This was actually a 2 part response to a comment made by Krhys5 on the Tiamacious discussion. She basically was saying how we need to question everything, why we shouldn't be believing in the channeled messages or in any ''higher being'', and she intimated that she believed we are all being tricked. And I wanted to explain to her my story, and why I believed in all of this. 2012, Ascension, First Contact, all of it. But, she deleted her comment, so I can't post it now. But I figured, this would make a great discussion. So I would love to hear your stories, about what led you to the knowledge of First Contact and Ascension, what led you onto the spiritual path of love and oneness. I'd love to hear it all, with some detail. I'm a huge fan of biographies and learning peoples stories. I'm also here to tell you, in brief, what my story is. So here goes.

"I have been studying UFOs since I was 7 years old. I remember being in my room, looking out of the window, and seeing this white craft, high up in the sky, maybe like 100,000 feet, moving very fast. I just thought it was a plane at first, but then this craft literally disappeared, right before my eyes! I thought, "Oh my God, that wasn't a plane, what was that!'' Since then, I have been studying UFOs, intensely, and with great interest.

I have studied everything about mainstream ufology, and did you know, it is an absolutely accepted fact among professional UFO investigators, that along with the more regressive ones, there are benevolent ETs here, interacting with us? Do you know how many stories there are, even in mainstream ufology, about people who have had experiences and real face to face contact with these benevolent beings? They are all over the place, from all over the world. It isn't just the Grays that people are experiencing, far from it!

Have you ever heard of the Disclosure Project? Spearheaded by Dr. Steven Greer? You should go study it, and watch the videos they present. They have testified before the National Press Club, and would testify under oath to Congress. There are dozens and dozens of whistleblowers, in fact in total they have about 400 of them, who have all worked in the government, in black ops, in military intelligence, in the CIA, in NASA, in all sorts of insider organizations, and all claim to have direct personal experience with classified documents proving the US government knows all about the different extraterrestrials that are here. They claim the US government has documented at least 57 different species that are here interacting with Earth, and most of them are benevolent. Some of them claim to have had actual contact with both malevolent and benevolent ETs. Dr. Greer himself has videos of his interactions with craft in the sky, where they respond to his commands, and he has this all on video.

I myself have had similar experiences. I used to be a singer. I used to go in the evenings to this spot near a highway here, which is secluded, and go practice my voice. And every time I was there, there would be these lights in the sky, very bright lights, that clearly were too bright to be stars, and they didn't move like the other stars, they were stationary. In fact, these lights are still over my area, but at the spot I was, these lights were basically right on top of me. And I would sing, and look at these lights, and feel such a strong connection with them, like they were somehow watching me. I just knew who it was, it was the Galactic Federation ships. And I remember one time I looked at this particularly bright light and said, ''Okay, if you really are watching me, I ask you to dim your lights for me.'' And within 10 seconds, the light completely dimmed out! I was in joy, but still, the skeptic in me wouldn't believe it. So I asked them again ''Okay, now I want you to come aglow again, within 10 seconds!'' And I counted 1, 2, 3, sure enough, the light quickly glowed back up and was brigher than ever! I was convinced. And I used to do that all the time with them and they would comply, every time! Clearly it was no fluke, clearly they WERE watching me and responding to my commands! And the channeled messages have said that too, our craft are in the skies at night, go out and try to communicate with us, and we will respond. Well, guess what, they aren't lying!

And it's not only my knowledge and experience that has convinced me that these guys really are who they say they are. When I was a young 15 year old boy, I gave myself to God. I went to God, with a pure heart, and pure intent, and said ''God, I give myself to you, I ask you to lead guide and direct me, use me as your vehicle, thy will be done over mine'' and I was serious about it. I also have asked God to ''Show me the truth about life, help me to understand your creation, help me understand who I am, where did I come from, and where am I going. Please show me the truth, God, I want the truth!'' And as soon as I made this declaration, I began to, by ''coincidence'', stumble into all these different areas; the New World Order, the Illuminati, Ascension, 2012, and the channeled messages.

And let me tell you, I have learned so much, and have developed such a great understanding of life, the world, and myself. The Galactic Federation, and the channeled messages, have helped me so much, to realize and understand what love and oneness really is. Again, if they were really trying to trick us, why would they give us knowledge which could help us understand love and oneness, and self empowerment, and help us evolve our consciousness and our being to a point where we can see through their charade? Clearly they are not trying to trick us. People who believe that they are tricking us, are the ones living in a charade!

I've meditated, sat for hours in contemplation and communion with God, trying to realize if all this stuff was really real, or whether I was being played for a fool. And the more I dug within myself and asked God to show me the truth, the more deeper I have realized and UNDERSTOOD that it is true! I don't just ''believe'' anymore, I UNDERSTAND that this is the truth! Once you begin to understand, and KNOW, there is no turning back. The doubt goes away.

That's why they say, search your heart, and you will know the truth. Well I have done that, for years and years, and I have REALIZED the KNOWING of this truth! I know this is real, and I understand how it's real. I'm not going by just ''faith'' or ''belief'' I'm going by knowing! Inner knowing, not a knowing of sense perception, which I have anyways. Not only have I experienced enough to prove to me, I have dug within my heart to KNOW enough.

And you know something else that I know? I know that GOD would not steer me wrong. I asked God to lead, guide and direct me, and guide me to the truth, and I trusted in that. And like clockwork, all the pieces of the puzzle just began to fall into my lap. All the different things that lead me to realize the truth, were put in front of me, at just the right time to help me understand the next thing to come. And I feel, I KNOW, that this is the work of God in my life, and I have absolute and total faith in that!

Nothing anybody can say to me will EVER convince me otherwise, because I don't need anything but GOD to validate for me what is the truth! I give myself to God, and you know, the more I've grown, the more closer to God I feel, to a point where I feel like, I am God. And you know what, on the highest and most realist level, I AM! AND SO ARE YOU!

So, tap into your God self, and start knowing the truth! I mean, do you think God doubts that God is God? No of course not! So why would you doubt it, when you are God! God does not doubt in Ascension or first contact either, because it is Gods divine plan! So why are we doubting! No more living in doubt, no more of this skepticism, tap into your inner knowing! Tap into God within you! Connect with your heart, and develop the discipline and discernment necessary to master the art of heart knowing! Because trust me, once you know, you know...there is no turning back. You can't unknow once you know! So that is why I believe in all of this, because I not only intellectually can understand it's true, I know it's true in my heart! Because I know that GOD would never lie to me and steer me wrong! All praise goes to God! Only the mistakes have been mine.''

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  • Thank you John for your words, and it is always great to hear another express "the crazy UFO guy needs to get his head back on." I'm going to keep this short. I've struggled with drugs for years now and during a long period of sobriety I expreinced the most intense awakening of my life. Something "female" came to me during meditation and literally blew my mind open in the most loving way possible, and then for several months talked with me in my dreams. BUt as I regressed back into drugs I feel I've lost or better put blocked that connection. I know I am a starseed and for far to long I've ignored it, but as time rapidly advances towards are ascension I know I must clear my self and open my own pathways to the higher realms and our galactic familys. I'm wondering if you have any "at home"  meditative/remedies for opening those pathways once again. I'm at a lose for words on what to do, for I have no one in my immediate area to bounce ideas off of. SO I look to you for help. thank you my friend and I do hope to hear from you.

    with love and peace, Matthew

    • And the thing is, valuing and loving ourselves, for just who we such an empowering thing, and it will motivate us to make the changes necessary to further create our lives into the perfection we want it to be. Love and power is what we are missing, and we have to dig within ourselves to bring it back!


      As for meditations or other things to remove the blocks, well, I don't think it takes some elaborate thing, just a simple invocation. I command these blocks to be removed. Period. Trust in that, and it will begin to happen. But, I don't think it will truly happen, until the drugs are out of your system. You can do it, brother, I believe in you! Clearly the way of a master is to not let outside things, like drugs, or societal values, control us and how we feel about ourselves. It's a part of our growth, and I support you, and I honor you, and I know it is going to be a process, but you can come to me or any of us here for support during the time. It's up to you, though, to make that decision. I wish I could say otherwise, but there really is no way around it, you will have to stop the drugs, sooner or later. If you don't feel ready now, it's okay, just go with it. Whenever you feel it's time. I knew when it was my time, and I tell you, I don't regret it for one minute!


      I hope this helped you out a bit, my friend. And you can always count on my love and support. I know how you feel, I've been there, and I hope I can help you just a little bit. Okay brother. May God bless you by filling your heart with love and light!
    • Well thank you Matthew for sharing yourself with me. I guess the first thing I would suggest if you want to remove these blocks, is to get off the drugs. It is no accident that the time you were off of drugs was the time that these pathways were most open! I absolutely believe, in fact I know from experience, that drugs can and do open up ''windows of perception'' and actually open up these pathways at first...but, over time, they do serve to block them.


      I know how hard it is to quit, I understand. It takes will, determination, and discipline to stop. It takes faith and hope, but just remember, God is there for you! God will take care of you! God will help you through this process, if you open yourself up and give yourself to God, and trust. I was addicted to drugs too when I was younger, and I managed to quit and stop, and truly face myself, and let me tell you, I am so glad I did! You are going to have to learn to face yourself, and all your imperfections, and just accept them. It's okay to not be perfect. It doesn't make you any less of a person, or diminish your fundamental value.


      I think the root cause of depression, and I've struggled with depression too, so I just don't value ourselves. Thing in our life aren't how we want, or we ourselves are not how we want to be..and we feel low, we feel less, we feel like we have little worth and value. We don't feel the sense of love for ourselves! And we feel powerless to do anything about it. This is what I think is the root problem of human beings, we don't have a self love and power, we don't have that connection to mother-father GOD, which is all love and power. We are disconnected from our God-selves, we are disconnected from the divinity and magic of life, we know it, and we feel depressed about it.


      The first step, for me at least, was just accepting it. Yes, I'm not perfect, yes I am disconnected. The next step, was to just value myself anyways. We always have value, because obviously God doesn't create anything without value. The very fact that we ARE, that we exist, automatically gives us value! The very fact that we are, automatically makes us worthy! Because obviously God does not create worthless things. This idea is in our heads only. I really began to understand this, and I started to love myself, and respect myself, and value myself..for no reason at all, just because I AM. This, to me, is what unconditional love is all about. We don't need a reason to love. We don't need to be this or that, or have this or that, especially when it is an artificial value system that society pins on people. Why do we need anything to love ourselves and others! Unconditional love, means just that, unconditional. It really truly is the answer to all problems, and is the ultimate lesson we all are here to learn in this life.

  • I've always been fascinated with other dimensions and spirits etc. If you research these things long enough, you don't just find out there not fog on the lens of your camera. You stumble upon sites about other dimensions, and the things that live within them. And that kinda leads to ascension, aliens, and anything that sounds too weird for 'normal' people to believe in.
  • Wow, what a story!  I had goose bumps reading it!  I have known about ET's too since I was maybe 10 or 11 years old.  I remember one night sitting on the roof top with my dad looking for UFO's and I remember seeing a light zig zagging in the sky and ever since then I have believed that there is life out there, no doubt!  I am getting such wonderful vibes writing this post!!!  My dad was a very spiritual person.  I remember he was into Scientology, UFO's, David Hawkins, Ramtha etc. and the year before his death in 2007 I went to Ramtha classes with him and loved it! 

    I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was from Aucturius and they were trying to show me how to do something that here on earth was very complicated and the way they showed me was easy.  I wish I could remember what it was.  Also, in my dream I seen a lady with long blond wavy hair, blue eyes that just kept smiling at me.  I have seen her picture on this site. I wonder who she is!  :)

    Many blessings, love, happiness to all! 

  • I too like the other person you spoke of often wonder if we are all being "tricked" as well. I always have to keep an open mind to think of all possibilities. It is better to be prepared, awake and skeptical.


    But back to your discussion. When I was a young child I had an imaginary friend. I also had recollections of my past lives and grew up with a mother who received channel messages via automatic writing so have been open minded for as long as I can remember. I also have had many dreams of contact. I have always been open and receptive to other possibilities. I knew I was different from a very early age. But it took a series of events to get me back to following my path, researching and learning everything I could about the other side, other worlds, other possibilities. Strange happenings have always prompted me to seek further. From waking at sacred times, 3:33; 4:44 to having precognitive dreams, and meeting my animal totem I have always been seeking what is the truth?

  • Sure, there will always be even that 1% of us that says, well what if....what if it isn't real? I think that will be there until we have become ascended beings. But I choose to trust in the 99% that says, yes it's real! And for me, it started out as like a 50%. Then, as the years passed, the doubt slowing grew less and less, until now, I have that 99% certainty that its real, and I choose to trust that! And like the rest of us, these years passed has resulted in our growth further into the understanding of love, unity, and God, it has helped us develop a more higher universal understanding, and of course this is no accident! Ascension and our spiritual growth is a certainty! I think I just moved into 99.1% lol


  • Wonderful Article !  I really resonated with it becuase I have had a simular experience not in terms of seeing UFO's  but in asking God to show me the truth of who we are are. I asked for Knowledge,  wisedom and truth as he states in the bible that who ever asks for the truth it will be given onto him. And so it has. My walk has been very simular to yours.  It was also a time in my like that goingto the church to learn of God was not enough and fabricated. I felt suffiocated at church and felt the people were being led astray from the real the truth. My world changed  soon aftre my parayers, i was led into world of alternative and natural healing, insight into new truths and meditation,etc.It was also the first time I heard of AC , that was aprrox 10 years ago and i have never looked back. However, I have pulled away from my orthodox christain good friends  now. Pity but i don't share the same beliefs.

    Take care God bless   Nikki




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    • Wonderful! This is my strength, my faith in God! If we go to God with a pure heart and pure intent, the doors will be open for us. Like you said, and the Bible says, ask and you shall receive. Me too, I've visited many church groups, and while I love and respect them for wanting to be closer to God, sometimes I feel they put more faith in their religion and the religious books, than they do in God! They don't even want to consider that their religious books don't have the highest truth. A pity indeed.

      Thank you for commenting, Nikki, a beautiful name if I ever heard one!


  • Great topic John :)

    I came into this planet already "believing" to a certain degree, my life has been a progression of changes that led me to major "transformation" that started around 1990, that's the summer that I started doing a lot of psychadellics, yes, they have played a major role in my transformation as well, and in 1994 I decided to travel out to California.

    That journey in itself was the beginning of huge changes for me, and I had already been changed quite a bit from the other experiences and "Openings" I had experienced, but in '94 I was out with some friends at Greyhound Rock on Easter night, and I saw 2 stars in the sky start to move, at first, I thought the world was ending, but then I realized, on a deeper level that something very strange was happening.


    The stars were moving around each other kind of circling back and forth and then they become one star, and I saw it fall, and that exact second I felt something go inside of me, it felt like the "spark of life"... :)

    After that experience, I shed a lot of who I was in that time-frame, and gave up the old me, for a new me (it was more like gaining myself - than losing anything at all).  I think I have already shed some of my "being" I am sure others have as well... :)  Everything I left behind was replaced with something phenomenal, but you can't go through these "Transformations" without giving away something in the process (at least from my experiences) .... :-)

    I've had some very strange things happen to me, I can't go into it now, it would just take tooo long!

    I really look at it as a gifts in many ways, of coarse, through these years, I've kept changing as the "new me", and I have come to realize that we will probably be "Forever Changing"....

    Transformation on an on-going process, we will be ever unfolding into what we we keep "Becoming"..... :)

    I am but a mere student in this whole Experience and the more you know, the more you realize how much you still have to Learn! :)

    At any rate, this is probably already too long, I could go into way more, but....

    For now that's a little piece of the story that has changed me forever.....

    Our destiny or.... choices, have a way of "confirming" the truth by observations, actions, things that happen to us, that speak to us on a deeper level.

    I am convinced now, that I am starting to speak to people with less words, and I think our Cosmic family is speaking to us the same way... :)

    Life has shown me so much, I am forever and will always be eternally Thankful :)  I get the feeling sometimes that nothing like this has ever happened in the Universe, but maybe I'm wrong, regardless I am open to many possibilities!


    Much love to you All :-)

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