What just happened Here?


Hey guys

I was gonna read Sarah`s post "Ashtar Command Shame on you" but page was not found. Then i read from an other post that she suddenly left. What just happened? Her comment to me yesterday was not a very nice one and even if i got annoyed and wanted to write something equally not nice back, i didn´t. I felt it was not the right thing to do. Then i noticed she had a problem with most of the comments/ppl who wrote them.  And now she has left the whole community. I hope everything is okey with her and she didn´t leave because of something that happened here.









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  • She prob

    ably burned too many bridges, perhaps even the one to herself.  I really hope she feels better at some point, this life can be intense, but we are in ultimate control of our reality and how we treat people (and ourselves).

    Another possibility is that she deleted her current account and decided to create a new one, so she can have a fresh start and not be judged for what she had said on the forums....

    Just a feeling, don't know if it's true or not...


    On another note though, something did happen energetically, I felt a surge of energy and then a release and things just feel different now....  There is a ebb and flow to the Universe, and we feel it more intensely than we think...  :)

    • wow, i thought i was the only one who felt a "change" just a while ago. it was like my adrenaline soared, i felt as if something big was about to happen...now i'm sorta "coming down" and settling again...but i felt like this was universal, not just an individual experience that i was going through....and concerning sarah, wherever she is, i hope she finds peace and balance. she's obviously going through a hard time! <3
    • actually, i got that same feeling, that she would start a new account...
      • Well seeing as this is in discussion, I'll throw in my 2 cents here... and none of us are judging her whatsoever.

        I sure shes fine.. she just couldn't handle the Light frequencies in here.. maybe that will change for her soon.. we hope. In that first post she made about stocking up on supplies etc, I gave her a very positive reply and explained that ''where thought goes, energy flows'' etc and she responded with pretty rude reply telling me I had no logic ... then she closed the post completely. She then opened a ''F""k you Ashtar Command'' post which she deleted.

        This is the same girl who was reaching out for help not so long ago and who wrote a small blog asking for people to send her Loving energy because she was attracting negitive energy around her.. I read her blog and unbeknownst to her, I did an absent healing meditation for her from my house sending her Violet Flame energies.. today I spent about half an hour writing a very Loving reply to her ''sorry'' blog.. about 2 hours later she had deleted it and had posted the ''shame'' one...  

        no one was picking on her as far as I could see.. it was how she percieved it.. in fact, quite the oppisite.. everyone was giving uplifting replies to her... anyway, its a good thing she opened a discussion about the Violet Flame because maybe she could use it around about now.. and I wish her well.. sending her Love etc... shes our sister.. whatever level she is on is perfect for her at this time.

        Best we can do is send her our Love. She'll be fine.





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    • You are right about the violet flame, i became aware of it thanks to her, and im gonna learn more about it, i found this meditations on youtube and mantras. so im greatfull of that. btw i  learn something new everytime i come here, in some shape or form :)


  • ..after she calmed down a bit yesterday... she was pissed off again , and left... someone must have pressed her buttons i guess...
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      When i publiced this discussion it sayed Shame on Ashtar 33min ago you know on that latest activity list. I don´t know anything about the other post, all of them did get deleted when she left i guess. I taught it was kinda strange, her attitude when she sayed she does channelin and such and the warnings she came with. I don`t know. People seem to be so cool here, everyone wants to understand and help so why then leave..... maybi it had something  to do with herself i guess.

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