Okay. I remember reading something interesting once about different "types" of people. And if you think about it, every "job" or "work" in life, is composed of one or more of these 3 basic types. The 3 basic types of people are the CREATORS, the HEALERS, and the TEACHERS. And depending on which type you are, you will be drawn to certain types of work, or activities, more than others.
Like, my older brother Matt is a creator, teacher, and healer. It's clear. He used to love building model cars and planes, he used to love drawing, he even was in the process of designing his own video game. He used to work as a computer technician and now is a mechanic, because he loves fixing things and creating with his hands. And he's a teacher too, he is good at teaching all the technical things about how to build something, or how to repair your car or computer. Healer, well..not so much lol That is his last of the three.
My girlfriend is a healer, creator, and teacher. She loves to make people feel better, to heal situations, and heal people and animals. That's why she became a nurse. She was drawn to it because of her dominant healer personality, her love of healing and restoring. And second she's a creator, she loves to draw, she is a fantastic drawer and painter, I am talking professional quality here, she is great at it. She loves to use her imagination and creativity, and even create ways of healing. She isn't much of a teacher though lol That is her weakest of the 3.
Me, I am a teacher, creator, and healer. I always have been the preaching type, as most people here know lol That's what I'm most drawn to, and I love teaching people things. That will be my main role in the coming period leading up to Ascension. I am also a creator, I used to draw alot, and write songs, and I like to create things and make things happen, instead of having other people do it. And well, sad to say, but healing is my weakest of the 3.
Basically all types of "light work" and all work, are made up of one or more of these three. Like, obviously, the creators would be the inventors, the construction workers, the architects, the artists, the engineers, any profession that has to do with creating, putting things together, making things or making things happen. Many politicians are creators, like Barack Obama. The teachers would be, well of course, teachers, journalists, priests, instructors, and yes many politicians too are also teachers. Anyone who loves to teach and help people learn and grow in awareness. People like psychologists or psychiatrists too, but they would be healers also. The healers are, of course, the doctors, nurses, vets, people who run charities, or orphanages, or human rights groups, masseuses, of course psychiatrists and psychologists, and yes even some politicians..not many but there are a few lol
Of course, most people are a mix of all three, with one being the more dominant, or in case people have a problem with that word, one being the one they love the most lol Most people, I've found, are solidly 2 of the 3, with the third being not so prominent.
So my question to you all is this: what "type" of light "worker" do you consider yourself to be? What do you love to do, what are you drawn to, what is your "dominant" characteristic? Creating, teaching or healing? And what would YOU like to do, in your role of helping along with Ascension, because surely, all of us are going to be working with one or more of these types of light work. So, let's share ourselves!
that's an interesting question and thanks for asking it?
I like that you mention these 3: Creator, Healer and Teacher.
But I believe there are some others as follows;-
The Leader, the Builder, and The Bridge.
I think my main tasks are as a Healer, Teacher and Bridge. Though I am a gifted artist and musician creatively, I do feel that my artwork is geared towards healing myself and others. I also have the light-work task of bridging between different cultures and traditions.
For instance I have a bridging project called the Healing Racism Ministry here in the Uk.it's purpose is to foster positive relations between white people and people of color; between Christians and Alternative Spiritual practitioners; between Western and indigenous traditions, and between the masculine and feminine energies of our planet.
I am very grateful for any support I receive in any of these areas.
Love and Peace
Joh: I am all , Teacher, healer and Creator. If we stop and think for a moment, there are so many ways to teach. one can be a clumsy school teacher, but a brilliant teacher of life..
Teacher: I teach other freedom by being free, and allow other to be free.
Creator: I like to create. Music, pictures for instance.
Healer: To heal a situation or to transmute negative energies it is a blessing to have inner peace, free speak and to share information.
Hi John,
Theres a fine line for me between Healer/Creator as I really have to sit and think back alot and when I think about it, I create healing lols. then theres teaching..... So maybe I am more of a creator ....??..lol
promises he made , none he kept................so far.....
time for new "lightworker".....................
Yea name that list. Because I can give a much longer list of the promises he did keep, and the good things he has done. Everybody expected him to change everything, right away. Clearly unrealistic. He never said he could change everything in 4 years, but he said he could put us on the path of change. And he said it many times, he couldn't do it all himself, he needed everyones support, the change came from each person, from the bottom up.
But nobody made that change, everyone expect him to do it all, and change everything...and got mad when he didn't save their lives basically. Obama is doing his best. The constant blocking and attacks by the Neo-Cons and Republicans, the old crowd of NWO people, aren't helping. And the barrage of negative energy sent to him by disgruntled people like you and Drekx, aren't helping either.
I agree with you that Obama is far from a lightworker, but I disagree that "everyone" here compares him to a lightworker...as many of us don't, with the notable exception of John Jancar....
I've been warning about Obama's subterfuge for years...he is a tool of the dark cabal...and will be ousted from the presiduncy before the caretaker regime takes his place...