Here's another two small phenomena I've experienced on the odd
occasion and was wondering if anyone had any insights to what
they might be.
Only a few people i've ever talked to have admitted to experience this
little weird one. Normally when you blink, you don't even notice it, right?
If you slow it down by a second or two, the world just blacks out for a small moment.
Well, sometimes the world "blinks". As in, everything black outs just for a second
yet you haven't blinked. You're perfectly fine while this happens, the world just happened
to blink for you.
The second one which is just as rare as the above, is bright illuminated sparks.
I'm more or less convinced that this isn't so much a phenomena but more something
to do with too much blood draining/rushing to the head. Still, it's really pretty.
You're sitting or laying down for a period of time and then you get up, only you're body
hasn't caught up to your action. Normally when this happens my vision blots out in a black
patch that slowly opens up to normal but once or twice I've seen bright sparks flying around
quickly instead. They have black tails and are either bright gold or pink.
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