We need to get this stopped! It's gone on for way too long. This is a new vid on the chemtails truths.
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Have YouTubers been unable to download YouTube videos for two weeks, or is this a glitch affecting a few? It seems to be the case, that glitches or something else are causing YouTubers to have difficulty downloading videos from the platform using…
Photo above is from Infowars. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The Los Angeles fire began in the Palisades community (which is twenty miles from downtown Los Angeles) on January 7, 2025, shortly…
Is it the Tau Ceti Bear again?
Please let all good healing energies available to my call go to the sky and neutralize the chemicals they are spraying.
This resulted in many sylphs yesterday.
Effect on Human Neurophysiology and Behavior
Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research Group
General Information
Aluminum is the third most abundant element (8%) in the Earth's crust, exceeded by oxygen (47%) and silicon (28%).
Because of its strong affinity to oxygen, aluminum never occurs as a metal in nature but is found only in the form of its compounds, such as alumina.
This strong affinity to oxygen also explains why it withstood all attempts to prepare it in its elemental form until well into the 19th century.
The metal's name is derived from alumen, the Latin name for alum. In 1761 the French chemist Guyton de Morveau proposed the name alumine for the base in alum, and in 1787 Antoine Lavoisier identified alumine as the oxide of a then-undiscovered metal.
In 1807 Sir Humphry Davy assigned the name alumium to the metal and later agreed to change it to aluminum.
Shortly thereafter, the name aluminium was adopted to conform with the -ium ending of most elements, and this spelling is now in general use throughout the world, except in the United States (where the second i was dropped in 1925) and Italy (where alluminio is used).
The metal is ingested through food and water.
Aluminum has been detected in the brain cells of Alzheimer’s Disease patients.
Physical Properties of Aluminum Aluminum, symbol Al, is a silvery-white metal in Group IIIA of the periodic table.
Its atomic number is 13, its atomic weight 26.9815. It constitutes between 8 to 14% of the Earth’s crust, depending on the location.
It is ductile, nonmagnetic, and an excellent conductor of heat and electricity.
The density of aluminum at 20 deg C is 2.699 g/cu cm (0.1 lb/cu in); it melts at 660.24 deg C and boils at 2,450 deg C.
Aluminum is widely used in many kinds of products because a combination of properties gives it special advantages over other materials.
Aluminum's electrical alloy has the highest conductivity per pound of any commercially sold conductor.
Because aluminum is only one-third as dense as copper, it supplies about twice the conductivity per pound.
For this reason more than 90% of the transmission and distribution lines in the United States are made from aluminum.
Aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat as well. It is about 1.8 times as thermally conductive as copper by weight, depending on the alloy, and about 9 times as conductive as stainless steel.
For this reason it is widely used in automobile radiators; cooling coils and fins; heat exchangers in the chemical, petroleum, and other industries; and heater fins in baseboard and other types of heaters.
The aluminum industry, founded in 1854, is the newest of the nonferrous metal industries.
In the United States, commercial production began in 1859 at a cost of $17 for a pound.
Not until the late 1880s was a method found to bring prices down and permit aluminum to be used in a wide range of applications.
The aluminum industry is now worldwide, with the major EPA-certified hazardous waste by product of FLUORIDES.
The United States is the world's largest aluminum producer, followed by Canada, Australia, Norway, Brazil, and Germany. The United States is also the world's largest aluminum consumer.
The U.S. aluminum industry consumes 1% of the nation's energy, largely in the form of electricity.
The amount of electricity used per pound of metal in smelting, which accounts for about two-thirds of the industry's total energy consumption, has decreased steadily, and today the average is about 7 kWh.
Aluminum can be recycled for less than 5% of the energy required for producing virgin metal. U.S.
aluminum-can recycling provides over half the aluminum used in making new cans, and recycling of aluminum scrap equals almost half of total aluminum production. In 1963, the United States produced about 11.5 billion aluminum beverage cans.
In 1985, over 70 billion were produced.
The phosphoric acid in soft drinks, which leaches aluminum from the walls of the can, guarantees that each can of beverage delivers aluminum metal to the drinker. In addition, one of the most toxic by-products of aluminum manufacture, sodium fluoride, is added to many public water supplies.
The other major source of fluorides for fluoridation is the phosphate fertilizer industry, with the EPA-certified hazardous waste products of fluosilicic acids.
Aluminum in the Human Diet
The majority of the human population in the industrialized nations ingest a minimum of 30 to 50 milligrams of aluminum metal per day.
An examination of labels on consumer products will reveal that many of them contain the metal.
Most foods contain aluminum products.
Beverage cans, aluminum foil in contact with food, aluminum pots and pans and aluminum in drugs (including most antacids) insure that the cumulative load of aluminum in the human body eventually reaches critical level.
Aluminum in consumer drugs is a big problem.
Aspirin is commonly buffered with aluminum hydroxide, aluminum glycinate and other aluminum compounds.
Vaginal douches contain potassium aluminum sulfate, ammonium aluminum sulfate, and alum.
Antacids contain aluminum hydroxide, magaldrate, dihydroxyaluminum, and aluminum oxide.
Antidiarrheal drugs contain aluminum magnesium silicate and kaolin, an aluminum salt.
Cake mixes, self-rising flour, processed cheese, baking powder, food starch modifiers, pickling salts and anti-caking agents provide additional aluminum in the form of sodium aluminum, sodium aluminum sulfate, aluminum ammounium sulfate, and sodium aluminum silicate. Aluminum contaminates drinking water, milk and other products.
Analysis of Deliberate Aluminum Dosing of Humans
A curious practice arose for gold miners in Ontario, Canada, that involved deliberate inhalation of aluminum metal dust.
At the McIntyre Porpupine Gold Mine, someone got the warped idea that miners should inhale aluminum dust, which would coat their lungs, and then when they coughed up the aluminum they would also expel the silica inhaled during the working day.
Stupid is as stupid does.
It was an absolutely insane practice - so insane that it lasted until 1980, when officials “decided” there was no evidence that the aluminum dust was doing any good against silicosis.In 1980, after this dubious practice was discontinued, an epidemiologist at Clark Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto, Dr. Sandra Rifat, heard about these miners and decided to study them to understand the effects levied on the men.
She eventually tracked down over 1,300 men who had been miners since the 1940s.
Of those, 647 agreed to participate in the study.
After putting these men through cognitive tests (examining memory and logical thought), it was apparent that all the miners tests scored in the “impaired” range. [The Advocate, “Is aluminum related to Alzheimer's disease?”, Dec 11, 1990, p.B-2., Walsh, M.W.]
You don’t have to be a miner to inhale aluminum compounds.
Dust from talcum powder, baby powder, cat-box litter, cement, asphalt mixes, tobacco smoke and ashes contain aluminosilicates. Complex ionic aluminosilicates go directly to the brain through the olfactory system.
[According to neurobiochemist Eugene Roberts, PhD, a research physician at the City of Hope National Medical Center. ] Much of the damage typical of Alzheimer’s disease, coincidently, is found in the olfactory regions of the brain.
Metal particulates are a significant constituent of the general atmosphere in many industrialized countries.
These particulates are typically 1/50 the width of a human hair.
The miniscule size of these particles enables them to join other elements floating in the blood.
A darkfield microscopic examination of your blood will show heavy metals floating around.
They also travel through cell walls and into the nucleus and directly affect the DNA.
Yale University researchers in 1978 published a paper that estimated that 140,000 deaths a year are related to all forms of metallic air pollution compounds.[ Noble, H., “The air: Unsafe at any site”, New York Times Magazine, Nov 4, 1979, p.122.] Metallic air pollution now kills almost 300,000 people each year, and the toll is rising, despite the scientific evidence.
No one is taking industry to task.
Bush Administration Legacy for Particle Emission
The legislation during the administration of George Bush actually allowed an increase in industrial metallic particle emission, beginning in 1995, long after he would be out of office. [GHW Bush created the Council on Competitiveness, a front for industry and manufacturing to head off EPA sanctioned environmental restraints.
It was overseen by Dan Quayle.
The Council altered standards and issued operating permits to over 35,000 polluting businesses.
Quayle’s Council reviewed EPA administrator William Reilly’s Clean Air Act proposals and added a provision to allow manufacturers and chemical companies to increase pollution levels without public review. In 1991, EPA General Counsel Donald Elliott wrote a memo declaring the Council’s proposal to be illegal.
William Reilly called for the public to be notified.
The Council rejected the EPA proposal, and Bush directed the EPA to issue the rule. Reilly refused to do so, unless the Department of Justice declared it to be legal. Attorney General Barr issued a legality memo.
On June 25, 1992, the new pollution rule was in.
Now, under the “Clean Air Act of 1990”, industries are allowed to actually increase atmospheric pollutants. Bill Clinton scrapped the Council of Competitiveness as soon as he got into office.
It had already served its function - to subvert all existing environmental legislation that would interfere with the process of causing degeneration of the physical and mental capabilities of the population.
In 1995, television commercials appeared for small pocket recording devices to help those with poor memories find their parked cars. Curious.]
Toxic metals in the atmosphere include nickel, aluminum, titanium, beryllium, cadmium, arsenic, lead, mercury, iron, and manganese.
The converted sulfur and nitrogen oxides, plus the hydrocarbon emissions, constitute antigens that can cause cellular mutation.
The net effects of this process suppress the human immune system, reduce cell-mediated and humoral immunity, depress white cell (phagocyte) response, increase susceptibility to infection and stimulate fibrillary tangles in the brain - the same tangles that are found in Alzheimer’s disease.
The Advent of Alzheimer’s Front Organizations.
Because of the tremendous amount of accumulating evidence relating to aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease, an eventual collision with the public is inevitable, along with litigation that promises to bankrupt the industries involved.
It is perhaps with this in mind that Congress in 1995 began to work on legislation to limit damage and liability awards levied against corporations in the United States.
In 1982, the “Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association” (ADRDA) was created.
The research grant programs of ADRDA coincidently parallel those of the U.S. Public Health Service.
By the end of 1990, 365 grants and awards totaling more than $18 million were funded by ADRDA.
The seriousness of the problem is attracting the attention of both the government and industry - both are becoming concerned that the dimensions of the problem will become too obvious in society.
In 1991, Congress appropriated $247 million for “Alzheimer’s research” - a 67% increase over 1990. Will “Alzheimer’s research” do any better than “cancer research”, “AIDS research”, “EMF research” or any other program?
All industries are beginning to cloak themselves in protective mantel’s of financial contributions and political moves.
The aluminum manufacturers have taken a lesson from the past successful activities of the tobacco industry, and are paying attention to the current troubles of the tobacco industry.
The writing is on the wall.Is ADRDA an independent organization really concerned about Alzheimers and related disorders, or is it a front for industry destined to act as a buffer for pending public concern about the real causes?
Probably both, although it is a matter of record that Edward Truschke, the executive director of ADRDA, has admitted that ADRDA has received unrestricted grant monies from the Aluminum Association of Canada (ALCAN) and the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA).
The international Alzheimer’s disease meeting in Italy, held in July 1992, was sponsored in part by ALCAN.
Research indicates that the two major aluminum companies take radically different approaches to the issue.
ALCAN is aggressively funding research (which can direct the outcome of findings, of course) in order to permit the possibility of claiming (in the end) that they were looking for evidence that aluminum contributes toward Alzheimer’s.
ALCOA, on the other hand, takes the typical approach of U.S. companies with something to lose - denial.
They will not do the research because they want to be able to say that such research is not valid, and that they do not do research because they do not believe that their producted could be implicated.
Interestingly and predictably, ADRDA’s “research” continues to find “no connection” between aluminum toxicity and Alzheimer’s disease. No surprise there.
[Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Assn, 70 East Lake St., Chiago, Illinois 60601, 1-800-621-0379. Call them up and ask them to explain their cozy relationship with the aluminum industry.]
The aluminum industry, following the neo-Darwinian paradigm of material scientism as a model for suppression of the truth, argues against environmental factors as a prime cause for the growing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease.
The evidence, whether they like it or not, is unrefutable.
[The essence of this paradigm is to steer attention away from the environment, wherein lies litigation and accountability, and steer the public toward a “genetic predisposition” or similar arguments, in accordance with the 1947 synthesis on neo-Darwinism as the basic infrastructure of the biological sciences]
Environmental Considerations: Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease
There is an interesting parallel between the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and similar memory disorders, and the amount of aluminum in drinking water.
A study published in Lancet, the journal of the British Medical Association, involved an evaluation of the geographical relationship between the aluminum content of drinking water and the prevalence of Alzheimer’s over a ten year period.
The study reported a 50% increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in areas with high concentrations of aluminum.
Even a small presence of aluminum in water has an effect.
[Researchers learned that the risk of Alzheimer’s was 1.5 times higher when the aluminum concentration exceeded 0.11 mg/l than in areas where the concentration was 0.01 mg/l.
There was no evidence of any relationship between any other form of dementia, including epilepsy, and the presence of aluminum in drinking water.
The Lancet, Jan 14, 1989, pp.59-62, “Geographical relation between Alzheimer;s disease and aluminum in drinking water.” It is interesting that about 50% of British drinking water is also treated with iron, which is also suspected of being a co-factor in dementia.]
These studies have been corroborated by studies done in other countries (other than the United States, in which such a study would be a conflict of interest and labeled “irresponsible”), especially in Norway and Australia.
[ Vogt, T., “Water quality and health - a study of possible relationship between aluminum in drinking water and dementia” Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway, 1986; Jorm A., et al., “Differences in mortality from dementia in Australia: an analysis of death certificate data”.]
It is also interesting that studies of motorneuron diseases in Guam, where a tremendous increase in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has occurred, found parallels between ALS and high concentrations of aluminum in drinking water.
Swedish studies of the Guam ALS problem conclude that mortality from motorneuron disease, especially among women, varies with the local water concentation of aluminum.[Yase, Y., “Environmental controbution to the ALS process” Neuromuscular Diseases, New York, Raven Press, 1984, p.335; Lindegard, B., “Aluminum and Azheimer’s disease”, Lancet, Feb 4, 1989, pp.267 and 268.; Yase, Y., “Pathogenesis of ALS”, Lancet, Vol 2, 1972, pp292-296. ALS is also called “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”.]
In England, the estimate of the average adult intake of aluminum is 6mg/day, mostly from tea [Studies in England reveal that 91% of the filterable aluminum in tea infusions is bound to organic mater. Large molecules of aluminum shift toward mineral salt species of lower molecular weight, and cross-link to form destructive free radicals in protein complexes that become quite influential in biological processes.] , although the tannin in tea tends to reduce the aluminum content somewhat.
[ Coriat, A., et al, “Beware the cups that cheer”, Nature, Vol 321, 1986, p.570.] Research conducted in 1988 conducted by the Medical Research Council revealed that long-term exposure to aluminum contributed to plaque deposits in the cerebral cortex and aluminum deposition in neurons.[Ibid.]
Aluminum in Infant Formula and Bovine Milk
One wonders, after examining all the different areas covered our various analyses (vaccinations and encephalopathy, electromagnetics, etc) if orthodox science is really ignorant of the sensitivity of infants and children to environmental contamination, or know about it and they don’t care because there is another agenda afoot.
I am convinced of the latter.
The same parallel follows with heavy metals and the physiology of young humans, who are more sensitive than adults.
Any good physiologist or physician would be able to tell you that the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract of the infant is quite great, as protective mechanisms have not yet fully developed.
It is this very fact that allows many of the substances in human mother’s milk to systemically permeate the body of the infant.
Unfortunately, the same lack of protection seriously impairs an infant who consumes infant formula, especially soy formulas, and bovine (cow) milk.
Whether the pasteurization process (aluminum vats and piping) contributes to the amount of aluminum in milk, or it involves the feed the animal is eating, is unknown.
A 1985 British report in Lancet documented an infant with a case of severe kidney failure where the absorption and retention of aluminum from a cow’s milk-based formula resulted in clinical toxicity.
By one month of age, the baby had a aluminum concentration in its brain in the neurotoxic range.[Aluminum deposition in an infants brain can cause a degree of mental retardation, learning disabilities and pave the way for early onset of Alzheimer’s.
Freundlich, M. Et al.,”Infant formula as a cause of aluminum toxicity in neonatal uraemia”, Lancet ii, 1985, p.527.] In 1986, another British report detailed levels of aluminum in milk formulas for infants.[McGraw, M., et al., “Aluminum content of milk formulae and intravenous fluids used in infants” Lancet I:157, 1986.] Other clinical papers followed.
Research indicates that aluminum concentrations in most cow milk is 20 times greater than human breast milk (5-20 mcg/l) and 100 times greater in soy-based formulas.[A sentiment echoed by the American Commitee on Nutrition, which suggests avoiding soy-based formulae for premature infants and those with impaired kidney function. “Aluminum toxicity in infants and children”, Pediatrics, Vol 78, 1986, p. 1150-1154. Also, a 1988 report of the Department of Health and Social Security committee, advising on infant feeding, said that soy-based milks qualify as “borderline substances” for established forms of milk intolerance. DHSS Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy. Present Day Practice in Infant Feeding, London, HM Stationary Office, 1986.]
Since aluminum is to some degree excreted by way of the action of the kidney, the undeveloped kidney in infants (especially premature infants ) guarantees greater systemic deposition of heavy metals.[Sedman et al., “Evidence of aluminum loading in infants receiving intravenous therapy”,
New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 312, p.1337-1343, 1985.] Deficiencies in zinc will also cause children to absorb more aluminum into their systems, because aluminum competes with zinc in binding sites on ligands, organic molecules in the body that attach to a single metallic ion. Systemic reduction of zinc is especially prevalent in infants fed with soy formulas.
[Settle et al., “Effect of phytate: zinc molar ratio and isolated soy bean protein on zinc bioavailability”, Journal of Nutrition, Vol 111, 1981, p.2223-2235.]
The Problem of Aluminum Cookware
One wonders why aluminum cookware, as opposed to stainless steel, was introduced in the United States in the first place.
Along with aluminum foil, cookware made of aluminum is a significant source of excess aluminum in the diet.
Boiling water in aluminum containers, especially water containing acidic substances, causes aluminum to leach into the water and food.
Water containing fluorides encourages the leaching process from aluminum cookware.
Water containing 1ppm fluoride [The usual level of fluoride in public water supplies.], boiled for ten minutes in an aluminum pot, will increase the concentration of aluminum to 200 ppm. Prolonged boiling can increase the concentration to 600 ppm.
[Tennakone et al., “Aluminum leaching from cooking utensils” Nature, Vol 325, January 15-21, 1987.] Add acidic food (tomato sauce, for example) and it even goes higher. In addition, as we see in the chapter in fluorides, the presence of aluminum increases the negative effects of fluorides (which is why fluoride toothpaste comes in aluminum tubes).
Since the scientific data has been around for some time on all these issues, it cannot be anything but intentional. Aluminum cookware has been around since the late 1920’s.
The Effect of Aluminum on the Human Brain
In order to prove that all of this is intentional, we have to prove that it was known early enough that aluminum causes a problem.
One would assume that indications of negative effect would preclude introduction of aluminum cookware.
Not in the United States. German experiments done in 1897 , where aluminum was analyzed for pathological reaction in animals, showed that aluminum is a selective neurotoxin and a nerve cell poison of specific affinity for the brain.[ Doellken, P.
“Ueber die wirkung des aluminum mit sonder beruecksichtigung der durch das aluminum verursachten lasionen im zentralnervensystem” Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch Exper Path Pharmakol 40:58-120, 1897.]
Exposure of the central nervous system to aluminum salts produces a progressive encephalopathy.
[ Munoz-Garcia et al, “An immunocytochemical comparison of cytoskeletal proteins in aluminum-induced and Alzheimer-type neurofibrillary tangles.” Acta Neuropathology Vol 70, 1986, p.243-248.
Now we see that aluminum deposition produces encephalopathy, vaccines produce encephalopathy, fluorides and mercury amalgams produce encephalopathy, and they knew about all of it early on. Someone or some group in high position, more than 70 years ago, intentionally planned to use the United States as a testing ground for all of this, ultimately resulting in a sociopathic society pleading for totalitarian control.
They knew about the effect of mercury and vaccines in 1926. It’s in the medical literature.
All of this is not an accident. Are you going to stand by and not take responsibility for your health and the health of those you love?
The government isn’t, because it’s a conflict of interest.
Earlier we mentioned the fact that a great number of cases of degenerative brain diseases in Guam drew the curiousity of researchers. Ten percent of the total population of native Guamanians die of brain disease.
Fifteen percent of the natives in the Mariana Islands die of neurodegenerative disease. Why? Part of the answer is that there are high levels of aluminum in the drinking water.
There are also high levels of aluminum in the food.[Perl, D., et al., “The association of aluminum, Alzheimer’s disease, and neurofibrillary tangles” Journal of Neural Transmutation, Vol 24, 1987, pp.205-211; Dalton et al, “Aluminium and calcium in soil and food from Guam, Palau and Jamaica: implications for ALD and Parkinsonism-dementia syndromes of Guam”, Brain, Vol 112, 1989, p. 45-53.]
The Neurological and Physiological Effect of Aluminum Deposition
Aluminum is known to be a significant cross-linking agent that acts to immobilze reactive molecules within brain cells.
It also causes free-radical pathology inside the neurons, bringing on molecular cross-linkage throughout the brain’s tissues, resulting in neurofibrillary tangles so characteristic of those seen in autopsies of brains of those with Alzheimer’s syndrome.[Bjorksten, Johan,
“The crosslinkage theory of aging”, American Journal of Geriatrics Society, Vol 16, No.4, 1968, p.408-427; Pryor, W., “Free radical reactions and their importance in biochemical systems”, Federal Proceedings, Vol 32, 1973, p.1862-1869; Demopoulos, H., “The basis of free radical pathology”, Federal Proceedings, Vol 32, 1973, p. 1869-1861.]
The process is highly complex, and is outside the scope of our general examination.
Research has been conducted to intentionally induce and replicate the sequence of symptoms of Alzheimers in animals.
Using cats, and injecting 100 nanomoles (1 billionth of a mole) of aluminum chloride into the hippocampic space (brain ventricle) a dementia similar to Alzheimers developed.
[The work of Dr. Donald McLachlan, Professor of Physiology and Medicine, University of Toronto, Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Toronto, Canada.;McLachlan et al, “Neuronal correlates of an encephalopathy associated with aluminum neurofibrillary degeneration.” Brain Research, Vol 97, 1975, p.253-264.]
It takes very little aluminum to actually begin the process of degeneration.
Progressive dementia also developed within ten days of a subcutaneous injection of aluminum chloride under the skin.
Neurodegeneration is proportional to long-term accumulation and specific sites of accumulation.
[If you have mercury amalgam fillings, drink fluoridated water, get vaccinations and cook in aluminum pots, then remote viewing your future will no doubt bring a picture of a nursing home to view, as you dribble all over your shirt, and your grandchildren, whom you don’t recognize, draw pictures of the current FDA director on the bald spot at the top of your head.]Interestingly, concentrations of aluminum that are toxic to many biochemical processes are found in at least ten human neurological conditions.
[Senile and presenile dementia of the Alzheimer type, Down’s syndrome with Alzheimer’s disease, Guam parkinson-dementia complex, Guam ALS. McLachlan et al, “Aluminum in human brain disease: an overview” Neurotoxicology, Vol 1, 1980, pp.3-16; McLachlin et al, “Aluminum: a role in degenerative brain disease associated with neurofibrillary degeneration”, Progress in Brain Research, Vol 70, 1986.]
Animals in these experiments typically develop symptoms within two weeks, including shaking (ataxia) and unsteady gait.[Lewis et al, “Chromatin structure in dementia” Annals of Neurology, Vol 15,1984, pp.329-334.]
The same symptoms are exhibited by humans, and also include the inability to correctly pronouce words, lack of coordinatation of movements with the senses (sensory ataxia).
When aluminum enters the body it is systemically metabolized. Some of it, depending on the status of the kidneys and the intestinial system, is excreted.
The rest is absorbed into the brain.[King, S.W., “The clinical biochemistry of aluminum” CRC Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Scicnces, Vol 14, 1981, pp.1-20.]
The absorption rate of aluminum in various tissues depends on the age of the individual.
Generally, uptake of aluminum is greater the older a person becomes.
Aluminum absorbed in food enters the blood and then breeches the blood-brain barrier, which is often effectively weakened by other environmental factors, such as mercury or petrochemical derivatives, and enters the brain.
Very often, natural peptides present in the brain, such as beta endorphin, actually combine with heavy metals and themselves become toxic .Science, Vol 197, 1977, pp.1187-1192.]
Other neural enzymes are inhibited by the presence of aluminum and other heavy metals, resulting in an overall decrease in brain cell energy, fatigue and progressive loss of reasoning ability.
Aluminum Interaction With Brain Chemicals
Aluminum is a potent inhibitor of the uptake of choline and dopamine.[ Banks, W., et al., “Aluminum increases permeability of blood-brain barrier to labelled DSIP and beta-endorphin: possible implications for senile and dialysis dementias” Lancet Vol 26, Hov 1983, p.1227 ; Guest, J., et al.,
“The effects of aluminum on sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity and choline uptake in rat brain synaptosomes” Biochemical Pharmacology, Vol 29, 1980, p.141; Davison, A., et al.,
“Differences in the inhibitory effect of aluminum 3+ on the uptake of dopamine by synaptosomes from forebrain and from striatum of the rat”, Biochemical Pharmacology, Vol 30, 1981, p.3123-3125.]
Both are vital chemicals released during nerve inpulse transmission, as well as nerve impulse conduction to muscles and various glands.
As a result, the presence of aluminum ions in the brain has an adverse impact on thought and reasoning processes, as well as short-term memory.
Furthermore, there is significant evidence that aluminum ions alter enzymes involved with acetylcholine metabolism,[ Wong, P.C., et al., “The effects of aluminum on the methylation of phospolipids in the rat brain synaptosomal membrane”,
Biochemical Pharmacology, Vol 30, 1981, p.1704; Simpson, J., et al, “Cholinergic enzymes in neurofibrillary degeneration produced by aluminum”,
Brain Research, Vol 197, 1980, p. 269-274. affecting interplay between thought processes and motor coordination, resulting in ataxia and other serious problems so obvious in those with Alzheimer syndrome and other “senile” degenerative conditions.Increase levels of aluminum in the brain also affect the catecholine neurotransmitters, noradrenaline and dopamine, in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum.
Levels of both chemicals also decrease in the cortex with an excess of copper in the diet.
High cumulative concentations of aluminum absorbed over a lifetime result in increased amounts of proline, lysine, arginine and other amino acids in brain cells, leading to an alteration in neuronal excitability, resulting in the erratic and convulsive effects seen in aluminum neurotoxicity.[Wenk, G., et al.,
“The influence of ingested aluminum upon norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the rat brain”, Neurotoxicology, Vol 2, 1981, p.347-353; Stemmer, K., et al., “Activity of the enzymes dopamine -beta-hyrdoxylase and phenyl-ethanolamine-N-methyl-tranferase in discrete brain regions following aluminum ingestion”, Neurotoxicity, Vol 3, 1982, p.93-99.]
Alzheimers Syndrome: Profiteering with a Preventable Condition
Ultimately, recognition of the harmful effects of heavy metals must begin with elimination of these substances from the diet as much as possible. It is vital that children, especially, begin the process of integrating knowledge with life style in order to increase the probablity of a long, healthy, productive life.
As of July 1991, it was estimated that 4 million people in the United States alone are victims of Alzheimers Syndrome. The numbers increase each year as the generational accumulation of toxic substances grows higher.
In denial about litigatable and accountable environmental causation, or even the possibility of it in the face of enormous scientific evidence, pharmaceutical companies are constantly engaged in programs to develop “new drugs” to allopathically address the symptoms instead of the cause of the problem. Sandoz, earlier maker of LSD for the CIA, once made the only “FDA approved” drug given to patients suffering under this paradigm.
Other companies, like Warner-Lambert (Tacrine), Bristol-Myers (BuSpar), American Home Products (Ceractin), G.D. Searle, maker of aspartame and owned by Monsanto, historical friend of the CIA (Trental), Ceiba-Geigy, Roche Labs, DuPont Pharmaceuticals, and Lederle Laboratories are all joining the game as the United States population begins to age before its time, worn out by the biochemical pollution and the intentional poisoning levied upon it by the military, industrial, pharmaceutical and medical complexes controlled by a small oligarchy bent on satisfying the greed for power and Malthusian population control mandates at the expense of the health, welfare and happiness of the planet.
It’s time for the population to “just say no”, and move to develop a new world community that has left materialist pseudoscience and its profound fixation with a new world order far behind in the distant past.
Power politics is for the immature, infantile mind, incapable of striving beyond the legacy of death which has left this planet in such disarray.
The way to do this is not through abject violence, but through displacement of the basal paradigm on which materialistic scientism (science as a religion) is based.
Copyright © 1988-2010 Leading Edge International Research Group
Page Revised: April 19 2006