As I've looked around the Internet and have found a vast amount of different opinion what's going on through both the new age community and the UFO community...We are so far off base on a number of certain things. I see a lot of contradiction through the beliefs of the new age movement. I see a lot of contradiction through the beliefs of the UFO community.What I see most commonly is, "Well we are all meant to be unconditionally loving and forgiving to self and to all..." Yet as soon as you mention the Anunnaki or the Reptilians..."They are our enemy! We need to take them down! Your evil if you associate with them!"...Where is the unconditional love?Now I'm not taking anything away from the Reptilians or the Anunnaki. Yes, there are groups of those races that are malevolent and thirsty for control. I will not deny that. But that does not define the entire race.Look at it from this perspective okay? How would we like it if other races out there immediately judged our race as being cynical, close-minded, insane, totally irresponsible to take care of themselves or their own planet and are completely judgmental towards every opinion or freedom of expression. Does that define each of us? Of course it doesn't. So why do we do the same to other races. Are we not aware that we are performing a type of cosmic racism?Did you know that there are reptilian beings out there that exist in the higher planes that are commited to helping other beings? Do you know that there are Reptilian healers, Reptilian guides and teachers? It's the same story with the Anunnaki.As soon as Anya and I put up our videos last night, I'm getting emails from people saying, "Oh Brad, you and Anya are conspiring with the Anunnaki...You're being manipulated. You're serving evil..." I ask you this...In either Anya or my own message, do you see any hints of evil amongst what we say? There is none whatsoever. For those who are able to tune into energies, I ask you to sense our energies to see if there is any deception there. We must all understand everyone, that not everything that we know is one solid polarity. The Pleiadians are not all of light...They have had a very bloody, gory, vicious past that they will gladly admit to you. Everyone believe that the Pleiadians are these angels...They were far from it. There was so many civil wars between the Pleiadians. Those of love and those that were out of alignment...But no one seems to mention that amongst the communities online.The Sirians themselves had civil wars long ago in the past between Sirius A and Sirius B. Look at the Lyrans...The Lyrans literally destroyed themselves through duality. There is so much out there that we do not realize. This just goes to show that there is always polarity on both sides. Love and hate. Duality. There is never one race that is either entirely of light or of darkness. Only split down the middle with polarities, even to this very now moment.So why are we in this duality phase right now where we are experiencing all these unsettling events throughout Earth? Because we are in a school everybody. Earth is a school. Or rather, a university because our lessons here are extremely challenging. We have to understand that those who bring forward this understanding of misalignment are necessary to teach us the lessons of what we don't want in our future. That is the role they were brought here to portray. That is not to say their souls are evil. It is to say that their incarnations must be of out of alignment characteristics so they can truly be the teachers of exposing events that we know are terrible, are not of love so that we gain experience of understanding what we don't want in our times ahead.This was apparent back in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis. It was all about duality around those times. Our civilizations were given so much power too soon. We didn't have the experience to take responsibility for the power we possessed, and this lead to destruction. We had to go through the dark ages to gain knowledge of the understanding of responsibility. Learning the lessons of love and self-responsibility. Every single civilization...EVERY single civilization goes through these dark times. It is the natural progressive evolution of every species to do so. That's the school. That's why we're here. To finally wake up from the delusion of giving our power away so that others can do good with it. Look around us. Look at what has happened to the Earth by us giving our power away to others...It's time for us to truly wake up and take responsibility for ourselves. That's why we're here on this planet. Not to wait for a countdown to when we ascend or to have groups of ET craft come down and "Save us." That is not the lesson here. We are our saviors. We are the saviors of self. We have to turn it all around. Not ascended beings, not extra terrestrials. This is our planet. We are here to fix it, and turn it around. To turn ourselves around. The role of the higher density beings are that of guides. They're here to help with knowledge and education through consciousness. But they will never do our jobs for us. We learn nothing of self-responsibility by having them coming down here and bail us out. That tarnishes our free will and that's what they have been trying to tell us.Now things are changing and many of us are starting to take more and more responsibility. Things are really changing here. But the important thing to keep in mind is the importance of staying in the now moment. Whereas 2012 has had so much over-dramatizing hype, the true excitement is now. Each of us are transmuting now. We are evolving now. We are making changes, now. This is where the true adventure lies...In the NOW.The key here is allowance. We're not here to completely annhilate the dark. Darkness is self-destructive and will completely destroy itself. It's those that choose the way of darkness to transmute into the light. And when they are willing for help, we can help them. For we are here to help, not to destroy. But allowance is the key. Focus on your intent to what suits you, not to what doesn't. Let your heart be your guide. You are here to be who you were meant to be. Follow that path. It is why you are here.So it's suggested that we don't go against the grain. That we're not here to take down the darkness. The darkness will take down the darkness. We are here to be who we were truly meant to be. That's our role. So focus on what best serves you as prosperous times lie ahead. And let's end this form of cosmic racism knowing that all beings out there have had experiences of light and dark just like we are going through now and there is always polarity division, never just one polarity for an entire race.Namaste.

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  • Nice picture. The idea of reincarnating as a tree just became a whole lot more appealing.
  • I so so agree with you..... there are some amaizingly wonderful christed light beaing reptillians as well as Annunaki, I communicate with a guide, she is a she and reptillian and inter dimentional and she is so full of wisdom and light and so unjudgemental and loving... it really supprised me when I first came in to contact with her.... but turns out we go back a long way and my own soul was once Orion reptillian so any way that's a long story but yes the poor old reptillians get such a bad rap... sure there are some pretty dasterdly renigade factions who have caused much missery amongst humans as well as each other but there are some pretty awfull humans around too ...
  • You're correct Saventh, there is no need to accelerate the process for those who are awake as there is no prize for first place, but there is a need for speed when it comes to arousing those that are still asleep. Drastic times call for drastic a friendly spiritual head-slap is in order for those sleepers hehe!

    Peace to you bro Savy
  • What's wrong with reading channelings?
    What's wrong with meditation?
    What's wrong with studying galactic communities and triggering memory?
    What's wrong with being who you are?
    What's wrong with enjoying it? ;)

    Let's listen to Commander Ashtar more often.

    We all have a Galactic history, and I believe that we were here voluntarily (not as punishment, that is not a way of Love or Light) to help Terra progress its transition. I was likely from Pleiades, what about you :) ? ~*

    Love, Joy and eternal Light ~*

    Oen ~*
  • I bet Cappy wishes he was that tree....hehe!

    Just kidding Cappy(pvt), don't get ur knickers in a twist!

  • Thank you Brad.

    And to put it in even more perspective - there really is no 'us' and 'them'. Because we have been them and they have been us in all our various incarnations. We are all one - truely. Energy bodies joining, separating, clashing, - in an endless dance to return to Source. It really doesn't matter what you call yourself: human, pleidian, sirian, etc... They are all the same.

    Source sent us out to play and so we have - journeying, experiencing, creating. Oh the possibilities! It's all very exciting! Who knows what your next adventure will bring.

    Perhaps you'll choose to be a reptillian overlord (or maybe you already have been), just to know what it is like to express in that way. Next you might choose to be an angelic spirit guide, helping others evolve in thier current incarnations.

    We have all been everything - just because we can, because we wanted to know what it was like. So to hate others is pointless. They are you and you are them.

    • Great and insightful answer Toni. Well put. Thank you.
    • There might even be an aspect of you that's a reptilian now!
      • no need to get snakey about it.
  • Being shared between these two communities ( new age and ufo) I agree there are some contradictions in both of them. But I think that people need more time (yes I know we'running low on that) to fully understand the law of Allowance and then to get used to the idea that Balance is the key which leads to the Unity. If a movie scene could give a glimpse of what expects us if we take responsability for creating in total Harmony and Balance, that would probably be the last minutes of Jim Henson movie "Dark Crystal".
    So whichever creed you people may have about "good or evil" races, please don't forget that our role is to get the Balance right before the big events happen . And if people can accept the idea that Light resides in every being (good or bad, human or alien), they'll get why there's some Light that only Love can find.
    Unity in Diversity, Unity for Humanity.

    From Earth with Love
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