
Mornings with
Archangel Michael


I come to bring you tremendous reassurance. Your fortitude is already legendary. Now, together, let's take the next step. It is time to expand - further, wider, deeper. It is the moment to swell your Galactically renowned faith and determination.

Up until recently, you have worked in pods (a warm nod to our dolphin family, who also speak in today's New Earth Times). For your Life Plan and your Earth Mission, you have held the vision of your inner guidance through extreme conditions, and you have been more successful than you yet comprehend. What is occurring at this time, is that the projects of many such individuals and groups are merging to reveal the even greater Mission. While some pods have worked with absolute focus on the RV/GCR or other areas of the financial reformation, others have been immersed in turning around the governmental system, the legal system, and so on.

I tell you this with certainty: each of the individuals who formed the groups of transition have had an overriding similarity in character - you all chose to embody deep faith and unwavering perseverance as you carried out your seemingly impossible assignments. Remember the intricate journey you yourself have come through, which required again and again that you forge on in the face of a reality that said, "No way - what you are envisioning is impossible." Yet, here we are. You are triumphant. You await only the final curtain call.

Well, your brothers and sisters have been simultaneously doing the same in other areas of global transformation, and they have been similarly successful! So as you begin to hear of the surprising events and seemingly outlandish results of their endeavors...keep an open mind. Do not get bogged down in HOW the miracles will now present themselves to you and to the world. Decide to trust your human brothers and sisters, for they have proven as valiant, as steadfast and as triumphant as you have been! You shall see! We shall dance!

We continue to request that you express your experiences and insights to the Galactic Councils, as you are inspired. We all work together with you as ONE team, and your input is welcomed and respected. That said, you are not the same as you once were...you now energetically represent the success of your personal and group accomplishments. Use this hard gained momentum to expand further.
Always always keep close the knowledge - so decreed by God - that this story ends in GLORY. See all unfolding events through that lens along with inner strength of the matrix-defying accomplishments you and your pod have already brought about! Cheer the accomplishments of other groups as they now appear in your reality. Every detail has been seen to, every detail, and you are held dearly and cherished in the palm of God.

With the love and devotion of your higher family pouring onto you,
we wrap you up in our arms and hold your progress steady as Earth reveals the long awaited changes. Relish it.

I am your Brother.
~ Archangel Michael

(Channeled & Transcribed through Christine Burk 3/10/16)

Thursday, March 10, 2016 Edition #59 Subscription FREE or by Donation

All Intentional and Inadvertent Generation of Dark Energies Must Stop - We are Here to Help
by Sananda and The Dolphins through Kathryn

RV/Intelligence: The Fall of Rome
by Anonymous

Community Corner

Your Promised Return to Physical Angelhood
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Phasings of Illumined Align
Update GaiaPortal

Are We Ready? Let's Try to Be!
by Martha

March 9th Mid-Week Report by ZAP
from Office of the Poofness

All Intentional and Inadvertant Generation of Dark Energies Must Stop - We Are Here to Help
by Sananda and The Dolphins through Kathryn

Photo Courtesy of: Caters News Agency LTD.


Yes, dear family, everything really is changing in your world. We have persevered, and we have triumphed on every front. All the systems we have worked to change have entered a new phase: financial systems have switched over to new asset-backed currencies and transparent banking practices. Governments are reforming in dramatic ways, and in the U.S. there is a new Interim President who will make announcements within 24 hours, if the schedule remains firm. As we have previously confirmed, Grandfather has truly "pushed the button," and the tsunami of wealth has begun to flow. Like a river gaining depth and energy as it flows downstream, this river picks up momentum from tributaries along the way. The River of Goodness is now completely unstoppable. It is now just a matter of how quickly or slowly the changes will become publicly apparent. You will be thunderstruck when you hear of the monumental shifts that have already been accomplished.

Now I must warn you not to leap to panicky conclusions. You are not going to starve or be subjected to some tyrannical or despotic rule. This is not a coup - just the opposite. In the U.S., which was a hotbed and major financial power center of global criminal behavior, you will shortly hear of the official surrender of the cabal. These criminal controllers made all-out attempts to stop the RV (revaluation of currencies) because they knew it would be the death knell of their power structure, allowing the rise of a new class of Lightworkers who can no longer be threatened or controlled by them. They have lost their teeth (Isn't that a humorous image?), and they know it.

The dark hats attempts in recent weeks to cause false flag devastation of the enormity of 9/11 in major cities across the U.S. has been thwarted with help from your Galactic Federation Brothers and Sisters. The dispensation allowing such assistance to be possible was granted because of the intensive efforts on your parts as individuals and groups to clear away the dark energies they feed on and gain strength from. There is literally a direct correlation between the creation of dark energies - generated by the cabal shadows within each individual on the planet - and the strengthening of the Matrix that imprisons all on Earth. In other words, although there has been a well-organized Illuminati/cabal organization operating to enslave the planet, the greater population has played a powerfully influential role - energetically - as the slaves whose lives were intricately interwoven with the cabal structures, therefore causing humanity to became vessels for the damage and density the system imposed.

All of you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, have unwittingly participated in and supported the dark agendas. This is why we stress that no one should be blamed or punished, yet all intentional and inadvertent generation of dark energies must be stopped. This is why we introduced Operation Heave-Ho. (New Earth Times Edition #48) As distasteful as it may seem to search for and root out the cabal programming within yourself, this is the route to freedom - the key to dismantling the Matrix. We are very aware of how challenging it is to maintain a loving and compassionate heart, especially toward yourself, in the face of thousands of years of abuse.

One of the most ingenious Annunaki teachings, epidemic in your cultures today, is the use of guilt and shame to stop a person in their tracks whenever they began to question their own actions or beliefs. The idea that it is shameful to find any hint of programmed darkness in oneself was a booby-trap for anyone trying to develop self-awareness and mindfulness. Such self-examination and the natural emotions that follow -- like forgiveness and the desire to apologize and make good on your promises -- was mocked as "weakness." Thus, the deep search to eliminate all negativity, fear and deep anger from millennia of abuse then becomes a plunge into shame and the automatic (programmed) reflex: denial. You come face to face with your own inner brick wall without realizing it was the result of implanted ideas.

Shame Is Not a "Normal" Emotion
Laughter at one's foibles and slip-ups is. Do not allow yourself to be caught in the downward spiral of self-revelation > shame > denial. Instead, take every small personal discovery as a triumph of Light and a loving expression of God's will. Self-awareness, mindfulness and Faith that Light and Love are real are the greatest tools for Mastery we have available to us. We were made to be happy and free, not beaten down by shame and guilt.

It has been difficult for you, because of your intense programming, to perceive the vivid energy patterns that create either positive change or deepen conflict, destruction, war and suffering. From our position in higher dimensions, these energies are obvious and easily identifiable. They will become more and more apparent to you as your planet's vibration rises. As that happens, the choice to be grumpy or cranky or belittling of others becomes as attractive as wearing egg on your face, and just as obvious.

You are beginning to see the immediate Co-creative effects of lifting your eyes to Mother and Father and holding fast to their Love. It is creating the miracles of courage, joy and compassion you have longed to see in your world and thought could only come as a massive intervention from Above. It could not be done that way; it would have created chaos and death to the planet. It truly had to come from Earth humans.

Kill the Messenger, or Fuel the Freedom Train?

"Love is my fuel and Faith my engine." - Jaques 3/10/16

Why we have worked with you so closely - all of us in the Company of Heaven - by incarnating among you and by using our incarnated twins and loved ones as channels to bring you our messages? Because we believe in you, and we love our beautiful Terra. Never before has there been such a massive cooperative venture to rescue a planet that had gone dark. Never before has it been so difficult to win the hearts and minds of the very people who asked for our help.

Because of religious teachings and dooms day beliefs (used to keep humankind controlled and in fear), it has been seen as "practical" and "rational" to cynically question, discredit and attack anyone who brings a story of hope and good news. This fear and cynicism has increased and become even more dangerous to Lightworkers than it was in the Jesus lifetime. Yes, humankind under the influence of mind-control had become quite a cynical lot, as you know. It took quite a lot of encouragement and loving care to reassure even a small portion of the human collective that change, freedom, and loving, gentle, measured intervention from Above is real.

Once we began to really work together in harmony, you on the ground and us in Higher Dimensions, things began to shift on a massive scale. It has taken years, but we can truly say we have turned a corner. Our Operation Heave-Ho is really working. You have caught fire! The upshift of Light has been dramatic in just the past few days!

You, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, have your collective foot on the accelerator. The higher you raise your vibration, by lifting yourselves out of all doubt, disgruntlement, cynicism, criticism and frustration, the faster we move toward higher dimensional experience, and all the joy and goodness that goes with it.

Your rising Light has brought even more enthusiastic help from your admiring Galactic friends. In fact, a very special group has asked to bring you a message through Kathryn: The Dolphins! They are very excited to meet with you, and will speak as one to represent their Deva and all of their species. They would like to offer their help at this most important juncture in your planetary shift.

I will pass the talking stick now to our beloved friends, the Dolphins.

In Love, Your Sananda.


Mother's Love Tickles

The Dolphins:

Dearest Human Friends, we come to offer you a special gift from our hearts. We know it has been a long and difficult climb for all of you to transcend the dreadfully poisonous energies and ideas that proliferated across Earth. We have a lighthearted image and a playful opportunity to offer you, to lift your hearts. We dolphins are well known for our humor and playfulness. We believe it is the essence of Life to be creative in our jokes, pranks and joyful celebrations of Life. We take great pleasure in our swimming and leaping abilities, our special flair for the great splash, and our shared laughter.

We offer to you, Humankind, the possibility that you might find our laughter and pranks contagious and that laughter will help you greatly in the next phase of your Ascension, as it has with our evolution when we have faced difficult challenges. You see, we are a very good-humored group of souls; we have cultivated that quality in ourselves over millions of years and thousands of lifetimes across the Cosmos. Now, we are concentrating our energies in this galaxy to help with the great transition taking place. It is truly where the action is, even if it is demanding at times. We always answer the call when Mother and Father ask for our help.

Dolphins Communicate Across Dimensions
The most difficult assignment we have ever taken on has been this incarnation on Earth, withstanding the toxins, the dense energies and sonar attacks that have taken the lives of many of our numbers. We do not complain about loss of life the way you humans do, however. We have deep and everlasting spiritual connections with our beloved soul group members, so our communication continues telepathically between and among all of us, whether incarnated or in spirit form. It is our pleasure to communicate across dimensions with ease and to share our loving energy with all our species, whether in a body or not, and with our far-flung friends of many species. We are never separated from the great and generous love of Mother and Father God, and so we are always happy.

Here is what it feels like to us: Mother's love tickles. She loves to stroke and pet us with her sweet and tender energy streams. It makes us laugh and leap for joy. Father's love is comforting and strong. It reassures us to be held in his loving arms, and they both help us to glide through difficult times without ever losing our ability to laugh.

Play the Bubbles Game
Let us tell you our secret. It is bubbles! We love to spray and leap and create great clouds of bubbles. Perceive what we are telling you with more than just your mind... We use bubbles as protection if we need to, but mostly we love to make bubbles for the fun of it, the way we have seen your human children do with soap bubbles. Of course, you do not have the advantage of being underwater a large part of the time, but there are many ways to make bubbles. You have the same ability we have, but you haven't practiced it yet. You can make energy bubbles. Have you ever tried? Just focus and concentrate your energy, the way you do when you build your Pillar of Light. Reach up to Mother and Father God and anchor into dear Terra, and then you can fill your pillar with colors and shapes and dancing bubbles of Light!

You are made of Light, just as we are! You can teach others of your species to perceive and play the Bubbles game with you. It is great fun. You will probably have to introduce it at first as a sort of pretend game - children will love it - and they will learn right away to see and feel the bubbles you create for their pleasure and laughter.

We also want to offer to help you with creating clear and shiny channels or portals, however you think of it, to send your telepathic messages to your loved ones. You only need to call on us, and we will help to carry your messages along, just like a clear river flowing between you, and we will clean your channels of all detritus or interference, just as we do for you in our service to your oceans and your air. You see, we are also skilled Energy Scrubbers and Transmuters, among other things.

Dolphins Are Bright Spirits of the Great Seas
We would be delighted to help you learn to communicate more clearly with each other and with us. We are very social and love to sing and chatter amongst ourselves because we love to be close together and admire each other's songs and dances and capers and pranks. We are very athletic, as you may have noticed, and we admire graceful movement enormously. We are always practicing our Olympic prowess for the sheer joy of it. We laugh and cheer for the outstanding abilities we see and celebrate in others. You might say we spend much of our time putting on a kind of circus for our own entertainment and for yours, if you wish to join in. It makes our work very joyful, and we are very good at it. Because we create so much high Light energy when we do it, our work goes very, well, swimmingly. You could say we always whistle while we work.

We look forward to your messages and your friendship. Of course, if you have a chance to come to any of the places we enjoy in the world's oceans, we would be delighted to swim and make bubbles of freedom, protection, Light and delight with you. Just call to us, in the water or not, and we will come to join you and help you strengthen and polish your natural telepathic skills. It would be our pleasure.

With joyful anticipation of our close friendship with you,
The Dolphins

(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May 3/10/16)

The Fall of Rome
by Anonymous


"Fall of Rome"

March 9, 2016


New Republic President of the United States Paul Ryan will be making a prime time address to the nation very shortly, announcing his appointment as the 45th President of the Republic, as well as the selection of General Joseph Dunford (former interim Republic President) as his Vice President.

This peaceful transition of power falls within all estiblished Constitutional guidelines, and thus everything should appear normal to both a domestic and global viewing audience, as there is precedent for a US President to resign (Richard Nixon 1974). So President Ryan will first have to announce the resignation of former President Obama and Vice President Biden, who we are told have pre-taped resignation speeches.

This is why Obama is nowhere to be found since the State of the Union Address and Biden is suddenly traveling to Israel. Also, this is why the military is on high tactical alert -- just in chase there are disruptions within the general population over the unannounced Obama Administration exit -- hence the need for helicopters, deployed ground forces and heavy transport vehicles.

President Ryan will then announce the closure of the Federal Reserve Bank, as well as a new US Treasury issued gold backed currency called the United States Notes. It is in US bank vaults/ATMs now and have a 1:1 exchange ratio. Again, nothing out of the scope of ration eventual unordinary, just the way the Elders prefer to handle everything... subtle and understated, but truthful and transparent.

President Ryan will be making a few other changes, which we have yet to lock down exactly what those will be.

It is anticipated that Ryan's speech will come either Wednesday or Thursday evening @ 8pm. And those of us following the RV can look for redemption appointment 800#s to be released simultaneously (internet, phone, email) as President Ryan declares the gold standard and new USN's publicly to the world. This is considered the surrender of the cabal (note: SKR accounts are also scheduled to be released at that time).

Private groups like those lumped together in Reno (as well as the internet group) are now scheduled to begin physical redemptions starting at @7am on Friday 3.11.16and go through Tuesday March 16. With bank branch or a mass public redemptions beginning as early as March 21 (start of spring) and continuing for exactly one month. Notifications to sub group leaders are coming. International and Contract rates are great, so get in early and do your business because rates will be going down not up in the future.

Friday April 22 has long been the day we understood the new gold sport price (benchmark standard for all currency value) will be announced at the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE). This would mean the entire RV process took exactly 1 year from when the TRNs were first allowed to be traded or allowed to "go live" on back screens, therefore constituting the official beginning of the RV.

This is why so many have said the RV is done... and yet its not. Again, be flexible as dates and times are fluid given the importance of guaranteeing security for such a hyper-unusal event.

As for the Presidential Race... eventual Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will bow out either for health reasons or because she's being prosecuted for past transgressions... or both... Bernie Sanders will be the lame duck Democratic nominee in November's general election.

The Republican nominee will not be Donald Trump, as he will patriotically step aside in the best interests of the country, so President Ryan can and will ultimately be the sitting Republican Presidental nominee, with the full support of his conservative party base.

This is why Ryan was given the Speaker of the House position, so that in this moment he would be President, and possibly for 8 years plus his short tenure this term. At this time, it is unclear if General Dunford will also be on the ticket, as many believe that is doubtful. Expect the General either to return to his post as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs or retire.

Anyway you look at these upcoming events, it's clear we're in the middle of historic world moments, very much like the Fall of Rome circa 476 C.E.. Guess the more things change, the more they really do stay the same. The below link is a musical "tribute" to the multiple sources who have contributed to this post over the years, hoping soon we all shall witness history repeating itself peacefully... as one family known as humanity.


LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzLT6_TQmq8


God is with us


Tremendous Gratitude to Dinar Chronicles: HERE
and Operation Disclosure: HERE

Community Corner
Your Promised Return to Physical Angelhood
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

4 Ben 6 Ceh, 12 Manik 8 March 2016

Dratzo! Several indicators show us that the initial humanitarian funds have been distributed to the appropriate accounts in Europe and North America. These funds are the first bellwether to be presented to us. They demonstrate that the ability to pass large amounts of funds across these templates does in fact exist. We fully expect that these funds are to prove that the gauntlet of the dark cabal is successfully breached. The next thing to occur is the final distribution to a number of individual accounts. This is to be a signal to our allies to initiate the complex process of completing the prosperity fundings. These are to initiate the rise of NESARA, first in the USA, and eventually the implementation of GESARA globally. In Asia and Africa, a number of vital infrastructure projects are then to be funded and begun. This is to mark the start of a vast global set of projects to end concerns about pure water and proper sanitation in many rural areas. Your world needs moreover to set up the means to oversee these large financial projects. A network of smaller "community-grown" operators is to be fully utilized.

This "small is beautiful" approach is one that was proven effective over the past half decade in Africa and Asia as well as the Americas. This operation is to be expanded once the new financial system is fully operational. Our earthly allies have developed a means to easily distribute these vital projects throughout the so-called third world. It is this space, containing the majority of humanity, which requires the most attention. Thus, the major dilemma was how to begin to successfully transform what was a most neglected part of your globe. In addition, this region has traditionally been the place where a majority of the abuses of Gaia occurs. Once we are free to travel in your skies, we intend to correct this natural resources abuse with our technology. This combined region is the prime area for natural disasters that occur daily around your beautiful living world. Once these are corrected, the current extinction cycle can be formally corrected. At that time, the decreasing energies of your electrogravitic field can be redirected!

As you begin to emerge from literally millennia of debt slavery, Gaia can emerge as well from millennia of being exploited. Gaia, over a long period of time, has been a globe split between its inner and outer selves. Gaia wishes to accelerate the process of a great reunion between these two halves. Saint Germain and Quan Yin have provided the means for conscious growth with Heaven's help. This inner growth has been combined with a series of modifications to your chakras and to your many nervous systems. These have been combined with a series of alterations to your reality. These numerous changes in turn are mirrored by what Gaia is now doing to this surface realm. In fact, the inner realm of Agartha expands beyond this surface realm. What is required is a vast upgrade in the frequencies of your realm. So as you grow in consciousness, Gaia simultaneously increases the vibrational rate of your reality. This has permitted you to grow and to accept things that previously were greatly discounted by this surface population. It has also allowed you to accept that we exist and that the Ascended Masters are indeed real.

All of these elements are the core of reality shifts that are to alter your world by bringing you abundance and new financial and governing alliances. These events are to forge the new reality, which is to create a new "You," and are to position you within this new reality. Your Agarthan family representatives and our liaisons are working diligently to assure that all happens as swiftly as possible. This joint operation is now coming to a head as the ancient families and concerned royals work closely with their Ascended Master advisors. This sacred coalition has to battle a dark oligarchy that cannot truly visualize a world without power, wealth or prestige. Their dilemma has only slowed the inevitable. Thus, there was a series of initial delays, which compounded some worry and dread by the ancient families as new procedures were used to ensure that the large amount of funding is successfully carried out. Nevertheless, these elements of a new reality are now being put into place.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!
Many of you do not look much beyond aging and death. We Masters have lived beyond these facts for millennia. Our primary task is simply to oversee humanity by the use of mercy and grace. This divine set of tasks keeps us constantly advising you on how your life is to be best lived. At present, Heaven and your many guardian angels also are altering you. This is readying you for your living ascension into again being physical Angels. Thus, our mission is to supervise these changes as well. You are doing well. Nevertheless these events are giving you some difficult moments. We ease this by intervening when necessary with the use of divine grace. Each of you possesses a number of ways by which your life can best work itself out. We take these prescribed alternatives and weave them into the heart of this life. By doing this, you are moving with minimum difficulty onto the verge of your promised return to physical Angelhood.

As you know by now, every Ascended Master is transitioned by use of a special ceremony presided over by Heaven. In fact, you are moving toward the same. Only in this case, it is to be a special Crystal Light Chamber. This is finally to reverse what the Atlanteans did to you nearly 13 millennia ago when you were cast forth from the labs that then secured you safely. This abrupt act left you open to severe manipulations by the Anunnaki. All of this madness is now being slowly reversed. We Ascended Masters are watching over these changes and assuring that the proper outcome, when so implied by your life contracts, can be successfully reached. You are to learn numerous facts and accomplish miracles as you near the sacred point in time for this grand transformation. Our Space families are ready to accept your full return to the Light and have new duties for you to accomplish!

These sacred tasks set up by these Space families and by Heaven are first to take you through an unraveling of your money and wealth paradigm and then to watch you return to a fully accomplished land guardianship. This divine process is to take place in many stages as it is a far cry from what you know. The purpose of this and other coming stages is to alter your inner core perceptions. What Heaven is doing is to move you away from limited consciousness and to prepare you to gladly receive a number of new mantles. So far, this operation is successful and you are beginning to take on a number of new conscious responsibilities. As you grow into these you are accepting a revised realm. This is part of your conversion ceremony. Each year brings you closer to those events that are destined to permit you to literally wear new and magnificent cloaks. You are progressing wondrously! Much Love and a grand Hallelujah to you all!!!

Today, much can be told and rejoiced over. As a people, you are moving toward your grand ascension in style. Those things that have created some last minute delays are done and gone. Our allies in Inner Earth, in space and Heaven are with us. This is the start of a most glorious time for all humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
More from Sheldan Nidle, PAO and the Galactic Federation of Light, including the next Live Webinar, OUR FUTURE WORLD: LIVING IN THE NEW PARADIGM: HERE

Community Corner
Phasings of Illumined Align
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort

Photo: Earth by NASA

Force lines collapse for hu-manity.
Creation storms blanket the unawakened.
Masters of true abundance are recognized, and followed.
Phasings of illumined align.
~ ÉirePort

More from GaiaPortal: HERE

Community Corner
Are We Ready? Let's Try to Be!
by Martha

10 March 2016 from WSOMN


Are we ready? I'm not sure but let's try to be.

Yesterday was a major game changer for our beautiful country, the United States of America but for all the FREE WORLD now.

Tonight at 8 pm est, we are about to receive an announcement that, hopefully will help open our eyes to a new peaceful co-existence; a renewed way to live together in harmony.

Yesterday was definitely a shocker for a lot of us who doubt that change for the better can ever happen. The old ways, the cabal ways for lack of better terminology, will start to vanish from our thoughts and vocabularies.

I know for months, even years we have been watching this evolve but most still only see the changes against a financial system that is very wrong and against Humanity.

I did an article about the WTO, which, in my opinion was the cabal's last attempt to strong arm Iraq. This so called ascension is a major cover up for control by a few countries to continue to harm Humanity. We all made such a fuss about cut off dates but realize this organization will be defunct before you know it. I will only say it was a major distraction while we waited.


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