Who is Ra? - Part 1

law-of-one-book-i-the-ra-material.jpgWritten by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, http://cultureofawareness.com/2014/06/25/who-is-ra-part-1/

These days, you’ll find a plethora of channeled material on the internet that’s claimed to come from different entities and collectives. Famous angels, archangels, etc. are routinely channeled, and Archangel Michael is one of the most popular sources of information.

There are even channeled messages that claim to come from extraterrestrials – physically, technologically, and spiritually advanced beings from other worlds who are keeping a close eye on our planet and assisting us with our ongoing physical and spiritual evolution.

There are plenty of theories as to why they haven’t directly shown themselves, and chief among them is the idea that their appearance would violate our collective freewill by showing us something we aren’t ready to see. Think about it – how would you react if a ten-story mothership suddenly de-cloaked and landed in your back yard?

There are a plethora of theories that explain why ‘management’ (the greater spiritual forces helping us evolve) haven’t shown themselves to humanity, but those theories aren’t why I’m writing this. The point of this article is to introduce one such spiritually advanced, extraterrestrial collective of souls, who go by the name of Ra.

With all of the channeled messages that are published to the internet, Ra’s material, which was given primarily through Carla Rueckert in the eighties, remains among the purest and most consistent material out there. Some channeled messages can’t be taken seriously, but in my opinion, there are a lot of gems out there that we don’t need to look too hard to find.

I’m a believer in channeled messages, and I think a large percentage of the messages we’re offered are helpful and filled with wonderful and uplifting information and energy. Most channels don’t hold a candle to Ra’s material, however, and this source has given us volumes and volumes of interesting, important, and scientifically accurate information.

I don’t consider myself much of a scientist, and the science behind spirit doesn’t interest me as much as it does the pioneers who are helping bridge humanity’s understanding of the two subjects.

However, Ra has made statements that were later proven by complex and revolutionary scientific experiments, and for this and plenty of other reasons, I think they’re among the purest channeled sources out there. I’d like to introduce them by letting them tell us a little bit about who they are and the vibration they exist on.

First, Ra tells us that they’re hard to get ahold of and channel because of the purity of their vibration, which can’t be reached by a lot of earthly channels.

“I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow-band vibration.

“We greet you in the light and love of our Infinite Creator. We have been called to your group because you have a need for a more advanced approach to what you call, seeking the truth. We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same.” (1)

It’s interesting that Ra refers to the information they give as ‘always and ever the same’, and in my eyes, it proves that contemporary channeled messages are just as valuable as theirs. No matter how we receive it, the spiritual information we seek will always be the same.

Whether we read a message from Ra or Archangel Michael through any given channel, they’ll always relay information that’s relevant to our spiritual nature and, usually, our evolution from the third to fifth dimension. Ra offers this information in a much purer way, in my opinion, but this doesn’t discount the genuine nature of a lot of channels out there.

Ra also tells us that in their dimension, polarity as we see it is harmonized.

“We are those who are of the Law of One, of Unity. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized; the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. We have walked your planet and seen the faces of your peoples.

“We now feel a great responsibility of helping remove certain distortions that have been given to the law of One.” (2)

We’ll learn more below about why they feel this responsibility, but no matter why they feel it, RA is here to help us understand the spiritual truths of our existence so we can eventually evolve back into their realms. They’re able to exist in a place of pure peace and bliss, and their realms are unlike anything we’ve yet felt or experienced here on earth.

They’re able to experience harmony instead of misery and separation, and they spread their good fortune to others by assisting in the evolutions of various planets and civilizations, of which the earth is one. They’re working closer with the earth than most other planets, but I’m sure they still assist the rest of the cosmos in discovering the Law of One and ascending.

Ra then tells us why they feel so responsible for helping the earth evolve.

“We, as social memory complex or group soul, made contact with a race on your planet which you call Egyptians. We spoke to one who heard and understood, and was in a position to decree the law of One.

“However, the priests and the peoples of that era quickly distorted our message, robbing it of the compassion with which unity is informed.” (3)

Does the name ‘Illuminati’ sound familiar? In ancient Egypt, high-ranking people are believed to have vastly distorted the originally pure teachings Ra and other ancient astronauts gave the Egyptians, and Ra feels partially responsible for this distortion given that they’re the ones who offered the teachings that were perverted.

They’re assisting us with correcting our distorted understanding and exposing/moving beyond the influence of the ‘elite’ forces who distorted their message, and when this planet successfully evolves, they can move back up to the dimension of consciousness they’re comfortable in.

So, what/who exactly is Ra? Is Ra one enlightened soul, or a group of enlightened souls who represent themselves as one entity? To grasp this subject, you’ll have to understand what the higher realms are like in terms of merging our consciousness, and Ra explains their collectiveness in the quote below.

“Q: When I am communicating with you as Ra, are you at times individualized as an entity or am I speaking to an entire social memory complex?

“A: You speak with Ra. There is no separation. You would call it a social memory complex thus indicating many-ness. To our understanding, you are speaking to an individualized portion of consciousness.” (4)

Ra is essentially a collective of higher-dimensional souls who’ve merged and taken the form of one expanded, collective consciousness. ‘Social memory complex’ is one the best terms for it, and if we choose to, we can merge with others when we reach a higher state of consciousness.

I don’t think soul-level merging is prevalent in the fourth dimension, but it becomes more common in the fifth and beyond. Eventually, we’ll all merge back with Source and replace our perception of our identity with pure, harmonious oneness.

It’ll be unlike anything we can currently fathom from the earth, and it won’t happen until we’re absolutely ready. It’s inevitable, though, and in due time, we’ll be back in realms of consciousness that’ll make more sense and feel more familiar than the lower-dimensional earth.

According to Ra, when they were in the third dimension, they were assisted with realizing the spiritual nature of their existence by sixth-dimensional souls.

“We were aided by 6th density entities during our own 3rd density experiences. Being extremely less warlike than humans we found this teaching to be of help. We had not developed the interrelationships of your money system and power.

“We were a more philosophical 3rd density planet than your own, and our choices of polarity were much more centered about understanding sexual energy transfers and the appropriate relationships between self and other-self.” (5)

The collective consciousness of Ra’s planet, who merged to become the social memory complex we’re hearing from, weren’t controlled or led into war like we are. They embraced peace and love over war, and instead of using currency to control each other, they lived in joy and harmony.

Their purer way of life probably accounted for their receptivity to the influence of sixth-dimensional souls, and those souls helped them expand on teachings they were already discovering within. Those souls helped Ra into the position they’re now in, and in turn, they started helping other civilizations understand the Law of One.

In our next installment, we’ll learn about the compassion Ra had in the fourth dimension and the way their fifth-dimensional light bodies looked when they visited the ancient Egyptians.

Just like New Maps of Heaven, which is the spiritual database I get all of the information for The Spirit World Chronicles from, the Ra material is incredibly rich and dense with informative and uplifting material, so it’ll take us a while to scratch the surface.

Ra’s stunning material takes up four different books, and we’re at the very beginning of the first book. Maybe that’ll give you an idea of how dense this material is, and I look forward to discussing as much of it as I can in an effort to help everyone become aware of Ra and the complex spiritual concepts they’ve presented to humanity.

Wes Annac – Grateful for the enormous evolutionary assistance the Company of Heaven is giving.


  1. Ra via Carla Rueckert: “The Law of One Study Guide” Section 1, Compiled by David Wilcock and published to his website, Divine Cosmos, http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/books-free-online/23-the-law-of-one-study-guide
  2. Loc. cit.
  3. Loc. cit.
  4. Loc. cit.
  5. Loc. cit.

Photo Credit

(Permission is given to spread this post far and wide, as long as the following bio is included.)

I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter.

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  • Ra is part of ISIS RA EL.

    Ra is fused with Amen

    May 26 was a festival called the receiving of RA

    It also happens to be my birthday...

    Perhaps I have received RA

    • Interesting, Phaedron. My birthday's May 27, if you can believe it!

  • http://www.edgarcayce.org/are/ancient_mysteries.aspx?id=3760

    In about 1,200 readings on Egypt, Mr. Cayce makes some interesting statements about the Egyptian period, 10,500 B.C. He says that in that period Egypt reached the highest point of civilization that had ever been achieved in the world up to or since that time. There were great advancements in technology and culture as well as in spiritual understanding. We know that the time of the Master was the pinnacle of spiritual understanding, but the teachings of the Master were the same as those of 10,500 B.C. The readings state repeatedly that in that period was the foundation of that taught by Jesus. That one statement or concept is the most astounding for me in the study of this material. Those teachings read like the New Testament; the teachings of Atlantis, of Gobi, of India, of the Egyptian—one and the same with Christ's.

    • Very interesting, Pet. I don't know why, but I'd assumed Atlantis was more advanced than Egypt. I guess I was mistaken!

      Much love :)

      • 4d magic is how we can live for 400 years-I've seen people who have passed and regenerated a dense body move very heavy park benches (a group of teens-though I know the area and teens in our reality do not hang around this park at midnight-I ride a bike on summer nights) so they could skateboard-next day the benches are in the position the were moved to-pyramids moved by 4d magic? 

  • Thank you Wes.

    • Glad you liked it, darkstar. :)

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