By now you have probably realized that we were not given a blueprint for ascension. In a perfect world we would have a blueprint or model showing us what to do. We would know what to expect and what not to expect and therefore would move through the process with more grace and ease that we do now. But as we all realize, we don’t live in a perfect world so we blindly stumble along figuring it out as we go.

Much of our energy is spent learning that we have many misconceptions of what the ascension process is and isn’t. These misconceptions create a lot of the pain that we experience along the way. For example, there is a misconception that we can ascend without having to experience our fears. Oh how wonderful it would be if that was really true. *sigh*

This article was written to help dispel some of these misconceptions that cause us to stumble and also to provide something of a blueprint for the process. This blueprint, of course, is based on my own experiences as well as those of the beautiful souls who I am honored to know and who walk the path along side me. So let’s begin with the basics.

What is ascension?

On an individual level, ascension is the process of changing one’s consciousness from one reality, based on one set of beliefs, to another. On a group or planetary level, ascension is the collective expansion of a state of consciousness (set of beliefs) to the point where that consciousness creates a new reality—a new state of being or dimension (*The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome). Example: We are collectively creating a 5th dimensional consciousness through our individual ascension processes. Okay, I realize I have thrown a new thought in here, that being that a dimension is a state of consciousness. Perhaps we’d better stop and look at that before we go on because we really need to understand consciousness, dimensions and such before we can truly grasp the process of ascension.

What is consciousness?

Consciousness is a set of beliefs on which we base our lives and through which we make the choices and decisions that make up our present reality.

What is a dimension?

A dimension is a state of consciousness. Now how can that be? Well, when you look at what we know about dimensions, what we find is that each is about a unique set of beliefs. For example, 3D is about the belief that, this is the only life that we have and if you can’t touch it, taste it, see it, feel it or hear it, it doesn’t exist. Is that pretty close? 5D, which I will fully address in an upcoming article, is about Christ or Unity consciousness where we realize that we are all connected—we understand and live in oneness (there is a misconception of what unity consciousness looks like and I will address it in the article, The 5th Dimension—what will it be like?). Our current 3D consciousness was not established until enough people began to believe the same way. And I suspect the current 5D consciousness was not established until enough of the people existing there, figured out how to live in unity. So we see that when enough people live a set of beliefs they create a dimension.

Going further, a state of consciousness/dimension vibrates as a certain frequency just as all physical matter has a distinguishing vibration or frequency. In our universe, as I understand it, the closer we get to the integration point of Light and Dark, the faster we vibrate (compassion being the integration point with the fastest vibratory rate). So, if a whole group of people acquire a particular set of beliefs, in this case, the understanding of how to live at the integration point between Light and Dark, then they all begin to vibrate at that particular rate. This vibratory rate is also known as a frequency. Continuing on, this group vibration creates a new consciousness, a new reality, and a new dimension by the individuals in the group expressing themselves emotionally, creatively, etc. Whew! I hope this all makes sense to you. Sometimes I find trying to explain multidimensional concepts a bit challenging because there are so many levels to them. I can see them in my mind but getting them down on paper is another matter. *smile*

Now that we have a basic understanding of consciousness, dimensions and frequency, let’s get back to ascension.

How do we ascend?

Simply stated, we ascend by clearing our emotional blocks, integrating the fears that are the basis of those blocks, and transmuting the anger, hatred, guilt, blame and shame in those blocks into compassion. In each of our emotional blocks there is judgment of the dark emotions (those already stated above). As we learn to accept, value and use those emotions in a balanced manner, we balance the Dark side of ourselves.

On the outside, as we learn to value and appreciate those who express those dark emotions in their roles as our teachers (i.e., those who play dark roles because they have spiritual contracts with us to do so), we balance the Light and Dark in our reality. Once again, another multidimensional concept condensed into a sentence or two. Read The Formula of Compassion and Dancing with the Dark booklets for more information on integrating the Light and the Dark.

As we clear our blocks we shift our consciousness. We become less judgmental, thus more compassionate. So our consciousness shifts first and our physical body follows suit. Thirdly, our external reality begins to reflect back the new consciousness that we are expressing. Thus, the physical reality slowly shifts also. So every day, as we allow our guides to bring our lessons forward so that we can clear them, we are ascending. Each time we clear a block and experience the joy of gratitude and appreciation and compassion, we are ascending. Let’s recap this one. Ascension occurs when you:

1. Are willing to clear your blocks.
2. Clear a block, integrate a fear by experiencing it and achieve compassion, thus creating a shift in your consciousness.

What are the mechanics of ascension?

Ascension is a process that has spiritual, emotional, mental and physical components. This process is multi-layered and interconnected, meaning that an action taken on one level affects the other levels (think of it as a domino effect). The mechanics of the ascension process go something like this:

* 1. You ask for your fears to be made known to you.
* 2. A fear manifests in your life packaged as a lesson that has come forward.
* 3. You move through the fear, being willing to experience it as completely as necessary in order to integrate it.
* 4. You integrate the fear, thus learning the lesson. In this part you feel the fear feelings associated with this fear/lesson. They can be feelings such as guilt, shame, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. (Yes, we do fear feeling these emotions because we have been taught that they are bad and if we experience them, we are bad.)
* 5. You experience release as the fear is integrated and the lesson is learned. In this release you experience emotions such as joy, bliss, gratitude (for the person who played the Dark role) and compassion (for the pain the Dark role person had to experience in order to play their part). As you feel the compassion, there is a tingling sensation in your body and in many cases an orgasmic explosion of energy in your high heart chakra (this is the anger, shame, etc., being transmuted into compassion) as you release the people involved in your lesson from blame.
* 6. The compassion you feel transmutes a bit more of your DNA from carbon-based to crystal or silica-based, thus allowing more light into your body. At the same time, any implants (also known as behavior patterns) associated with that fear/lesson are changed (balanced). If you have been working on this fear in all its various aspects for a while, those newly changed implants then release their bit of your dormant 10 strands of your DNA so that they can be realigned.

The more we move through these steps, (read the Formula of Compassion for more details on this integration/transmutation process) the more we recode our DNA, this shifting our consciousness closer and closer to the integration point between Light and Dark. Compassion is the unconditional and equal acceptance of all things (Light and Dark) regardless of who or what they are. Now let’s look at some of the misconceptions about ascension.
Misconceptions of Ascension

There are many misconceptions about ascension going around these days. Most of this seems to come from a lack of basic information and trying to formulate our concept of ascension on what we have been taught in the past. Once we are given the higher perspective regarding some of these concepts we can see where just having another level of knowledge makes it all make sense. Let’s look a few of the more prevalent ones.

We can ascend without experiencing pain or fear.

As I said earlier, I wish this was true but as we have seen from the information above, we must have something that we can use to achieve compassion. We must have some form of fuel. We don’t transmute love or joy into compassion, do we? Both love and joy are higher frequency emotions, like compassion, aren’t they? It is my understanding that we use the energy of the lower frequency emotions of anger, shame, guilt, resentment, etc. to transmute into compassion. So, if this is true, then we must be able to access these emotions to be able to transmute them, right? And in order to access them we must feel them in some way because that is what is meant by accessing, is that not true? And isn’t experiencing them the same as feeling them?

Going further, don’t lower frequency emotions create emotional and, sometimes, physical pain? For example, doesn’t anger create emotional pain, or guilt or shame? So to wrap this up, if we need transmutable emotions for fuel to ascend, then we must access them. This means feeling the pain of those emotions, and if we feel the pain of our emotions, then I suppose that means that we don’t ascend without experiencing pain. Does that make sense? And keep in mind that pain is a catalyst for change. We don’t change until we realize that we need to…pain is the indicator that it is time for change. From the higher perspective, as I understand it, pain is a most valuable tool because without it we have no catalyst to move us to do the work that is necessary in order to grow spiritually.

We can recode our DNA just through intent or by having someone else do it for us.

Well, think about this. If you are doing emotional clearing and that changes your DNA, isn’t that the same as DNA Recoding? And, if you need fuel (fears and lower frequency emotions) to transmute into compassion to recode your DNA…and to experience that whole process of transmutation for it to work then how can you do it merely by intent? Also, how can someone else do that for you? How can they experience your fears, integrate them and learn your lessons for you? I don’t see how they can. It would be the same as having someone else live your life for you while you sit on the sidelines and observe. But if they could, I would certainly be the first in line! I don’t want to experience any more pain and discomfort than I have to.

Through the ascension process we will gain the ability to bi-locate, levitate and move objects with our minds.

It was a real letdown for me when I found out that these abilities were not part of Earth’s planetary ascension process and plan. I so wanted to learn how to do them and found that in the beginning they were one of the reasons I kept going. But on the other hand, we are not required to attain them in order to ascend and that is a big relief! Think of how much time and energy it would take to be able to acquire these abilities. This is mystery school stuff that takes years to master. So, no, these abilities are not part of the ascension process. The abilities that are required are:

* 1. The ability to achieve compassion by transmuting emotional blocks

* 2. The ability to value the Dark in all ways

* 3. The ability to live in harmony with all other species in the universe regardless of differences

Something that I learned not too long ago that you might be interested to know is that there are two different ascension processes. There is the Reptilian process and the Human Process. The Reptilian process, taught through the ancient mystery schools enables you to ascend through mental mastery and requires the student live apart from the world in order to concentrate on his/her skills. The Human process enables you to ascend through the heart and requires the student to live in the world to acquire the skills. Okay, so I may have opened a can of worms on this one…guess I’d better write an article to explain this one too.

When we ascend we will be on a different planet.

Actually in one sense it will be like being on a different planet, but in reality we will be on a different plane of this one. Just as radio stations exist on different frequencies but you can still access them from the same radio, 3D, 4D and 5D will be different dimensions/frequencies/states of consciousness that can be accessed on the same planet, Earth. At least that is my understanding at this time.

When we ascend we will live to total unity and oneness…there will be no Dark or negativity…it will be all love and light.

Whoa! Won’t people be surprised when they see that there is still Light and Dark in 5D? Once again, as I understand it, we will have a more united society but not at the expense of individuality. Having only Light/Unity means, in it’s extreme, a hive mentality like bees or ants. Do we really want that? As I understand it, we want to live in the knowing that we are all connected so that we can stop all the warring and fighting that is caused by “we are separate” thinking. But we don’t want to give up our individuality and free will to become part of a unity consciousness where everyone thinks the same, do we? Well if that is the case, count me out. I like having free will and free thinking.

As we ascend we will be able to physically see and hear our guides.

Perhaps further down the road in the ascension process this will occur as 4D and 5D become stronger but for now it is through the inner eye and the inner ear that we see and hear our guides. There are those who already do see and hear with their 3D eyes and ears but that is not because of DNA Recoding or ascension, I am told. It is because they were born with endocrine glands fully functioning as part of their earth mission.

As we ascend we should leave our 3D lives behind and move into the Light.

Well, that’s also not part of the plan this time. As I understand it, we are to live in the world and be part of it but live in it with a multidimensional consciousness. This was a difficult one for me to figure out. At the beginning of my path, I wanted to separate from the world, go live in a closed community of like-minded people, give up my credit cards and bank accounts and live on love. I soon found out, just by doing part of that, that it didn’t work. We are to stay grounded and in the world because the world is the place from where our lessons will come. It is the place where we can access our fears and integrate them, access our lower frequency emotions and transmute them within our 3D physical bodies.

If we separate from the world and spend our time hanging out in other dimensions or the Astral plane, we will lose out on the experiences that cause us to grow. Remember, without the lessons coming forward, we cannot spiritually grow. We grow out of imbalance into balance. If we try to live in a perfect world, we become spiritually stagnant, don’t we? Think about it. Well, enough of the misconceptions, this article is already long enough. Let’s move on.

How can I tell if I am ascending?

* You have mentally made the decision to go through the ascension process. This is different than being on the spiritual path. Ascension is a choice to move to the 5th dimension. The spiritual path is a choice to open up to what is beyond 3D and to access your spiritual side.
* Your fears are manifesting in your life as lessons
* Your physical body begins to react to the ascension process through new aches and pains. This is your inner child being triggered by the fears coming up to be integrated. These fears are stored in your physical body in different locations. Example: A fear of money is stored in your lower back and you experience that fear as lower back pain.
* You begin to be consciously aware of the synchronicities and unusual occurrences in your life versus being unaware of them. (Synchronicities are your guides and your work bringing forth the events on your Life Blueprint that you had chosen during your time in the Interlife, the life between lives.)

What do we mean when we say that the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions are merging?

This is an interesting tidbit that I couldn’t resist sharing with you. As many of you know, there is a lot of talk about the dimensions merging, and the physical/mental/emotional effects we are experiencing because of it. I’d like to share what I think this means since so many have emailed me about it.

As more and more of us move along the Spiritual and Ascension paths, we achieve levels of understanding. For example, we learn that we are spiritual beings having a physical/human experience. When enough people figure that one out, they create a new consciousness. As I understand it, this particular belief being one of the more basic ones on the Spiritual path is a 4D concept. So, this group has anchored a 4D octave into 3D because they live in a physical 3D world, hence they have merged 3D and 4D. The same thing occurs when enough people anchor a 5D concept in 3D. This is what is meant by the dimensions are merging. Groups of people are creating new dimensions of consciousness while living on a different dimension. Hope that makes sense.

In service,
Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council

Author Info:
Jelaila Starr, author of We are the Nibiruans, The Mission Remembered, and The Keys of Compassion is an internationally known channel, teacher, and counselor. Through her lectures, workshops, and articles, Jelaila's message of compassion has touched the hearts of people around the world inspiring hope and understanding while providing solutions to some of today’s most pressing challenges.

As a psychic/intuitive/counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to assist them with emotional clearing, healing relationships, and DNA Recoding. Jelaila's unique approach enables her clients to clearly discover who they are, what they came to do, and how to achieve it.

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  • Yip, excellent article,. I met Jeleila back in 2002 in Northern California and was very impressed with much of her teaching...
  • That was a nice read and I do resonate to most of what was written here. Thanks for posting, Alex.
  • thankyou for this excellent posting,i read once quite some time ago,about trying to define frequencies,and vibrations,for the incarnated soul to understand on a 3rd density earth level,and this i will add to the understanding of 3rd dimension thinking,so it is a lot easier to grasp and understand,imagaine a pedestal blade fan,spinning at its slowest speed,the ajust the speed a bit faster,you can still see the blades spinning,but they are slowly starting to disappear,turn the fan up to rotate at full speed,and to the naked eye,the blades have seemed to have disappeared,spinning without the illusion of the solid blades spinning,and looking at it,it is very hard to see the fan blades in motion,when i read this many years ago,it brought a smile to my face,what a basic easy way to describe frequency,vibration,shifting to another level,of higher vibrations,blessings eve(solaena)
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