We all know the famous saying of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" This adage is perceived as a paradox, because it is believed that only a chicken can produce a chicken egg and only a chicken egg can produce a chicken. This is commonly referred to as a causality dilemma or catch-22.
First, if you believe in evolution theory, then the chicken egg came first.
Second if you believe in creation theory, then the chicken came first.
However is it even possible to determine which came first? …
Ambrose: Oh, my!
Good question,
There is a universal and indeed, universe-wide, spiritual process in operation at intervals of evolutionary expressions, within physicality, that permit a type of percolation of forms, down from the higher dimensions, into this one...
An egg would have appeared first, manifested into this physical realm, which in turn developed into a chicken...Of course, there would have been multiple eggs....of all species...
Space-faring civilisations also tend to migrate animal and plant forms from planet to planet....Many species on earth originated elsewhere...including mankind.
Cosmic humanity originated on the planet Deron, in the Vega star system....later migrating outwards and across this galaxy...
But the seed forms for spirit to inhabit, initialize as geometric manifestations into physicality, the first EGG....
Space faring civillisations have discovered that even before an unknown planet, in a newly discovered galaxy, is visited, life will nevertheless have been percolated into being, on some occasions, if a planet is suitable for life....
The S&E Fleets of the GFL have come across this natural phenonomen, many times...so it is no surprise to discover life on a planet, that has had no prior contact with life on other planets.....Yet, even the blueprint forms are present, as if spread through colonisation....The forms of life are varied, of course, but certain material templates are repeated. As per the mind of a particular logos, who manifests those forms, into being...
This intelligent process would be operating at logoic levels of consciousness.....so a catch 22 may appear to be an insoluable problem, yet isn't...
Blessings dear Ara... ;-)
Who was the First ... ;)) it's still a paradox ... ;)) you are right any form of life would have to be 'originated' somewhere, and so on and on ... but in some way i also prefer mystery, phenomena, unexplained - it gives so much room for life and experience, however when it comes to science ... more answers leads to more questions ... it's like Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum -
I like this: … it covers most of the theories … ;))
The Chicken
The answer is the chicken because God created all the animals not all the eggs. It's easy because for those that believe in Him God made animals not eggs.
The chicken... it had to be because creatures in the sea evolved and they didn't evolve into eggs now did they?
The chicken. The chicken has to be around to lay the egg.
Depends on what you believe. I believe the chicken came first. Since DNA can be modified only before birth, a mutation must have taken place at conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first chicken egg.
The chicken came first. How would the egg survive without the chicken? I also believe there is a protein that the egg is made of that the egg can only get from the chicken.
Using literature, the chicken comes first.
Using grammar, "the chicken" comes first in the sentence (They come before the words, "the egg.")
In a dictionary, the word "chicken" comes before "egg."
Recent studies now show that the chicken came first, because of the methodology of evolution. An egg cannot occur unless a bird, or in this case a chicken, is able to lay that egg.
The answer is the chicken: God created all the animals and not all the eggs. It's easy because for those that believe in Him God made animals not eggs. The chicken because God wouldn't just put a egg on the earth and even if he did nothing would warm the egg for it to hatch.
The chicken...it had to be. Creatures in the sea evolved and they didn't evolve into eggs now, did they?
The chicken. It has to be around to lay the egg.
In the seven days that God created the earth, it makes no mention of animals' eggs. Thus, the chicken came first.
I say that the chicken came first because the chicken was made before the egg because God made all the animals first and birds and etc..... so the chicken came first before the egg, the eggs came when a male (rooster) and a female chicken repopulate with each other.
The chicken came first because, if the chicken didn't come first, there would be no egg or care for it. So, God had to make the chicken first.
If you are an evolutionist, you probably think that the chicken evolved from a dinosaur or something. But the chicken came first; if you think about it, how was the chicken alive before the egg.
The Egg
The Answer to this is the egg! the reason for this is that for an animal to change, its genetics would have to change also and this is impossible. Therefore the change would have to take place as an embryo or egg. so the first chicken was most likely spawned in prehistoric times as an embryo/egg. Concluding that the first living organism had to come from the form of an egg or embryo.
The egg would have come first laid from another animal when it was hatched it was that animal but had to move its habitat so it had to adjust and became the chicken.
Theoretically, the egg must come first. A chicken is conceived and born in an egg; therefore, without the egg the chicken could not have been either conceived or born, it may be that the egg was the product of two different species accidentally mating to conceive the egg that contained the first, "chicken" as we know it. the egg came first, think about it logically, instead of trying to question it, there is no other logical/practical conclusion.
The egg came first. Two animals who really liked each other and were not the same breed, mated and the female laid an egg and it came out a chicken. They didn't know what to call it so they just named it chicken. Therefore the chicken is a crossbreed. I don't know what between though.
The egg came first. Dinosaurs laid eggs for millions of years before chickens were present on Earth.
The egg came first because other animals i.e dinosaurs or prehistoric birds (chickens) would've laid the egg that hatched to become classed as the first chicken.
What came first, the prehistoric bird or its egg? The egg came first. Definitely.
The 'chicken or the egg' dilemma has been frequently asked as "What came first, the chicken or the egg?". This question baffles many people so it proves that the askers: 1. Have never been taught the theory of evolution. 2. Don't believe the theory of evolution. With these parameters, the answer becomes obvious. Birds evolved from reptiles, and reptiles evolved from the dinosaurs, so a dinosaur lays an egg - dinosaurs become extinct - the egg remains - and hatches into a new reptile. The older reptiles lay an egg - they evolve into birds - and a bird comes out. Well if you use common sense the egg came first. It doesn't necessarily have to be a chickens egg. The egg came first. Dinosaurs were laying them before the chicken appeared on Earth.
The egg, dinosaurs were laying them far before the chicken's existence.
The answer is the egg! For an animal to change, its genetics would have to change also and this is impossible. Therefore the change would have to take place as an embryo or egg. So the first chicken was most likely spawned in prehistoric times as an embryo/egg. Concluding that the first living organism had to come from the form of an egg or embryo.
The egg would have come first laid from another animal when it was hatched it was that animal but had to move its habitat so it had to adjust and became the chicken.
Theoretically, the egg must come first. A chicken is conceived and born in an egg; therefore, without the egg the chicken could not have been either conceived or born, it may be that the egg was the product of two different species accidentally mating to conceive the egg that contained the first, "chicken" as we know it. the egg came first, think about it logically, instead of trying to question it, there is no other logical/practical conclusion.
The egg came first. Two animals who really liked each other and were not the same breed, mated and the female laid an egg and it came out a chicken. They didn't know what to call it so they just named it chicken. Therefore the chicken is a crossbreed. I don't know what between though.
The egg came first. Dinosaurs laid eggs for millions of years before chickens were present on Earth.
The egg came first because other animals came before the chicken that had eggs of some kind. One kind are the fish in the seas; fish lay eggs. Another are snakes; snakes also lay eggs.
A chicken could not have its genetic material altered during life, so the egg must have evolved and been first.
If you take into account the doctrine of evolution, the egg's coming first becomes plausible on the cellular level under perfect circumstances (abundant food and resources). There will be an asexual reproduction once the environment becomes unfavorable. The species would then evolve, and a lot of animals have no parental instincts but through evolution some have started to look after their young.
An asexual reproduction is reproduction in which there is no fusion of male and female sex cells gametes.
The egg came first because the chicken descended from a dinosaur, and it laid an egg that was changed from Darwin's theory.
The egg came first because a chicken comes from an egg. At whatever point you decide to call the chicken a true chicken, it must have come from an egg. Because the different species before it must have evolved to make a chicken, the egg came first
The egg comes first because a bird a long, long time ago evolving into a chicken lays an egg which hatches into a chicken.
An egg comes first, because dinosaurs laid eggs, and chickens didn’t exist at that time.
Simple. The Egg.
Egg. I am not trained in philosophy, but my reasoning is simple and seems solid to me. If it was not born from an egg, it would not meet the definition of chicken so it must have come from an egg. A bird that is not a chicken can still lay an egg with a chicken in it if there is a genetic abnormality in the egg being laid. Because chickens were not the first life form on earth, it conforms to our current scientific understanding that the first ever chicken to be born was a genetic abnormality. Because genetic abnormalities that survive are not substantially different from the original, it is very likely that the parent of the chicken was genetically very similar to a chicken and was an egg layer. The first chicken was a genetic abnormality born from an egg that was laid by a similar parent that was not genetically similar enough to meet the definition of 'Chicken'.
The egg came first. Darwin's Theory of Evolution infers genetic adaptation. This adaptation occurs when parents' DNA is copied inaccurately throughout a species and the strongest of the adaptations survive. The male and female chickens DNA is copied during the mitosis/meiosis process and form the gametes that go on to form the blastocyte/morula/foetus in the egg - so the egg came first.
Isn't it both? Because the chicken would have to teach the chick how to do stuff and the egg to reproduce the chickens.
The chickens most recent ancestor laid the egg. Think of it this way: along the slow and steady evolution from single celled organisms to full fledged modern chickens, at some point, if you could observe every animal in that evolutionary line, you would have to say, "well, this one's not a chicken, but the next one is." The line simply must be drawn somewhere. So whatever egg that the first chicken hatched from would have come first!
There is no final answer but the most reasonable conclusion is that a certain breed of dinosaur laid an egg, then a period of extremely cold weather preserved the egg. Whilst that occurred the egg genetic form was rearranged into a creature similar to the chicken. At first the animal could have been very different from the chicken we know today but over time it changed into the chicken form we are so familiar with today.
The modern chicken was believed to have descended from another closely related species of birds, the red jungle fowl, but recently discovered genetic evidence suggests that the modern domestic chicken is a hybrid descendant of both the red jungle fowl and the grey jungle fowl.
There is some disagreement about the pseudo-philosophical question "Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg?" Those of us who believe that the account of creation found in the Book of Genesis is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth believe that, like everything else, chickens were created fully formed, by magic, and therefore tend to claim that the chicken must have come before the egg. Of course the Bible does not spell it out one way or the other, and for all they know, God created the chicken by causing a fertilized chicken egg to manifest first. Those of us who rely on Biblical poetry for our spiritual truth and on science for our understanding of the material world dismiss the question as childish nonsense, but if pressed will more likely claim that the egg must have "come first," having been laid by a bird that was almost, but not exactly, a chicken itself.
It depends on how you see the question. The chicken might come first if "it was the result of years of genetic engineering by mother nature". The egg might have come first if "it was the result of an unexpected mutation inside another animal's (bird) egg". None of them, if "the specie was developed in centuries of slow natural selection process".
Let us begin our discussion with the question properly posed: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Now, this is a brain-teaser, a rhetorical form called a paradox, intended to be finally unanswerable. It is not a question about natural history for which a "correct" answer may -or may not- be discovered. Trying to answer it in real-world terms is like trying to design a runcible spoon, or to find meaning in superfragilisticexpialidocious: missing the point and not getting the joke. Still, the complacency of some of the Wikianswers on the subject cannot be allowed to pass without comment, in my opinion. It is incorrect to claim that the chicken came first on Biblical grounds. God created the chicken, along with everything else, as it says in the Bible. But of course, the Bible does not spell out any of the mechanics of God's creation - that's the job of science, after all - and so for all we know from the Biblical account, God created all oviparous creatures egg-first. Clever ol' God, that's just how He would do it.
Isn't it both? Because the chicken would have to teach the chick how to do stuff and the egg to reproduce the chickens.
The chickens most recent ancestor laid the egg. Think of it this way: along the slow and steady evolution from single celled organisms to full fledged modern chickens, at some point, if you could observe every animal in that evolutionary line, you would have to say, "well, this one's not a chicken, but the next one is." The line simply must be drawn somewhere. So whatever egg that the first chicken hatched from would have come first!
There is no final answer but the most reasonable conclusion is that a certain breed of dinosaur laid an egg, then a period of extremely cold weather preserved the egg. Whilst that occurred the egg genetic form was rearranged into a creature similar to the chicken. At first the animal could have been very different from the chicken we know today but over time it changed into the chicken form we are so familiar with today.
Neither the chicken, nor the egg came first. It was the rooster that came first.
The egg and the chicken came at the same time. The chicken and the egg are just two different names for the same process or being. It's like water on its way to becoming ice is still water, and vice versa.
Darwin's theory; the chicken egg came from a different species.
There is no answer. Since the question is a paradox, there is no answer. If the chicken came first, it came from the egg. If the egg came first, then it came from a chicken, and so forth.
Evolution suggests that both chickens and eggs evolved from creatures and "egg-things" you would not recognize to be part of the lineage. (Similar to how, in the very distant past, some molecule[s] that was [were] not what we would call "life" became "life".) That was the beginning.
There is no correct answer that can be proven. It's all theory.
This question has been debated about so many times but no-one really knows. It is undecided.
I think its both because the chicken wouldn't have been born without a female parent and the female parent would most likely came first in an egg also given birth by the mother.
Excellent analogy. I believe you are correct.
The chicken probably came from an egg-like amoeba that after countless generations of tideous mitosis where all "kids" are born fully grown and fully "programmed", decided to reproduce by a new method and took a part of itself, encapsulated it in a calcium shell, and pushed it out on the ground to let it mature on its own. Probably evolved out of a subtle mental need to care for someone, as love is what the universe is supposed to be based on. ;)
Loving a kid when it comes out fully grown and with an identical mental setup as your own is no different than loving oneself, which after generations of love probably feels like some sort of boring mental incest. No wonder they made a cute chicken out of it, to love even more. ;)
It must then be a perpetual system with each generation a slight difference.
I'm still wondered how the body shape of a chicken and tyranosaurus match.
I guess mutation is evolution – to mutate and become more fit for the surroundings … ;)
None of both, because both "beginning" and "end" are just part of the illusion. The absolute Zero from our creational cosmic mind, is actually Infinite. It bites its own tail from time to time, when imploding into un-creational state, though.
But that just means a new Story. A new Shift!
"Once, we were Angels. Now we're.... whatever we want!"
Woohoo! Whatever!
get a new egg or the chicken ... ;)) but you are right life in Universe is complex ... just look at us ... ;))