If ascention does happen next Friday, does anyone know what time it is meant to happen? Will it be on the stroke of midnight 21-12-12 or will it be different depending on the country you are in?
And what kind of place should one be in to experience it? Should we be in nature or is being in your bedroom OK? Should we be meditating?
And where will we be transported to when we ascend... what will it look like? Its just as confusing as ever before... your thoughts!
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As a little side point, I was brave enough to post about ascention on my normal 3D person social networking account(We all know where that is!I) I said that ascension into the 5th dimention was this Friday, expecting a torrent of ridicule from my
"friends". Much to my surprise two people whom I had no idea were intested in this stuff liked my post. Perhaps more people than I realised know about what is going on right now.
I've noticed the same thing with some friends and family! Was very surprised but never really asked them privately what their opinions where. Think i will give it a shot :)
Thank you for starting this topic, its nice to read a lot different views on the matter!
Thanks for all your replies guys!
I wouldn't place ANY faith in the channelled messages (that have predicted dates, but now have egg on their faces) or certain dates that everyone is looking forward to (21.12.12).
I don't feel anything in particular will happen - yet I know that ascension is a self journey for those who's lives have been disrupted over the last few years. Most of us have lost everything in this world only to realise we are on a spirtual journey of awakening. We may not have awakened had our lives been so comfortable and normal as we wouldn't have searched for spiritual insights.
I do feel and am sure that big world changes are coming. But as to the dates, we don't know.
Thanks for all your responses guys, its great to hear from you. I guess we won't know until the actualy day what will happen, but as this stage it does not appear that it will turn out exactly as had been anticipating. All those ETs that were meant to come down here and help us prepare for the big day have not yet arrived, and the illuminati are still very firmly entrenched in power. Indeed, if they were not, we would not still be in this state of struggle.
Ascension happens when you are ready. We ascend individually because we choose to and when we have accomplished our path's and learned our lessons. Many will ascend on 21st but everyone else will ascend after then, once they are ready to.
Bless you for your balanced, intuitive response. Peace and ascension is an "inside job". The only way to change the world is if we change ourselves first, because reality is a holographic projection from within ourselves. I find healing and balance from walking in Nature and in-spiring all that is around me, breathing in that peacefulness and breathing out what no longer serves me. Looking at the face of a flower, for example, is like looking into the face of God. Watching the water in a stream swirling around, over and under rocks and fallen logs teaches me how to flow through life's challenges, laughing at adversity. If a tiny chickadee can endure and even thrive through winter, why am I feeling sorry for myself? Balancing is a matter of choosing which thoughts to feed, and connecting to the divine energy within. Aloha!
I am no expert but what I expect is that 12/21/12 will unfold like every other day because Ascension is an ongoing -individual process and all the information I've read says that no one can predict an event on a specific date. Is it possible that Ascension is more of a personal- spiritual experience than an outwardly physical manifestation? For example -today I respond with far more acceptance/love and far less fear to events that just 5 years ago would have caused me much fear -anger - pain. I've seen a huge difference in my responses to life and I get stronger with each event/choice. I believe I am in the process of awakening to the power of spiritual awareness. I look at every event now from a spiritual perspective and find navigating the material world much easier and so (In my own unexpert opinion) - I am ascending from the material to the spiritual world while here on Earth. I think Ascension finds us - exactly where we are - and becomes reality in each moment that we choose love over fear.
That question can only be asked if you've fallen for all the bullshit-channelings that have floated around since far too long..
Since real ascension has nothing to do with any of that, I can say straight up that your question can only have fictional answers.
If you want a tangible truth you're gonna have to ask another question. ;)
From my understanding, "Ascension" is a process that has been ongoing for quite some time; it has something to do with millions of Wanderers incarnating here to try and raise the planetary vibration, to lead by example and promote the path of Service to Others. And I think it is, perhaps, working; over the last 50 years, look how far the human race has come in terms of equal rights for all. No, it's not perfect yet, but we've made excellent progress.
What I think will happen on the 21st is "The Great Harvest". This is very much linked to Ascension, but isn't quite the same thing; it's the event that establishes how "successful", shall we say, the Ascension plan has been.
I don't believe that anyone can cancel / postpone the Harvest by their actions. It's inevitable, like the striking of the hour. And it's sooooooooooo close! I can feel it. I'm excited! Nervous, but excited!
This is the experience we all incarnated here to be a part of. In four days, it will either have happened or at least begun (I'm not sure whether it's an instantaneous thing, or whether the process unfolds in stages). My advice to anyone reading this:
Namaste x