The political system on both sides is paid for by the same small group of power hungry individuals.
The money system is in charge not the people the election is nothing more than a fake show to distract people and give them the illusion of a vote and a choice. None of our problems will be solved by either Romeney or Obama. When I bring this truth up people disassociate or change the subject because they are in denial of this painful truth.
People dont want to know this they fight to maintain there blind illusion of choice. In this current system you have no choice. The Banking cartels and the wealthiest 1 percent have bought Washington and every Governement of every Country as well as the media and the religious institutions. Please remove the wool from your eyes. Its about Global Government and centralization of power in which the smallest group of wealthy familys rule the world. Please wake up.
soooo true my friend , what i was talking about is the common masses, beings such as we are of course we are aware. to everyone who has posted you all have stated very good points. no argument here love and peace namaste
/ Nice reply I imagine you know the truth and dont mean to disrespect you.
I have lossed all faith in the so called democratic process. These big industrial cartels seem to be in control of the sop called democracy we live in and the people need to realize it. I want a government for the people not the 1 percent and shady fraternal cults thats all i am saying. Thank you for your compassion and kindness Semile
..all people want that... "a government by the people for the people".. but the truth is that what u see now IS "a governmemt by the people for the people".
.. i mean by that, that it cannot be any other way of government than the ones we have now, because the system is set up in such a way, which brings the results that we see right now in governments... its not that all people in governments are crooks.... even if there are good people in them, they cannot function any other way...
the system dictates profit above everything else... the system dictates that we need to look after numbers in monitor screens and not focus on human well-being... so all follow this rule... because they think that making good numbers in monitor screens will result in human well-being... but unfortunately this is not the case....
they cannot make much difference... just patchworks here and there...
even if we put the best persons in governments we would not have much better results than the ones we have now... we have a system disorder, not a government disorder here...
..and you seem to not realise that everyone is painted with the same colored brush because they all function under the same system, and its guidelines...
when u play a Monopoly game, all are functioning under the same rules, no matter if they are all individual personalities... personality has nothing to do with it... and the Monopoly game has designed so, that at the end the "best" player takes it all... (now u can guess who will be the best player ;)
The research for alternative clean energy, is only been done because they want to make profit out of it... if they cannot make profit, be sure that they would not reseach anything....
Regarding Keshe..yes, of course they concerned about national security..what else would u expect them to say...
But not worry, the state is there to protect you from the big bad wolves...
u just have to sit quiet in your corner, and do as they say....
the oil barons, and any government are one and the same....
the governments just do what the oil barons, and bankers tell them to do...
they are just the "Yes Men".....
Governments, and presidents do not run the show here....
they are just the comunication actors for the masses, in the big world theater of ignorance...
Money is the ruler here... all the rest talking, and deep theoretical analysis and statements, are just cheap toothpaste...
Very well said, and so the mulberry bush is trimmed and fertilize and given plenty of water, so our nice little slave's have something very important to dance around, the London bridge was sold years ago. yet people still sing and fall down. crazy crap. talk about fairy tails. Blame public schools teaching everyone so well, and parents pushing it early in life, got to play the game if your going to make it in life. we never had a chance from the start. and so the blindness continues threw reputation and reputation handed down by those we love and listen to everyday of our lives. No one wants to be the odd ball, so conform to the norm and the mulberry bush is alive and well. as we see here. people love to dance, just no one has taught them they don’t have to dance in a circle.
Get yours at the local flea market, wear it around all you want, say anything you want be anything you want just done give up the game and your oath of office the one behind closed doors, not the one given in public. Halloween come's to mind. trick or treat, with them its all trick never a treat.
Yes, Ever watch WWF smack down on monday night, thay all take turns at bat. How fare do you thinks they will go to keep the same old game going, show me in past history were this has ever changed, None. with so many secrets and closed door meatings, and things like there accounts at the Vatican, the good old boys club has to stick to gether. you or i could speak just like Ron Paul, its easy they know what there supposed to do. just dont act on it. one club two names playing both sides of the fence for your continued slavery. nothing ever changes, nothing.
A one Party member ship with TWO NAMES each member has an account in held in Gold bar in the Vatican in Rome as long a they are at seat.
National Senses Burro takes a head count, every four years they take another head count of who votes and by comparing the two lists pretty much know how many good little slaves they have, justifiable head counts for the local and federal governments of the world they all do it. I don’t vote and yank there chain with a bogus senses form.
Even the homeless are still voting, go figure. good post.