Here is the transcript I did from a video I watched and the context of it from what I gathered... I trust you will like <3 :
A contact story from the stars. She looked to be early 30's but probably 1000's or years old probably 4th dimension being manifesting in a 3d human body (contact case) visited earth many many time in the last 15 to 20 years. One of the topics she talked about was the truth and purpose of our life here on earth.
" What purpose does life have ?....Life has the objective of overcoming the confusion, if you will interior confusion, the struggle inside to create virtues and to correct defects. I told you before that life in itself, as a principle, is a electromagnetic state of memory, when you are born into that memory you come as a concentrated collection of knowledge witch you later discover by inertia. To create a balance aspect in you life is your true struggle. You'll have to raise one grade of intelligence to a grade such that your memory will serve to prolong your survival. Because in your world you memories do survive the struggling against the feeling and equality of those memories, thus is initiated the thru battle within one self. Well is that called positivism, as in being, the goal of being positive perhaps?...No rather a calm emotional state. Upon achieving this you will realize interesting phenomena in yourself. A person who as acquired true tranquility, internal peacefulness, emit a different flow of energy to that of a person who is continually restless within himself. Some allow this to grow within and to dominate, some to succumb, some are destroyed, some are overcome, some confront and triumph, it is already program in your memory forever, then you will pass to a level above many. The energetic flow will accomplish changes in you and in this manner will convert you into a kind of joule to be re dime. When your tendencies are of leadership, authentic director of deed, then you will be redeemable. The communities of superior civilizations, out in space, will appear to you, redeeming you according to your achievements .
Because under the natural law of affinity, where like attract like, a person not vibrating to the frequencies of the alien visitors is not attractive and or of interest to them. Thus the selfish will attract the selfish, the power hungry ones the power hungry, the sadistic ones the sadistic and the benevolent ones the benevolent."
Thanks Feather Winger, once again love your photos.