
Somewhat 'sucky' Angel humor : Sirius('something') ( who is really Sirius4¤? ).. can only 'confirm' an altered projectory of the asteroid .?. 'The comet we know nothing about' ? So, we asked 'him' ( doesn't really have a 'gender' in highest vibration ;) on a higher level - within and above the Earth's Angel Realm :) MUCH clearer answers - there.
Somewhat grumpy Sirius 'Commander' : I 'guess' ? 'secrecy' ? is not really 'your thing' !?..
Goofy ( HIGH VIBRATIONAL EARTH ANGEL ) : LOOK! He's trying to 'mirror' the Angel Realm - how 'cute'.. ;-P
No mirror consciousness - here - at this 'level' ;)
love will occour all isnt that what the root of what we know is going to happen is about ....isnt what we as starseeds love... that this is an ascention of mind to all humanity...isnt this our duty to save the people that what i saw in the movie ....the book of eli doesnt happen! we dont want that for humanity and i would rather sacrifice myself than see that as a reality!I love u all and feel your vibration as truth but have'nt been clear in mind for more than a week! but i have love for all of u that walk in the light and doesn't disagree and have ego to the will of ashtar and sanda and the divine creator that your a piece off!! I love u all and i am jacques apart o f the ashtar command and part of the guardians of souls anybody want to ask me something be free to do so at japieters@hotmail.com
..and that will occur from 2012 to 2018*
( Some say.. I have a sucky signal to Sirius.. ..some say 'it's undisclosed'. Others 'it's undecided'.. )
Individual and collective expectations create the future..
..Let's decide on a better future () than the past.
I´m looking for information on the locations of people I could make bets with about this, especially individuals who believe the world´ll end on December 22nd 2012. Can anybody be so kind to give me any information?
Thanks in a million!!!!
Regardless of the dates something's happening and a lot of people are feeling/living it, the world is changing, we are changing.
It seems we're at the right place at the right time; divine timing.
Transformation is already "happening", it happens for different people at different times. Time and evolution are Accelerating, there is physical evidence to back this up.
As for some "dark" energy out there trying to supress people's enlightenment, I've never believed that either.
We are the masters of our destiny. You have to make the decision to let it happen for you.

Honestly, I don't think anything different will happen in 2012, but that is also a falsity, because phenomenal things are happening every second, every hour, every day.
People shouldn't look to some specific date for something magical to happen, people should SEE it happening RIGHT NOW, if they don't then perhaps that's not their desiny at the moment!
Please -- stop giving so much power to dark entities ~ start looking at what's GOOD in the world... :-)
They deserve the credit ~ they have always deserved the credit.
Look into your own eyes, look within, feel the good in yourself, live in the magic moment of your awareness.
....yes... if u find any, send me message also please..
...im also looking for people who will abandon homes, properties, bank accounts etc, and will leave for the "holly" and energy vortex places, to Ascend...
if any of you listen, plz dont throw everything in the air... ...message me so that i provide u my pay-pal account, and other information... i think i will stay a little longer here.... but i will catch up with u later... ;)