Hello, Andromeda, I would like to start off by asking if I have your permission to post this on lightworkers, before we even begin the conversation.
You may, we are happy to share the insights given to you at this time with others who may benefit from them.
Can you explain to me more about your role in this time, where you are at as far as contact with earth, I know that in the past Andromeda has taken a stance of non-interference with human affairs.
*Laughs*, okay sweet one, yes, Andromeda has made that official stance in the past, but we would also like you to acknowledge that that stance came through a channel, did it not?
That is true.
*Laughs* So if it came through a channel, we cannot be THAT adverse to communicating with others, now can we?
Well, you have a point there.
When we speak of interference, we mean only that we do not wish for you, or anyone else, to become dependent on us, when we give out information, it is so that each person can look within themselves, and see if it resonates with them, but we certainly do not wish for you to believe our Truth is the only Truth, and, above all else, that our Truth is greater than your Truth.
I admit, I am not up on the various Galactic civilizations, I have read a little bit about them, but have not really analyzed all the material out there. Can you explain more to me about who you are?
That is an excellent question, because as your perspective changes, and others perspective changes, there is going to be a change in how we integrate, and work with each of you. So there is something to say about what has been spoken about, but also there is something to say about what is new, and so we do change to, but we are not so unlike you, we are maybe a little less looking-like human beings, but we are all made up of the same cosmic material, and so we are not so far off in perspective, and experience to your own, we would only say that in our society, things like war, famon, plague, and illness, simply do not exist. We were able to move into a space of love for each of us, at a certain point in our history, and as a Council, what you might call the Andromedan Council, developed a system of government that does not exclude, but includes. It is, very sophocratic, in the sense that we encourage ideas and thoughts to be open, and to be discussed, and then we come to a conclusion about those ideas based upon what is good for all, and for our planets in Andromeda, but not just our planets, but star systems, that neighbor us as well. We are very close to the Antares system, and so we have relations with them at times, in deciding not just what goes on in our planet, but in their planets as well. It is all one big family, *smiles*.
Could you explain more on how you actually communicating with me? Are there requirements to the communication?
That is a good question, because on your planet, Earth, many on your planet view the physical expression as the primary method of interacting and relating, and so dismiss the experience of interactions that cannot be seen or felt, through the 5 primary senses, but for us, that is not our experience, would it shock you to think that we are in the room with you right now, standing beside you, and communicating on another level with you? We are here, it is just that you cannot always see us, some can though. For some individuals, the interactions we have are the same as you would have with someone in the physical, they have opened their Higher Dimensional chakras enough, that they can see our form just as clearly as you see all others.
Okay, that brings up an excellent question, how do we get to that point? What methods do we have to do to experience you as we would anyone else in the physical?
Now you are talking about atomics. *Laughs* If we get too complicated, you might have to post this in two blogs, that is okay though, we can start this discussion with you. No one of you can do this alone, that is simply not capable in your frame of reference, because the moment we get quantum, it immediately involves a much bigger system. The ones who can see us know about two things, one location, meaning they are in the right place, at the right time, and also about geomantic fields. Do you know anything about geomantic fields?
Oh my dear friend, you know I know nothing about that. Please tell me more.
Geo means earth, mantic means of the mantle or crust, and field means the energy related to the earths crust, it is a more scientific explanation of what some refer to as the under-grid, the mantle that sits between the inner grid/core of Gaia, and the outer overlay, upon that outer overlay, are various patterns of energy, you do know, through your own exploration, that they take shapes?
Oh yes, I saw that on youtube, how energy actually forms in patterns, much like Tibetan mandalas. Please tell me more.
Okay, well, when we speak of this energy formation, it is not just that you understand the patterns associated with the energy, that is a good start at what some call geomancy, and it allows them to predict, and form different crystals, and other stones, that can be used in healing, but it is mathematically much more than that. When we talk about extraterrestrial contact, in the physical, it always has to be on a global scale, and so we are not talking about individual energy, or group energy, we are talking about all of it, all of Gaia.
You have to know where on Gaia the energy is, when it is going to occur, how it is going to occur, what you have to do when you get there, and most certainly, you have to have the willingness to go there when it is time.
Okay, I am starting to realize what you are saying here, and why this is a lot bigger than I had initially thought, I will forgo for a moment the actual getting all of what you said above, and ask you the bigger question on my mind, why do you only appear physically in those areas.
The quickest and easiest response, would be that it is the only place where we can manifest physically. But there is a more complex answer, the answer is that the energy fields that our ships hold, and I might have to be a little bit brazen with our readers here, and tell them, yes, we do have physical ships, that do not always manifest outside the quanta field, but can manifest outside the quanta field, and that when these ships do manifest outside of the quanta field, it is like an instant burst of energy transmission outside of the range of frequency that you globally inhabit, in other words, we do not wish to cause a natural disaster simply by communicating with you, and so we use the laylines/grids/and other energies of Gaia, to manifest in those locations that provide the Highest available frequency, and it is no coincidence, that those areas are usually underground batteries from ancient times, much like the crystals that lotuslight mentioned on this site.
Okay, well now this is getting really exciting, but it brings another question in mind, if that is True, when will we be able to see you globally, in a physical form?
Oh now we are talking about the future, aren’t we sweet one, and the future is never certain, but we can describe to you the conditions Gaia would meet before that would happen. The first is that the planet would have to come to a Global resolution of unconditional love in regards to one another, they do not necessarily have to come to those conclusions with systems, planets, or stars outside themselves, but they certainly must come to that resolution within Gaia’s system itself. When we say unconditional love, that does not mean that you all will suddenly agree, it does mean that you will come to a respect for all life forms on your planet, and learn to greet those aspects with a certain level of tolerance, working toward global unity. The next thing is you would most certainly have to open and unbury the technology that is hidden underground, and begin to work with the Lemurian civilizations in restoring your planet to its original state, and that means that you would have to uncover the pleiadian technology that is present on your planet, and THAT means you would have to do something many of you do not wish to do right now, divert your attention away from your current conflicts, and start working towards putting your resources and especially, finances, to improving Gaia herself.
Would you be able to tell me some people who are working with you now to do exactly what you are talking about, that others may be able to look up, and gain more information?
Well, they can always get the information from us, that is for certain, but others we would like to mention is David Reiback, Colin Green, Joseph Mitchell, and Aaron Epstein. Those are some fundamental people that have ideas, that can be carried over to start your journey. The others that may be able to help, they have not quite got their inventions into a public venue, and so we cannot name them for you, if you post this on lightworkers, sorry sweet one, but it is a matter of personal privacy. If they choose to respond to your blog, they can do so here.
Let us leave off for today, and we will pick up this discussion later, we would like to tell the readers here that it may not be continued tomorrow. But that we will pick up on this subject at a later time. Andromeda loves you so sincerely as we come as a group today, as one.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to talking to you about this again.
Copyright @ Starseed Andraste 2012


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