Who am I, Who are You?

When one thinks of Ascended Masters, Angels or Elohim just exactly what are we talking about? Why do they care about me and why are we here? The answer is that YOU are not ONLY HERE. You are your higher self too, and are a resident of many different dimensions at once. Only the LOWER part of you is here. And who are the Angels and Ascended masters? Are they real or just imagination? They are YOU in some cases or other souls that you may have shared past lives with. Why would a multi-dimensional being that was an angel or creator descend into lower density 3D? The answer is to bring light to the lower densities and to help other souls trapped by their own density.


Many have been here through many lifetimes, or on other planets. However a part of them has also been in the higher densities or the future. In essence we are catching up to ourself.. And our higher self is helping us along the path. As well as many of our friends or relatives from past lives, or others that have ascended before us.THEY are US... They are not gods any more than we are, we are equal co-creators. Or I should say, they are Gods the SAME as we are..:-)


Yes, the universe is mirroring back to us according to the energy that we present, however the Unified field continues at a pre-determined flow. This is why when we catch the right wave, we are back on the path so to speak... Our future and our past are entangled and we are coming full circle.. If that were not the case then we should be able to manifest our thoughts instantly should we not? And we will, once we are back in phase with the flow of creation...


Much Love,




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    • So very true, Ivy.....

      c 100% true 。◕‿◕。 Drekx Ω


      The Lotus Flower, Hawaii Picture

  • Yes Masteroflight... and its the buffer of time that is gving us the oppurtunity to change our thoughts before they manifest... thank the Heavens.. otherwise I would see a pink Elephant in my room right now... but soon our thoughts will manifest instantly.. its already beging to happn, the early stages of it.. my thoughts are showing up pretty quickly lately... which is why it is vital to surrnder to Love of US... has anyone else noticed their thoughts manifesting sooner than expected?
    Yesterday, I was sitting at a cafe here in Berlin and I decided to test it... I thought about seeing a small child walking past holding 2 red balloons - I let the thought go.... about 10 minuits later, a little boy walked past holding his mothers hand - and holding 2 red balloons on a string in the other !.. whats more freaky is that the child was exactly like I had imagined him to be... so I say to people, be carefull what you are thinking.
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