Hi i have been calling down U.F.O's deliberately for the past three years.I have been riduclued, laughed at, scoffed at, i even lost a job because i told or talked about the prescence of U.Fo's.Yep i even been frowned upon with some family memebers, friends and strangers, but i tell even this stranger i told, where in essence that gave me the hardest time, especially when he did his utmost best trying to debunk me and deter from ufo calling, and with him being the so called religious freak, of course, that he threw his mind into a tail spin, when i rebelled against his ludicrous spouting of gnashing of teethings, and so away with the faires he went. His name is Ricky.As badly as it sounds, he only makes me stronger, so great ful for my older brother, if he was never negative to me about anything in my life i would have coward under anyones spouting of words and hid under a cave and caved in. My dad helps in this of course.So in a way even the most negative aspects in ones own family has the greatest strength, and without realising it, they made you into a better content of charachter building for the coming future. As these lessons learnt, gains more lessons that in the long run makes you more better in mind, heart and soul for later on in life, and this carries with you forever.So i thank him for being mean to me all my life because if it wasn't for him, i could have been a coaward when something that is not normal to the realm of human peripheial perception, i would have been a sheep ready to be slaughtered, which that i meant is a metaphore ok. Be shocked be loving that is your choice i just say what i feel, i am use to not being istened to that makes me! Me?It has more than one way i am trying to mean, as i am trying mean something without someone else going off the rails on me. So no name blaming, i am just describing how strong i became by not being to weak to exercise my own experience out to the world, as i so get it when they plastered Jesus's teachings into the ground, i so get the ridicle and de jection of a new better and higher way of thinking.I so get it even when all is said and done, the light still shines brighter in the darkness as the darkness is like a moth coming up to the light bulb. Being Curious, being different thats all.I so wanted to tell you all as 2 why i am saying this, because i have a voice that needed to be heard, and without name balming a few peoples, i never get listened to, by certain individuals, so i am only going to explain this once, as i have gone beyond the point of sitting there and listening to people making me feel crap, so i say it is like this, if i did not have such an unusual connection by stepping away from the squared boxed in life i had, how could i be here by being the me i was never recognised for when i was growing up, being separate from others just made me speak up even more, so i use what could be used as a weapon gainst me, a tool for me to use as a catalyst to become even greater than i was say e.g than i was last week or last month or the week before that one.I am that i am as i am that i will be and more.I relay information to others so that others do not have to search as long and as hard as i have done.But actually i tapped into by accident in your sense of the word but by the deliberate intention of requesting a prayer of knowing more, God set in motion a divine sequence of synchronistic series of events for me to follow, so getting information when i need without knowing why or what will happen, but just trusting on God to provide for me what i want so that others can use the information i receive for their own spiritual growth or curiosity.I willed the will of the Creator and All will be well.So i started calling down U.F.O's because it was my life plan anyhow.I came down to earth as i have a recall in my heart i was meant to help others not to fear the coming changes, if it was not for the help of individuals in the world of man who channelled information from the higher realms and yes even negativity is your great teacher at times, i would have been bored out of my wits listeing to man bitching and whining about stupid mundane and medial things.i am gald i am me for without me i would not have full filled my dream to do and be this.My hobbies is to meet with higher realm people, bring in the higher realm of light, and bring new awareness to all who will have the ears to hear and the audacity to step into their own light for a change and stop being dictated too by those in churches or leaders of foreign relations or politicians who could not care a damn about whom you as a collective race wanted to be.I say we may be many but one in the Law of One.Learn ever positive and negative aspects of life now as the rest of your time in the universe will show up what you will become from lessons learnt in the past.Amen and call a U.F.O in your neighbourhood at a positive good time near you. Is for everyones enjoyment. This was never meant to be an evil thing. only churches made that up because of the so many descprencies they taught, they fear rejection by those they use to teach, because if they knew the monstosities cuased to you by them, they will lose power in their churches, you know this as truth as look at the way they hate mankind when they reject you if it is not their ways.tell me ladies and gentlemen, is that free will to mankind or another form of enslved rejectionism.because at first it was not a belief system as i saw through my experience, but the experience gained that trained me to understand more on how to be able to be calling down U.F.O's, allowed me great feedom of expression to uphold my dignity and light.So once again be free and be you and all that you can be.Life is abundantly clear when you remove the plank first from your own eyes.Than you realise your neighbour did not need to have that splinter in his eyes removed to begin with, because there wasn't any to start with. Lol.So i call down U.F.O's i also know why and how or what to say when i do it.I say these things for free as freely as truth is meant to be, man has a right to exercise his or her self pathway to learn without borders.I even belive that schools, univertise or tertiaries must be free, as this stops restrictions from someone following their own dreams.Did know that schools dictates the Governments movements, see how the power is hidden from you to those who do not know.That is why you have many sholared professionals dictates to the council of foreign relations and militaries what they should or should not learn.They even control who and what you learn in the work force, so look what money does when power is being exercisedly hidden from sight, this dictates what percentage of the population will get certain jobs.That is why knowledge must be for free, money must stay away from this as this inhibates the creational juices by young students wanting to get somewhere in life. And money restricts that flow.It's the peoples belief in their is nothing i can do that creates the very conditions power is handed over to those who loves to control all sectors of learning.Well this is my say as many people asked what made me start calling down ufo's, so here it is and i hope i never have to repeat myself.Thanx until next i post.

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  • thanx Jason, will c how i go with it...
  • Don let em get you down Jason dude! Respect bro!
    Indeed people like that make us stronger! They don't need to believe, they can be ignorant sheep if they want that, but I know what I AM, and what I KNOW IS TRUE from my own TRUTH and my own EXPERIENCE.
    Ive been doin that myself for half a year now, made a lot of contact and some quite awesome experiences.

    Namaste (^_^)\m/
  • My parents are very enlightened Christians. I got a shock when I grew up and found out that not all Christians were like them! In my view it is never very useful to lump people into categories, this immediately gets in the way of us seeing them for who they really are.
  • Diane it depends how you are wanting to feel because for a sighting to take place you must have a few understandings of ask you you shall receive.

    The best way to call them is to first start with an idea an inkling a feeling of positiveness about your personality, then you must feel relaxed and happy, when you feel relaxed and happy start to want to know that you are perfect no mater how difficult calling down a ufo for you or others to see, be joyful and pleasant.

    Be excited like a child at heart. Be playful is most important, do not feel embarrased and or shamed of doing this, to start you out be one with creator, ask intimately to the creator how loving you are to the great spirit of all creation and give your heart felt thanks to him and he is a she but even more than all there is and beyond defintion, so first source must be recognised as the prime directive of your whole entire existence.

    You then must anticipate your prayers in a loving way but let go to the universe your desire for the christed beings to show their ships so in this case i use the psalms 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want as this i use as a hol mantra.

    But any preference according to what you feel what is right for you is the best answer.

    If you are in doubt try another exercise but it all depends if you like walking reading fishing to relax have sex if you prefer or just be of service to others in joyful peace and harmony, then you start to feel charismatically happy and can feel this energy surging through your head, and it feels all warm and fuzzy tingling sensation at the front top and over the head and around the back of your brain as this energy is known as the christed energy and this flows down your spine and into your sytem and you can feel the vibrations around and with your heart starting to shake joyfully, then not long afterwards your eyeballs guides you to where you are likely to see the crafts in the skyways.

    yes your eyes sense their presence it is their way of saying i am over this direction.

    See you can use all kinds of sensory indications to know if a sighting is about to show in your presence.

    i then after giving thanx to God i then i ask the christed terrestrial beings for a sighting of thier ships.

    I usually wait, but at first it may take several hours because you have to put dedication towards your intentions, but in a relaxing way, but not at gun point in another words not by force but by grace this is the expectations of thats what i meant.

    Please be loving and do not doubt as this will show up on their screens when they can see a genuine asking of their presence then they will show you they are there.

    You need to find away for these sightings to be seen and only call down the christed beings. Please do not mock them or a no show will show up.

    Be diligent and discerning as you can tell by the way you act if you want a good sighting to be shown.

    You are the indicator no one else can do this for your experience. You know when you know. And utilise every tool that you have at your inner sanctum to your disposal as all the tools are from within you to call down these ships.

    Please you have to trust in you and the way you want you to see these ships.

    When you get the knack for it then have the courage to show others this technique. You teach them to find their own tools. Thats what a good teacher would tell you.

    This is the long lost art of summoning down ufo's. This was done in the old times. Just now it is the right time to allow others to know how to do it for themselves.
  • So how do u call em down? I mean do you use a specific method or a generalised please show up? Haven't tried doing it yet...
  • i did not say that jesus is a bible thumping fanatic, i said the people in churches have not got a clue what jesus meant in his teachings and because of a long history of being reminded of truth founding on lies they mythologically said something jesus interpreted and made it their own as though it was them who channelled direct information from God out in the desert.

    I said i know what it feels like what Jesus went through when he was being ridiculed.

    I was not referring to the little people who go to church i was metaphorically generalising as this topic i could name the actual people but thats not what the meaning here is i was expressing boxed up points of references to make way the path stright narrow and clear viewed it was never about singularing certtain race or culture, you must have had that hidden intention in your heart for if you knew what i was on about you woukld have read the www.chrstsway.co.za for you to make references to my words.

    please distinguish what i meant as to the oppose references and of what you put into my words of referential differences, that you made from your opinions or statements peoples.

    He still held his light under all extreme circumstances.

    Through experience in 3d realm he faced his extreme adversaries and triumphed.

    I never brought up Muslims as well how did that come into it.
    • Quote: i did not say that jesus is a bible thumping fanatic, i said the people in churches have not got a clue what jesus meant in his teachings and because of a long history of being reminded of truth founding on lies they mythologically said something jesus interpreted and made it their own as though it was them who channelled direct information from God out in the desert. |

      Exactly, I agree 100%. In fact I've been preocupied with explaning this to religious fanatical sheep myself...
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