There's an issue that's been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now. Once your curiosity sparks an interest.. there's no ignoring it. I tried to do some soul searching in recalling past lives and even my most immediate past life if I were from another planet. I just met and talked to a rather interesting spiritual person who seemed to know alot more about myself than I did.
"You're an alien, aren't you?" I was stunned and confused, I had barely met this person, she had different information retreival methods than I did, (She uses trances, I use the internet. Rofl.) and we had basically come to the same conlusion about the universal truth of what was going on and what was out there concerning the whole UFO and paranormal phenomena.
I replied that I had no idea and there was no way I could confirm anything. "You are, you're just not yourself at the moment, but that won't be for long." I guess by "you're not yourself" was in reference to my sub-concious. She actually said this just the 3rd day I had known her, and she explained to me later that she wasn't able to tell whether I was of good or bad orientation so she was withelding information when we exchanged information about the UFO/2012 ect. It wasn't until something really weird happened that she decided I was of good intent.
I was sitting down with my laptop, reading a channeling on this site happily off in my own little world. Then for no reason she suddenly burst out laughing. I asked her what was going on and she replied that my ear was moving, like it had flicked up or something. Weird, because I didn't feel any movement. But her laughter wasn't feigned. She said "I don't know what you were thinking but you're obviously happy."
From that point she said "It's ok, I know what type of alien you are". I'm thoroughly confused by this. I didn't know certain types of extra terrestials were identifiable by their ear flicking skills.
Anyway I basically wanted to ask, and i'm certain other individuals who aren't as .. spiritually up there.. would want to know any practical means to recovering information on past lives and even extra terrestial connections.? I tried asking my higher self. It just said it didn't matter who I was, it only matters who I am.
I understand that, but after meeting this person i'm even more confused and curious. I remember my funeral, I think I died when I was a child. It plays like a movie, all the colourful flowers and a giant teddy bear with a huge ribbon was laid over my coffin before they burried it. I have a snapshot memory of being checked into an American military base as a child with a few other adults and children. A guy was standing behind a desk marking our names as we entered. An American flag and a bald eagle was on the wall behind him.
As far as I know i've never been outside Australia, although both my parents were in the RAAF. (Aussie Airforce). I'm a little jealous of those who know their origins lol.
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