God said:
Whether you recognize or absorb this or not, I AM you, and you are I. Our Oneness is not a choice you make. From the beginning, you and I are One. The most you can seek is for the awareness of this Eternal Truth. Awareness and Oneness are two different things, even though, in Oneness, there is no difference. Nothing but Oneness is. You cannot claim Oneness. You are Oneness. Oneness is a pronoun without antecedent. Oneness can only be One. Therefore, Oneness has no example. Oneness is its One Self. The sun shines on itself. The Glory of God is walking in the world.
Whatever the scene is before you, whether it is city lights or a pastoral scene, you paint it. You create it. You project yourself. You project yourself everywhere. There is only Oneness, and yet you project Oneness in a myriad of ways, and, yet, you are Oneness and nothing else but Oneness. Light is light. You are the Light of the World at the same time as you are a Flame in Heaven.
It has been said that there is nothing new under the Sun. This is true, yet, at the same time, the Sun, Its Old Self, is always new. New. A-new. No shadow falls. Newness arises. You come fresh each day from a Fountain of Love. There is nothing fancy about this. This is simplicity itself. Simplicity is Oneness. Oneness has no frills. And, yet, Oneness seems to represent itself in a myriad of ways. Oneness is Oneness, and yet it seems diverse. Behind the scenes, Oneness is not a symbol of Oneness. It is Oneness, pure and simple. Oneness does not hand out samples. It hands out love.
In Oneness, We, you and I, share One Heart. How fine that is. It is Love. It is Love Without Trying.
In Truth, there are only beautiful moments in life. In your life. How can it be otherwise when you and I are One? Diversion is fantasy. Life in the world is a fantasy. Roles are played. Characters are cast, and, yet, no matter what, Oneness Is.
Hooray for Oneness, and hooray for its representations. What is is. What is not is not. Oneness Alone Is.
And, yet, in life in the world, you come to peace with multiplicity. You watch the movie in 3-D. And, yet, there is One Reel running. Whatever the pictures on the screen, whatever movie is playing, whatever title it carries, there is the One Screen upon which your eyes play tricks. You look for news, beloveds. You look for a digest. You play for high stakes when, all the while, nothing is at stake. Or, We could say that folly is at stake. Life is not at stake, for life is Infinite and you are life and you are infinite.
You play hide-go-seek when there is nothing hidden. There is, however, for a moment, eyes averted, eyes that fool themselves that they are other than Oneness, that they see out when there is only within.
There is no other. Oneness is not in parts. The Self is the Self, and there is One Self. Therefore, there is you and I -- there is I. You and I are One. Oneness exists. Plurality is play on life. Life goes on stage, and a production is made. Oneness is a playwright and writes scripts and acts in them. Seeming others watch them play-acting. The stories are told and retold, and yet there is not story, unless you call Oneness a story. Oneness is singular. Oneness cannot be grasped in two hands. Oneness can only be Oneness. Long live Oneness. There is nothing else. In Oneness, there is no splitting of the heart. There is One Heart, and it is Mine, and there is no you for Oneness to be. Oneness is greater than a cast of thousands or trillions. Oneness, Oneness, Oneness.

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    • so your saying recognize and accept inside the self that all is as one.
      . . and then everything around you. .  you can let be part of this way of seeing, (and being ware) that it is all apart of a collective whole. . an exchange of many forms of intelligence between us all as beings. . accepting that we can exchange our "differences", or "forms of intelligence" with eachother in some kind of "inter-meshing" of way. . because we don't perceive barriers any longer. .

      just this kind of endless "inter-meshing" of eachothers intelligence. . in all shapes and forms that we work to grow and expand our awareness of ourselfs individually. . being separate wills of explorative learning and growth. . of this intelligence. . ourselfs etc

      (this is just my own developing words or wordiness?. . if you prefer ;) to see as such <3)

    • What good are opinions where truth is concerned?

      How can anyone understand oneness?

      In oneness its only you what there is to understand?

      A universe with you as the center and noone else.

      How can you have love without the other-- there is no relationship to experience the aspect of love in. Its words only and not experiencable.

      Your trying to describe the ego but the ego is beyond description.

  • no ego is not evil you need it to live in the physical realm and in return the spirit of creator enters you when you are in perfect harmony with the source of your being. This leads to the saying i and the father are one. And Jesus knew this truth that we have only yet begun to understand it's meaningful interpretation of the bible.

    Those who do not know will know eventually.

    If you truly knew what i meant then you would have been in connection with loving intelligence and intelligent love to figure this one out i did.

    • ...u dont need ego to live in the physical realm... u need a Feeling Heart, and a brain that is governed by Heart...
      people usually confuse ego with the thinking process...

      ego and using your brain are two different things....
      and of course the victim of ego, is the brain/mind always.. and not the Heart..

      (but thats just what my views are about that)

  • So true :)

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