law-of-one-book-i-the-ra-material.jpg?width=166Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -

Concluded from Part 1

Now, we’re going to learn about the wanderers. Like I said earlier (and Ra will say below) the wanderers are the higher-dimensional souls who willingly incarnated on this dense planet for the purpose of helping raise the collective vibration, and there are a lot of them here.

“Imagine, if you will, the sands of your shores. As countless as the grains of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity. When a social memory complex has achieved a complete understanding of its desire, it may conclude that its desire is to serve any entities who call for aid. These entities whom you may call the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow move toward this calling of sorrow. They come from all reaches of the infinite creation.

“They are not sorrowful themselves, but come to aid those that are in sorrow. They are the Wanderers. There are approximately 65 million on Earth”

Note from David Wilcock: “This, of course, was as of 1981 — and current numbers are believed to exceed 100 million, or 1 out of every 60 human beings now on Earth.” (1)

This makes it very likely that most of you out there are wanderers who’ve come to offer the light you carry within, and if you think you’re a wanderer, feel free to work as hard as you can and help others become aware of the things you’ve started to discover within.

We have a responsibility to use our awareness for the good of humanity; to do something with the greater perception we’re starting to find. We can journey inward, into the sacred center, and produce a wealth of potent spiritual work that’ll benefit various other seekers and wanderers, and I think it’s important that we do.

The challenge of being a wanderer is that at any time, we could get lost in the karmic chaos of the earthly existence, as Ra tells us.

“Few [wanderers] are of 4th density. Most are of 6th density.

“The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you call foolhardiness or bravery. The challenge and danger to the Wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom and turbulence which it had intended to avert.” (2)

We obviously want to avoid being ‘swept into the maelstrom’, and I can say from experience that it’s important to root ourselves in the divine if we don’t want to stray away from our natural, moral center.

Living in love isn’t as much about morality as it is self-discipline and the ability to cease feeding the ego, and it’s important to our growth and that of the planet around us that we not let the lower vibrations take us under. It’s easy to let them, of course, but we’ll benefit far more from refusing to protrude from our center.

According to Ra, a large percentage of sixth-density wanderers came to the earth from their social memory complex.


“A significant portion of sixth-density Wanderers are those of our social memory complex [Ra].

“Another large portion consists of those who aided in South America; another portion, those aiding Atlantis.

“All are sixth-density and all brother and sister groups due to the unified feeling that as we had [formerly] been aided by shapes such as the pyramid, so we could aid your peoples.” (3)

From what Ra says here, it seems like those of us who previously helped our planet become aware weren’t quite satisfied with our efforts. We wanted to do more, and it’s been said that some of us have taken thousands of incarnations on the earth so we could use each one to refine our ability to help awaken humanity.

Some of us are very serious about our mission, and we’ve been training for this potential final lifetime in earth’s lower-dimensional cycle. It’s time to start the most potent of our work and show ourselves, humanity, and the entire universe what we can really do, and we have the unflinching power of spirit by our side.

Due to the vibrational difference between the earth and the higher dimensions, some wanderers tend to feel isolated from this planet and the rest of humanity, which can manifest as physical symptoms.

Q: “Do the Wanderers have physical ailments in this 3rd density situation?

“Due to the extreme difference between the vibratory distortions of 3rd density and the higher densities, they generally have some kind of handicap or feeling of alienation which is severe, for example, allergies.” (4)

I don’t know about any of you, but I tend to experience severe allergies that seem to appear out of nowhere.

I usually chalk it up to the weather or other physical factors, but you never know – it could be because of the vibrational difference. There’ll obviously be other symptoms related to the ‘feeling of alienation’, but it’s interesting that this alienation can be physically felt and expressed.

Wanderers have lowered their vibration and come to the earth because they can create a massive amount of physical and spiritual change simply by loving others, Ra explains.

“The Wanderer has the potential of greatly accelerating the density of consciousness from whence it comes. This is due to the intensity of life experiences and opportunities in 3rd density.

“Thus the positively polarized Wanderer chooses to accept the danger of forgetting what it is in order to be of service to others by radiating love of others.

“If the forgetting is penetrated, the amount of catalyst in 3rd density will polarize the Wanderer with much greater efficiency than could be expected in the higher and more harmonious densities. [i.e. growth work that would take hundreds of thousands of years of time in higher realms can be moved through far more rapidly here on Earth.]“ (5)

This takes us back to the importance of rooting ourselves in the divine qualities. If you’re reading this, you’ve more than likely broken the spell and are aware of a lot of important and sacred truths, and it’s essential for those of us who are aware to live the changes we want to see.

Living a spiritually aware lifestyle isn’t easy, but we’ll find that it was more than worth our effort when we look back on everything we were able to achieve. We have to live miraculously if we want to create miracles, and again, this only requires loving ourselves and everyone else.

It’s so easy and so complicated, but we’re more than capable.

According to Carla Rueckert, Ra’s channel, “It is no wander that Wanderers have some difficulty waking up within the illusion we call consensus reality. There is always the fear, as one enters incarnation, that one will not awaken at all, but be lost for the whole life experience.” (6)

I’m sure this fear has subconsciously motivated some wanderers to wake up and offer themselves to the earth’s evolution, and we’re fortunate enough to have the assistance of our higher selves, our guides, and various other entities and collectives who are focused on our ascension and the things they can do to help us.

Since we’re being given so much help, which we only need to open our minds to receive, our awakening and our subsequent work to wake up others should be relatively easy. The only difficulty is in living with the immense distortions and difficulties the earth offers, but we wouldn’t have come here if we didn’t know we were up for the challenge.

Challenge is a good thing, and we’ll be very glad we challenged ourselves in the end.

In our next instalment, we’ll learn about another civilization who destroyed their planet and incarnated on the earth for the remainder of their lower-dimensional cycle, and the picture of our true history will continue to become clearer and clearer as we journey deeper into Ra’s material.

I know it’s probably hard to believe some of the things we learned here, and an open mind is required when it comes to anything inherently spiritual, especially channeled material. If we’re willing to open up and consider things we would’ve otherwise dismissed, we might just uncover a wealth of surprising revelations – revelations that the cabal doesn’t want us to uncover.

I think open-mindedness is important, and it’ll continue to be as we continue hearing from Ra about our past, our present, and our future. I unflinchingly believe we’re headed for a positive and spiritually progressive future, but we have to change ourselves if we want anything about this planet to change.

The guidance we’re receiving in our minds and hearts will help us make the greatest inner and outer changes we’re destined to make, and Ra is only of many sources who are helping us discover our true selves and use this discovery for the benefit of others.

Their information is among the most helpful, but as always, the best source of information and energy will always live within. As far as outer sources go, however, Ra is definitely among the most helpful.

Wes Annac – Eternally grateful to Ra and every other higher-dimensional soul who’s helping us raise our vibration.


  1. Ra, channeled through Carla Rueckert: “The Law of One, Book 1” All four of the Law of One books can be found at the LL Research website ( in full: Thanks to Bob Childers and David Wilcock at Divine Cosmos for their ‘Law of One Study Guide’ The quotes for this article were taken from Section 1:
  2. Loc. cit.
  3. Loc. cit.
  4. Loc. cit.
  5. Loc. cit.
  6. Loc. cit.

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(Permission is given to spread this post far and wide, as long as the following bio is included.)

I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Oversoul Teachings, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter.

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