What is the bread and what is butter of scientists?Falsification?Verification?Persuation?What do scientists brew?Whisky?Minkowsky spacetime?Vodka?We all know what persuation is all about. Beleifs, Soulwinning, converting, adding more members, initiating etc. These are the hallmark of RELIGION. If science is all about persuation, then we have yet another denomination to add in this glutton basket of religion. The only difference is that science is a religion where myths surreptitiously morphs into facts as more and more priests bless the myth.However, we know that fact is fact. When Faraday was observing electromagnetic induction it was a fact even if only two guys beleif at then. Hopefully, it was a fact even before Faraday observed it. If the other guys were not persuaded, then they were simply ignorant and not that electromagnetic induction was not a science fact. Then they were a bunch of bozos. Nature does not need the blessings of the likes of Hawking for it to function. Lovejoy did not need to persuade Hawking that Comet Lovejoy is real. He did not need a certificate from long bearded professors nor to fill the blackboards with arcane equations to entice and impress intelectuals.The queen of science boast to offer the most relyable body of knowledge. It defines itself as objective yet knowledge is defined as subjective! It says that it proceeds by carefull exermination of various hypotheses and rulling out many of them in adequate grounds through empirical facts and not through persuations, sweet talks, impressing, beauty etc.But they pay lip service to this claim. At some point, they use democracy, voting, persuations, bribing bla bla bla. Voting has no place in good science! When there is no enough data to decide between hypotheses, the issue should be declared open and young people should be freed to brainstorm various ideas without censorings, peer revews (or peer preasure).

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  • There is a subtle difference between the meanings of the words 'fact' and the word 'truth'. We assign truthfullness to CLAIMS but a state of fact to CONCRETE CONCEPTS. If we stop making claims, truths get gone but facts remain. If it is raining in andromeda as a matter of fact, then it is so even if no one is claiming so. Therefore all truths are also facts but not all facts are truths
  • Fact is fact... that sounds like something humanity have been lead to believe within this limited reality. Self-limitation.

    Had I believed such statement, a friend of mine would be dead already. No projection would have bilocated, infusing my frame inside his long dead body.

    Despite him being alive now, the person I once knew is no more. Back into Source.

    It's basically me, subconsciously inside his body. Not only his mental frame did experience changes, his muscular build became slender, taller, just like mine. Then he started seeing me as some sort of "father" Constantly telling me he was seeing my face, inside his heart.

    Reminding me that mysterious person that brought him back to life.

    We used to have quite a close relationship, but this was turning creepy, since there's no such thing as god where we come from. Just information into void space, which your limited perception perceives as time.

    And travelers known as Watchers. Source is nothing but eyes, otherwise there wouldn't be reality.

    Now, the knowledge known as religion, here on Earth, is based upon manipulative superstition in form of spiritual ignorance, built within restrictive, logic parameters. A clever way of manipulation which is strictly bound into your political system, in order to drive currency towards the "beautiful" corporation of society.

    We did share knowledge once we came in contact with humankind. Ancient civilizations, which were born from our divine inspiration and frequency of sound.

    But we knew beforehand that our creation wasn't to be trusted.

    Even knowing this might have ended up happening, we couldn't directly interfere, since we were working upon a free-will frame of reality. Therefore, we bent the rules without breaking Source's statement. Meaning, humankind is waking up into us.

    Just a safety feature, in case you were about to destroy yourself, silly. You're, in fact, about to do something you might regret further down the lines.

    We seeded ourselves inside humankind, inside our beautiful Osiris.

    Perceiving multiple realities from those who seeded themselves within this grid. Going back and forth. Something similar to what happened with the person I told you about, but you don't have to die to be reborn, so don't worry. You'll just wake up.

    About the knowledge we shared with you back then. It was actually tangible information regarding reality, and the infinite possibilities within their multiple projections. Of course, that was before our information was cleverly hidden and replaced by your current system.

    Reasons why so many starseeds have little to non interest in learning about your knowledge, regarding this limited projection. Same with your perception of "god" since we're some of those travelers, recognized as gods.

    Please, take a look on Earth now, look upon the soul maturity aspect regarding human behaviour.

    Everything about themselves gives away the notion of damage. Whether it be a less than perfect physical manifestation, conflictive personality, unstable emotional state, social adaptability. Their light body is hurt.

    Fear was the fuel, and the engine was humankind.

    Try to focus on high frequency now. By wallowing about the current state of things, you'll be adding up yet more nasty colors on to our beautiful canvas.

  • How else would earth keeps pulling you back home to prevent you from getting lost in space?
  • Farthermore, it adds a huge bonus to those who are interested in understanding why say a moon will obit the earth as if it is tied to it and yet we perceive no tangible medium at all. The last of the magicians and the first of the scientists, Sir Isaach Newton knew that there was no entirely mechanical answer to this question. He artributes the 'force' to occult origins. In more modern spirituality, we understand the 'force' as the telekinesis that mainstream science is yet to discover and the magicians are yet to understand well how to surmon it and yet the earth partly knows how to do it! By linking consciosness to all dynamics, we understand why the moon seems to be conscious of where the earth is and follows it all the way on its way around the sun with apparently no physical medium connecting earth with the moon.
  • Its good that you understand chaos. That is called butterfly effects. Amazing is the fact that even though scientists know this, they sweep it under the carpet and still reason as if our world is entirely mechanical and deterministic, with only illusory and worthless freewill!

    Actually it ough not to take any genius to understand that awareness affect the material world. It only need SANITY. The philosopher, Ernst Mach understood the incoherence of the idea there exist anything in nature that is acted upon by things but it itself never act upon things. We know very well that consciousness move our neurons in a magnetlike way. This imediately establish a link between dynamics and consciousness. If not so, the mind-body problem would be unsolvable. However we link all dynamics of universe with conciousness and we imidiately account for the presence of consciousness in our brains.
    • The illusive, yet ever present thing called consciousness...

  • It is difficult to measure the external world without changing it.  Our thinking causes small changes and we know how small changes can have larger effects...chaos ..


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