We´re all familiar with the moment people suffering from hypothermia experience delusions and think imaginary terrorists and whole swat teams are after themselves. A classic case is that of the famous 2005 meth couple who were star students who died from exposure and had been making frantic 9 - 11 calls. I saw a film based on their story, provided they aren´t one of those makebelieve stunts produced by team Pima County and it´s quite decent and one of my favourite little known films. I also remember from yesterday when I kept receiving frantic twitter posts from batshit crazy people claiming that over 100 people had died in a drill in Paris. Well here´s the truth about Paris. All these bodies were imaginary, nobody saw them. People just thought they did. The guys doing the drill knew that. They just wanted to make a quick buck.
What they have also learned to realize is that when unreliable individuals like presidents or prime ministers repeat the same nonsense often enough people´re not going to take them seriously. Because you can´t take a politician seriously. You can´t unless you want to be considered to be unreliable. Delusional. So why do people see these things? What kind of chemicals cause these hallucinations? I had to block at least one of those geeks who kept reporting imaginary dead people and their hallucinatory reports caused their twitter reputations to fall in 24 hours. They´ll eventually recover and their reputations will probably be up when this year is over. But not that of France´s presidency because the presidency should have admitted that this was a drill instead of having to choose to ignore that step. There are people out there who know what happens when people who do drills fail to report that the drill they´re doing is just that - and those people aren´t presidents or prime ministers - they´re not delusional enough to be voted into office. They´re real people who´ve had enough of all this fuss.
All this event teaches us Sky is that a presidential office isn´t as reliable as an information source as people thought they were. If I became president - how can I quarantee the reliability of information which comes through the office which I am responsible for? It´s one thing to believe or to disbelieve said Paris Attacks event. The point is - a president is as fallible as everyone else just like a pope. If I was a pope - I´d therefore be just as fallible. Few people are willing to admit this but it shows us that our senses are always trying to trick us - and we must be ever vigilante against information we send - and information which is sent to us. And once FX specialists began to take note how supposed bodies weren´t whitening - things became trickier for those who believed this with the intent to convince others of it. I then decided to research imagery of bodies from train accidents and saw that they were considerably paler than the ones we have been told belong to supposed victims of the Paris Attack. Agree we shouldn´t focus on it as all it does is causing us to have fears we don´t need...