For the past several months, each day I become eccessively tired at 2pm. I am not doing anything more strenuous or tiresome than I usually do. But at 2pm, each day, I have to get my head down for a nap. Sometimes I only have ten minutes sleep, other times it is longer. Never longer than an hour though.
I don't know if this is connected, but over the past several months I have been unable to meditate as I feel I can't empty my mind enough. The only times, really, that I have been able to alter my conciousness, through breathing techniques, is at bed time, when I am unable to drop off to sleep easily.
I wonder if anybody else has experienced anything similar to this??????
hello mgem80,
i've been experiencing the same symptoms as you...
not fun while trying to focus on your computer screen during work, lol...
week-ends are easy, you can just pass out on the couch.
week-days, not so much; i just lock myself up in the restroom for 10 minutes and let my mind go quiet... doesn't replace a nap, but hey, it's better than no sleep at all.that's the only advice i can give.