~The psyche is multidimensional and nonlocal; it is not limited nor constrained by either time or space. It can express itself via inner thoughts, feelings, intuitions, dreams, and body symptoms as well as through seemingly external synchronistic events, whereby an inner situation gets mirrored through an outer event. This should come as no surprise considering that our waking life is indeed a dream, as all the great enlightened teachers continually remind us. For in a dream there is a totally fluid boundary between the inner and the outer; our inner process gets projected out and “dreamed up” into materialization into, as and through the seemingly outer dreamscape. It is as if something within the psyche extends itself out into the world and synchronistically configures events in our lives so as to express and reveal itself.
When we reach an edge in our process and are about to have a potential breakthrough, the psyche will oftentimes express itself in synchronistic phenomena. This is a sign that we have touched the archetypal dimension of our being, a deeper part of ourselves which transcends our limited personal process. We can then discover that we are merely playing a role in a deeper cosmic play, a “divine drama of Incarnation.” Having fallen through the rabbit hole, we find ourselves in a parallel universe where everything becomes symbolic, which is the language of dreams. It is as if the world is an oracle and events in our lives are divinely choreographed so as to reveal something to us beyond our habitual everyday perceptions. Enveloped by a world that is synchronistically expressing and revealing the psyche, we can realize that the psyche is not only in us, but also that we are within the psyche. To know this is to realize the dreamlike nature of reality.
Edge phenomena show the potential of the psyche to split-off and disassociate. If we don’t get distracted by these edge phenomena, but rather stay with the deeper process that is trying to unfold, we can experience a genuine breakthrough. If our alchemical container is strong enough to hold the pressure when these edge phenomena are reached, we then become quantum meta-physicists. We continually re-associate, till we re-member, and re-assimilate long lost parts of ourselves. This is true soul retrieval. To split is a postponement and distraction; it is to miss the opportunity of full incarnation, which is what life is all about.
A clear example of the psyche’s mercurial ability to change channels and express itself multi-dimensionally happened to me many years ago when I was working with a new client. It was the only time I ever saw this client. He came to me with a completely split-off and disassociated aspect of himself, a part that he had never stepped into before. Interestingly, I might add, his name was Paul. We spent over an hour talking about and creating space for this split-off part, and for the first time in his life, he was finally at the point where he felt safe enough to own and give voice to this previously marginalized and unacknowledged part. He was right at his growing edge. I could feel the creative tension, like a birth that was about to happen. At the exact instant that he was about to go over his edge, there was a loud knocking on my door. Astonished, I open the door to find a friend who just happened to be in the area and was stopping by. He had never stopped by unannounced, either before or since. After asking him to leave, I returned to my client, who continued to unfold his process. He went over his edge and began the healing and integration of a life-long process in front of my very eyes.
It was no accident that my friend knocked on the door at exactly the moment that my client was going to step out of his comfort zone and go over his edge. Seen as a dream, in which all the dream characters are aspects of the dreamer, we can interpret this dream symbol many ways. We could say that a part of my client was feeling resistance and not quite willing to go over his edge, so this energy dreamed itself up and manifested─in full-bodied form─as a potential “distraction” in the field. This is to say that my friend knocking on the door was a manifestation of the part of the client that wanted to split-off. We can also postulate that my friend knocking on the door symbolized a new part of the client that wanted to come in and be born. Like a dream, our waking life is very multidimensional and has multiple potential meanings.
It gets even stranger. Years later I’m in what I call an “Awakening in the Dream Group,” in which groups of people come together to collaboratively inquire into the dreamlike nature of realty so as to deepen their lucidity. As someone was sharing their process, a “distraction” occurred in the group. I mentioned that an edge phenomena might have just happened. A newer member of the group asked what I meant by this, to which the elder member of the group immediately chimed in with a description, based on his experience, of what an edge phenomena is. I then shared the aforementioned experience of the knocking on the door to give a clear example what an edge phenomenon can look like.
A few minutes later this elder member began sharing that he had gotten in touch with something really “intense” during a previous part of the group, but he wasn’t sure if he could access it anymore, as time had passed. The rest of the group was holding space and encouraging him to see if he could access what had been touched in him. He was clearly at his edge, not sure if he could bring back into a communicable form what he had experienced. There was a certain tension in the room; we were all sitting with him, uncertain whether he was going to be able to retrieve what had gotten activated in him and go over his edge. And then, right on cue, as if divinely choreographed, there’s a loud knocking at the door. Everyone in the group immediately recognized the synchronistic, dreamlike event that we were in the middle of, and the whole circle spontaneously broke out in laughter. I opened the door to find a somewhat irate neighbor thinking someone in the circle had blocked his driveway, which was not the case, so after I assured him that the offending vehicle didn’t belong to us, I closed the door and we continued our process. Instead of distracting us, the edge phenomena served as a catalyst for my friend to then go over his edge and get in touch with the intense process that had been gestating within him.
The psyche is continually expressing itself synchronistically through both inner and outer phenomena. The only question is do we have eyes to see, which is what Christ alludes to in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas (logion 113), when he says ” the kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.” Are we able to decode the clues in our waking dream and read our life symbolically, which is to see it as a dream? If the great enlightened teachers of humanity are correct when they say that our life is a dream, if we start to view it as a dream, our life has no choice but to shape-shift and manifest in a more dreamlike way. And if you tell me I am just dreaming that this is so, I will heave a huge sigh of relief, as you will have finally understood.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
& some more Multidimensional food for thought Ashtar Massive ;-)
"Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see” ~ Carl Jung
When You Have the Right Vibe, It's Not a Coincidence:
Synchronicities, Energy Healing, & Other Strangeness in the Field
by, Amy L. Lansky PhD
One piece of evidence for the holographic nature of nonstandard fields that have been proposed in recent years -- the zero-point field (a candidate for the unified field), the psi field of psychic phenomena, Ervin Laszlo's Akashic field, and the morphic field proposed by Rupert Sheldrake-- is that they all share a common feature: sensitivity to similarity in vibration.
If a holographic image has many different holograms embedded within it, shining a laser of a specific frequency upon it will cause only those holograms made with lasers of the same frequency to stand out. That's because things with the same vibration naturally resonate and reinforce one another -- just as two violin strings at the same pitch resonate with one another. This property of resonance has [also] been used to explain how each of us might interact with mysterious fields like the psi or Akashic fields... People pick up only that with which they personally "resonate." Each individual's resonant frequency, determined by their life experience, physical body, and energy body, limits what they can perceive.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance also depends upon similarity in vibration. Members of the same species, being "on the same wavelength," are able to tap into information that pertains uniquely to them. And while members of an entire species might be able to tune into a fairly broad spectrum of frequencies (think of Carl Jung's notion of the collective unconscious that humans supposedly tap into), smaller, more tightly connected groups -- such as members of the same family or loving couples -- resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they have access to their own "private frequency." In fact, Sheldrake goes even further and suggests that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates. Instead of being stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in the morphic field. Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios tuning to their own private stations.
A fascinating body of evidence has also been uncovered by Dean Radin and his colleague Roger Nelson at Princeton's PEAR lab... [R]esearchers at PEAR found that connected couples can influence random event generators (REGs) more effectively than individuals working alone. Because of this phenomenon, Radin and Nelson decided to test for even larger field effects by using these random devices as "antennae.".... in 1997, they decided to place REGs at fifty locations all over the world, run them continuously, and see if they could pick up on major world events. The results were astounding. Over the next ten years, Radin and Nelson studied the machines' reactions to 205 major world events and discovered that they did indeed respond to events that were intense on a global level -- especially those that were tragic. The most striking effects occurred in response to the events on 9/11, which caused the largest daily average correlation between the machines' outputs. Even more amazing, this correlation became noticeable a few hours before the first of the twin towers was hit! An instance of collective precognition?
Whereas world events less horrific than 9/11 probably evoke more varied vibratory responses in people (and therefore do not resonate and amplify each other as well), truly frightening events tend to evoke a more common, coherent response. As this study showed, when nearly all of the people on Earth "got onto the same wavelength" on 9/11, even machines noticed...
Synchronicity & Fields of Meaning
Similarity in vibration has also been used to explain the phenomenon of synchronicity -- "coincidences" of seemingly unrelated events that share a common meaning... a well-known illustration of this phenomenon was described by psychiatrist Carl Jung, the originator of the notion of synchronicity. One of Jung's patients was recounting her dream about a golden scarab beetle when he heard a rapping on the window. When he opened it, a rose chafer beetle -- the insect most similar to a scarab in Jung's region -- flew into the room. Jung quickly put two and two together. He realized that the mythological meaning of the scarab -- an ancient Egyptian symbol for rebirth -- was highly pertinent to his patient's problems. And this was also the reason why the insect had appeared in waking life.
The phenomenon of synchronicity demonstrates a key point -- the universe may not be operating like a cold, meaningless machine after all. Instead, the reality we experience each day may be flooded with fields of meaning. One field might embody the horror and violence of 9/11. Another field might be associated with a hope for rebirth. Each field of meaning has a particular vibration to it, and objects, individuals, emotions, dreams, and events with similar vibrations will tend to resonate with one another and then co-occur. This is what creates synchronicities. In fact, various theories of quantum physics require the existence of synchronicities...
Think about it. There may be another fundamental mechanism at play in our universe besides cause and effect. Most of us think that everything that occurs in our world is due to some causal mechanism. A causes B causes C. However, synchronicity -- the co-occurrence of events within the same field of meaning -- may be another fundamental reason why things tend to happen. Many things in life that we think are due to cause-and-effect or mere coincidence may actually be due to synchronicity...
read entire article at: http://realitysandwich.com/133925/vibe_not_coincidence_healing/
...Stick...<3 ....
;-) ...Love, Light & Respect, Sky
So true Feather ;-)