I work for Dunkin Donuts! It's the easy job to get during a recession, but the coffee vapor ironically slows time down to an agonizing crawl, and sometimes you feel like this:
Especially when life in general has become all kinds of stressful.
Dunkin Donuts customers have a hard time being polite when they need their coffee that early in the morning right before work which is something I can understand on many levels, but $7.25 an hour in the douchiest city of NH when you're 26 years old can be an erosion of one's dignity. It's good to at least have a job during these trying times though, and my co workers are great people! I mostly just try to laugh the bad stuff off, and everybody seems to find me quite entertaining which is always a plus since it was my sole source of validation growing up.
What's your job like? How do you maintain such an unfaltering love for man kind?
One Love . . . hmm, that helps a little, just thinking those words . . .
ive been a mum since my son was born 7yrs ago. i wanted to go back to work when he was 6mnths old, part time, but life kicked in and ive been dealing with all that. im now under pressure from (UK) jobcenter to work, and im trying! but i havnt even had an interview...most of my previous jobs were caring, everything from prem babies to bedbound elderly. i enjoyed every job i had until i felt the need for fresh stimulation. when i learnt reflexology, i worked 4days in a call centre and 2nights in a nightclub at the same time, and that club kept me alive and gave me the energy i needed to get everything done. I LOVED IT! ive got over 10 yrs experience in healing, and how ive grown from that has blown any thoughts of how it should be totally out of the water, im as passionate about healing as i am about my son!!
whatever comes along for me will be the right job, and the learning will continue...all for a reason. my to 'kola' and i do native american drum healing twice a month at a retreat near us, and THAT is amazing for us all.
www.echoesofangels.co.uk www.banyanretreat.com
whatever you do, wherever you work...love it! if you dont, ask spirit for a new opportunity..
luv n light baby YEAH! xx
A freelancer, freelance worker, or freelance is somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term. Freelancers generally enjoy a greater variety of assignments than in regular employment, and—subject to the need to earn a regular income—usually have more freedom to choose their work schedule.
You hunt for project on online job sites/marketplace. X) my field is IT. my siblings quit their regular day jobs - because they got tired with it; and follow suit. Now they have more time for themselves and enjoying it. I think that's more of life.
At the moment i have no work, so i use all my time doing exactly what i want..lol
I used to be a Painter, but now i make plans for being a writer.. I wanna write about Extra Terrestrials, Ascension,
and other Spiritual stuff...
I work as a compliance officer. I really like my job and the people (general public) I meet out and about although Ive been doing it for 12 years, Im really over the dickwads that cant run the place, waste money, dont want to simplify processess and just need to make things complex so they can justify their jobs etc.... Beam me up scotty!!