Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness - http://cultureofawareness.com/2014/11/16/who-is-ra-part-14-the-creation-of-reality-and-the-structure-of-the-dimensions-12/
Here we are, fresh at the beginning of Section 3 of the ‘Law of One Study Guide’ compiled by Bob Childers and David Wilcock.
There are plenty of sources to read Ra’s material from, the most notable of which is the website of LL Research themselves, but I prefer to use Childers’ and Wilcock’s study guide because they add their own snippets that make the material easier to grasp.
The best way to read the material is to go directly to the LL Research website (http://llresearch.org), but no matter where we read it, I think we’d all benefit from checking out Ra’s informative material.
Ra sends a ‘narrow band vibration’ to quote them, which is difficult for a lot of channels to clearly pick up on and interpret. Other channeled sources seem to send a vibration that’s easier to pick up on, but the entity a channel can connect with will always be determined by the purity of mind/heart they’ve attained.
I’m not about to channel Ra any time soon, because I don’t have anywhere near the experience that Carla Rueckert (Ra’s channel) and plenty of others do.
I also don’t embrace channeling to the extent that a lot of others do, and this certainly isn’t because of a lack of interest in the process. I’m very interested in it, but I’m also interested in writing articles and playing/writing music – two things that take up a lot of time.
I think channeling’s a very helpful and interesting practice, but I think we should leave it to more experienced channels to connect with an entity like Ra who, again, sends a narrower vibration than a lot of other channeled sources.
Some quotes here will probably be repeated from the first two sections we’ve examined for context, but the material we’ll read is generally new – beyond the fact that it was channeled in the eighties.
In our first quote, Ra tells us that every dimension would be perceivable if it weren’t for the fourth through seventh’s choice to remain invisible to the perceptions of those who are enmeshed in the lower realms.
“All the octave of your densities would be clearly visible were not the fourth through the seventh freely choosing not to be visible.” (1)
They repeat their previous discussion of how infinity became aware and led to the creation of all reality.
“The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation… Infinity became aware. This was the next step… Then, awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy.
“You have called this by various vibrational sound complexes, the most common to your ears being ‘Logos’ or ‘Love.’” (2)
We’re also told how the ‘randomized creative force’ was organized into various densities and states of consciousness.
“The next step is still at this space/time nexus in your illusion achieving its progression as you may see it in your illusion…
“The energy moves from the intelligent infinity due first to the outpouring of randomized creative force, this then creating patterns which in holographic style appear as the entire creation no matter which direction or energy is explored.” (3)
Once the patterns are created, they begin to regularize and form dimensional structures.
“These patterns of energy begin then to regularize their own local, shall we say, rhythms and fields of energy, thus creating dimensions and universes.” (4)
I should point out that my scientific perspective of the spiritual nature of our reality is dismal, and even when I write these reports, I basically wing it.
I appreciate Ra’s material because of the paradigm-shattering scientific perspective they offer on the spirituality of our existence, however, and something tells me that everything they’ve told us so far will eventually be proven by mainstream science.
A lot of things they’ve told us have apparently been proven already, which this quote from either David Wilcock or Bob Childers attests to:
“We now can define (love) energy, which Ra later refers to as ‘intelligent infinity,’ using scientific methods.
“Physicists have discovered a multi-dimensional ‘zero-point energy’ that exists outside of the scope of physical matter as we now understand it. Ra explains to us that the density or vibrational level of the zero-point energy is the most important factor in understanding the structure of the dimensions.” (5)
Mainstream science is already catching up with Ra’s startling revelations about our reality, and since I’ve read some scientific material from David Wilcock about all of this, I’ll recommend keeping up with what certain Russian scientists are bringing to the world.
Ra then explains the seven main densities and the infinite sub-densities that lay within them.
“The term density is a, what you call, mathematical one.
“The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave.
“Within your great octave of experience which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, there are seven sub-sub-densities. Within each sub-sub-density, seven sub-sub-sub-densities and so on infinitely.” (6)
Some seekers have told me that Ra’s definition of ‘density’ is different from their definition of ‘dimension’, and the fourth ‘dimension’ as we see it is different from the fourth ‘density’ in Ra’s terms.
The more we study Ra’s remarkable messages, the clearer of a grasp we’ll get on the whole subject, which is why we’ll want to stay diligent – even if certain terminologies become confusing. They certainly have the potential to confuse us, but if we read them with a clear mind and a discerning heart, everything will fall into place.
- Ra, channeled through Carla Rueckert: “The Law of One”, All four of the Law of One books can be found at the LL Research website (http://llresearch.org) in full: http://llresearch.org/library/the_law_of_one_pdf/the_law_of_one_pdf.aspx Thanks to Bob Childers and David Wilcock at Divine Cosmos for their ‘Law of One Study Guide’ The quotes for this article were taken from Section 3: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/books-free-online/23-the-law-of-one-study-guide
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Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow. To read the full article, head here.