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OM best mantra the most 'effective
The most important thing about mantra is the way it is used to create the sound upon the aethers, but it must co-ordinate with THOUGHTS and ASPIRATIONS, to be propelled into a meaningful manifestation, as required...Energy follows thought, that is an occult truism to be noted...but magical use of mantra does require co-ordination, focus and willpower...Now, for example, an invocation such as this one has great effect upon the aethers of physicality and beyond....It invokes the trinary of fundamentals, we know as the rays of has a complete effect...The Great Invocation....
Now, focus must always be on the present moment....The I AM.....
So, the thought and intent must propel out, the visualisation cast in the mind's eye, the words of power we are using sound and make an objective make something happen that would not have happened, if we had not cast our intent and the supporting energies....a mantra can be powerful...A great one to end an affirmation, could be the OM MANI PADME HUM....!!! Another thing to note about the "OM," is that it can be intoned upon all three planes, the physical aethers, as a spoken sound, and whispered upon the emotional plane and also then spoken silently in the mind...That is a powerful technique....
If someone was seeking to create a change desired, a prayer to some church diety may be less useful, than a focussed intent and mantra...
Like; "please god I'm poor and want a better life, please help me...I suffer and want your forgiveness for my sins...!!!"
Now that prayer is filled with self-defeating signals....It will not be answered in a way that the person may intend...And if anything, such a prayer will make that person feel more in lack.....
So an affirmation such as; "I Am abundant in all things.....!!." followed by the toning described, using the OM, visualise yourself being abundant in all things and that may be more than just monetary gain.....
So prayer is less effective than mantra...and mantra requires other complementary practices, to make it more effective, still...
Hope this explains, Rama.....Regards, Drekx OMega
Sorry for the troubles.
Uncertainity is the property of the universe. There is a problem with demanding 100% truth. To quite a good extend, truth is what we CREATE than what we DISCOVER. Nature is allowed us that degree of freedom. Uncertainty is a principle!! Other than being a problem, it is an opportunity to creat.
To be at peace with the notion of uncertainty is one of the traits of wisdom.
I wish I could say the same about myself, but a traumatic childhood has me paralyzed. This makes for a dysfunctional adult. Immature, clinging onto dreams for a little bit of inner peace.
Despite my age, there's a child, in between five and eleven years old, watching through my eyes, about the age of the damage.
Ever since, life turned overwhelming. So much that uncertainty doesn't matter anymore, because of self-abandonment.
Solar plexus damaged. Chronic fatigue, cortisol excess. Heart chakra, damaged. Adrenal glands bombarding my senses, killing my nervous system. Throat chakra, damaged. Thyroid sped up. Anorexia nervosa of emotional source.
Persecution, memories telling my body is always dangerous, no matter what.
Crown chakra, damaged. Symptoms of retardation, absent mind. Bipolar disorder, polar shifts between ego a heart. A miserable chief personality and a naive child, both dissociated from each other, since the solar plexus is missing.
The realization of this is painful.
I've been looking for a way to heal this scar on my neck ever since. Thoughts and encouraging messages won't make up for a missing family. Neither reason nor ideology.
I hope the signs on the sky mean something.
I should rest, just rest.
"This lack of experience manifest as beleif"
Rather, it manifest as DOUBT. Beleif isn't anything negative at all, such as a product of a lack of some kind or fear. Doubt is. That would be to link 'beleif' only to 'beleive in unfounded claims'. That is rather summarised as DELUTION. Beleif is not necesarily a delution and beleif is a virtue if what you beleive in is true. On the contrary, doubting truth is often more dangerous than beleiving a lie. A doctor Hulen is documented as emptying a mental hospital only useing this type of prayer/chant to clean himself and anything in his surrounding world is cleaned to, hens the end result of healing those around him.
Here is the Perfection of Wisdom mantra. The visualization is to see it written anti-clockwise around a moon disc see the mantra being created new each time you say the mantra. You can do it without the visualization as well,,,anytime,,,and you can sing it if you like. This is one of those mantras that will tell one the secrets of quantum can show one many things... It is short and simple, some mantras can be much longer.
....Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Thoughts trigger chemical reactions within our body, either causing well being or the opposite.
This reactions are product of the invocation of such ideas.
In reality there's no singularity within what is known as "divinity" Therefore there's no ideologies, unless you need to hold onto something in the presence of doubt.
This necessity of control is born out of fear, and represents an inner lack of wholeness.
To condition the open nature of creation under a convenient belief, is a symptom of fear, which is often a lack of love. This creates the need to group up, much like in the animal realm, weaker creatures are often found in groups.
Many of them are newly born souls, afraid of many aspects of life, therefore adopting this psychologic filters, which often offer a one-sided explanation for this enigmas. This lack of experience manifests as belief.
They "need" to know, and find an explanation. When in reality, wisdom couldn't be further away from knowledge.
One of the distinctive features is their narrow minded perception, and rigid structures where everything must be either black or white.
This oscillation within the emotional body is due to the polarity caused by emotional unstability.
Conscience is a wave, which tunes into every vessel which can hold a genetic pettern.
The nature of creation is far more open, and unconditional than what they believe it to be. Still, people need this psycological support, superstition.
The need to rationalize the enigmatic, and sometimes crude nature of experience.
Or I might be wrong. To be at peace with not knowing anything.
Thanks for your good answer.:) Its not so far from what Elen White wrote:
"Prayer does not bring God down to us, it takes us up to God"