This has been happening for a long time now and I've been trying to dismiss it, however it just keeps popping up! I have nothing against twin's hard to explain. It's like I'm angered by the topic, or it just plain upsets me. I'm sure love like that is a wonderful thing to experience, I dunno...I just...feel so negative towards the subject. Please help me, I don't want to feel this anymore.I don't like it. Please help me get rid of it.

Love and Light to you all!!<3<3

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  • The moment I hear someone talking about Twin Flames and fantasizing about it... my view of them immediately changes to that of my opinion of little teenage girls fantasizing about Twilight characters Edward and Bella. And when I see grown ass adults in this mind set, the respect I have for them decreases a little.


    Twin Flames are a belief system. Moreso, it is symbolic. It's a fairy tale.

    You are you. You are an individual. To think that anyone is tied to you in anyway in the way that the TF theory suggests is narcissistic and egotistical. People fail to see that more often than not. But... this IS the "Me generation" we live in now... isn't it lovely?

    The TF religion/fairy tale is basically put on a pedestal to be the highest of high of all relationships that you can have with someone. Which is why people desire it. Which is why people like to tell people they found their twin flame because many people like to think they're more special or advanced than others. There are horror stories about TF's. There are love stories about TF. But the TF theory is so conflicting... that in the end... it really is no different than any other relationship. And people who pretend to be able to "divine answers from the spiritual realm" and claim people are TFs are full of crap. It's to be taken symbolically not literally.

    What people fail to realize, is that a Twin Flame is not someone else. A Twin Flame is you. If a twin flame is you, that means they are not someone else. That means they are not in someone else's body and will never be. You are you. You will always be you.

    It's like.. you might as well say your Twin Flames are your dream characters. Because your dream characters are made up of your own imagination... and your imagination is you.

    Also, considering the TF theory... your TF would basically be your sister or brother. And any sexual relations with your TF would be incest. Because if a TF is supposed to be a piece of our soul, or your soul split in parts upon creation... if babies born from the same womb at the same time are siblings... why wouldn't that be true for souls being born from the same source at the same time?

    Also, TF's take away free will. Having another partner created for you, and you for them... CREATED... where's the choice in that? Sure, you might have soul siblings, that's a possibility (I mean you can't choose your siblings in real life either)... but having romantic relations with them would be incest. And only losers are incestual. Or have a brain malfunction/psychological problems. Or I dunno, I'm not the expert on it, I just find it gross.


    But for a moment, I'll cater to the idea and give you a glimpse of how I ended up with the perspective I currently do on the issue.

    If TF's loved each other so much.... why ever leave each other? I think often about husbands and wives, and death. And what happens to their romantic bonds after death. And I consider past lovers. If a dead husband and wife truly love each other... one would not want to go, "Okay, I'm going to reincarnate now, buh bye." If they truly loved each other... they would stay together for as long as their relationship would last (and let's face it, nothing lasts forever)... I can imagine a couple staying together for maybe a few hundred years at the MOST, people do it for 80 years or so in this physical life, but having the same partner for 10,000 years? That sounds nuts and boring. Yes, BORING. And limiting. You can only learn so much from an individual before you've given each other all you've got to give... unless that is, you find a way to learn new things together... but the thing about knowing another person 100%... there are no surprises anymore... and some people, at that point, can't stand each other anymore. And I don't mean knowing someone 90% with a few secrets tucked away. I mean a complete and true 100%. Even boring details.

    And some couples, or most, probably won't stay together beyond death. If you take a look at their lives and see why they're together... a lot of people are together due to comfort or reliance or protection (the reasons are numerous and varied). And once you die, you don't need to worry about survival anymore (staying alive) since you're, well, DEAD. So if you really don't need someone for anything, and I mean anything (you can probably make your own dream characters appear like real people in the afterlife and just get your sex jollies from them... I mean, dream characters can appear to be so real and lifelike in dreams, why wouldn't that be possible in the afterlife?)... and then you have friends for companionship... so you have your "social needs" pretty much taken care of right there.  So what would be the purpose for chaining yourself to an individual?

    I mean if you consider it, if there are no STDs or baby making happening in the afterlife... people are probably pretty promiscuous in the afterlife. I'm sure monogamy and faithfulness still exist, but I bet it's not as popular over on that side where people are immortal and exist forever.

    I could go on forever about the what if's. I really could. But I've discussed this topic to the bone with various people that it's such a boring topic for me now. I've pretty much stopped butting my nose into threads where people believe in TF's and ask, "is this my TF", "when will I find my TF?", "wah"... but I saw you were distressed about the topic in general which is the only reason I decided to input my two cents. I'm trying to help you alleviate stress about it so if you decide to toss my input aside, then whatever. No skin off my back.


    Your life will be so much better if you just forget the whole idea of Twin Flames. Sure, there are people who are "twin flame like" all over the place. With over 7 billion people on the planet, there are going to be many similarities shared amongst many individuals. But if you spend your life hoping that spirits on the other side (or the universe, whatever you believe in) are orchestrating a meetup for you and another individual that you're going to be happy with for the rest of your existence... don't hold your breath. Wait, I take that back... do hold your breath... because I'm pro-decreasing the population on the Earth (yeah, it's a messed up view, but I don't care... and OP, don't take it personally... it's an announcement to the public in general).

    If you want love, you have to go find it. You can't expect it to fall in your lap. This life is still a game. And knowing how the game works will make it a little easier. If you throw the idea of "one true love" out of your head, consider it doing yourself a favor. There is no such thing as "one true love". Enjoy what you have, when you have it, for as long as it will last. And nothing lasts forever.

    • Hey, the only person that you can mathematically prove exists is yourself. Does that make other people fake?

      On a soul level we are all one. So any sexual relation would be considered "incest." lol --- So let us all be celibate!!!! 

      A twin flame is not really you. It is the other half of your soul that was with you at the beginning of your manifestation. From then, both flames embark on different paths.

      The ultimate journey of a soul in many faiths is to get back to the one. That is why they can't stay suspended in the alternative reality.

      When a twin flame meets another twin flame in this manifestation, they are often obligated to have their own baggage pretty much worked out to a balanced level, and they are both expected to be fulfilling their higher purpose. Obligations come along with that vibrational concept.

      Why would promiscuousness be applicable in the afterlife?

      There is one true "love." People have just fabricated the word "love" into a mundane semantic. 

      True love has fallen into my lap before.

      In an astrological sense, one may not be destined to find their twin flame in a life though. It is written in the stars.

      I can see why someone wouldn't believe in the twin flame concept though. People still appeal a lot to the left side of the brain.

      • It's less about mathematics and more about logic. Logically, because there are over 7 billion people on the planet right now... it wouldn't make sense that I'm the only real person and everyone exists solely for me (or are "fake"). Because if the planet, and trees, and birds, and bees and people and grass and sunsets and flowers and etc etc etc etc were created for me and only me, and everything else is a fake copy or clone or whatever... that would mean that if those 7 billion people were based off of copies of real people, then there are over 7 billion other earths with their own copies of people (unless I'm alone in consciousness in existence, and that would be sad)... and if that was so... then the mass production of earth and it's inhabitants... cheapens the experience. If if's that easy to create an Earth reality for one original person... then life really isn't that precious. Die and restart as often as you please. ... But, all of that just doesn't make sense for that to be so.

        Our absolute origin might mean that we are all one... but that doesn't mean we were created at the same time (I mean realistically, does it make sense that all souls were created in one fell swoop and no more souls are ever to be created?). IF Earth mirrors "above"... babies aren't all created at once... so why would souls? I don't think our views of incest change dead or alive unless we turn into some sort of emotionless, mechanical robot type of personality in the dead realm. So if we're anything like we are in the dead realm as we are now, most of us are totally against incest... so if we do have souls that are sibling like (which I suppose would be any soul created with us... specifically the separation of our own soul to create more individuals because a person with their own mind and personality, would make them an individual and no longer you... much like how a fertilized egg splits into twins/triplets/etc)... it would make sense that we wouldn't want to try and have sexual relations with them unless our view of incest does not match our earthly view of incest.

        I am very well aware of the TF theory/belief system. It's all over the internet (that should be a clue about how much merit it should be given). I've read in numerous places exactly what you've shared here.

        Where are the "ancient texts" about Twin Flames (and no, Adam and Eve don't really cut it)? "Channelings" aren't exactly a reliable source. How far back is the earliest dated writings about Twin Flames? If Twin Flames exist, wouldn't they always exist? Or did we all decide rather recently in history to "split up our souls"? Although that would contradict the claims that it split up at creation. And if they always existed, why is it that they are only recently gaining popularity in attention? Have you ever tried to find the source of the information provided for "Twin Flames"... they're pretty much all from people who claim to "channel spirits" and I give channelers just as much merit as I do circus tarot readers or horoscope writers... sure, they can channel spirits to get information about belief systems but they can't help find missing children.

        I gave reasons for the promiscuity when I brought it up. What more information are you looking for? That is, provided people do have sexual relations on the otherside, obviously if it doesn't exist, than it's not applicable. But we have no way of proving either. If we're anything like we are now, why wouldn't people have sexual relations? If we have sex in our dreamworlds, why wouldn't we be able to continue to enjoy "dreams" after we're dead? And if we're not like we are now, then I don't think it's a very good idea for people to try and take advice from dead people/spirits, if they're no longer relatable. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out when we get there.

        No, there is not "one true love"... unless you consider yourself as the one. "True love" sure. Love away. Have many true loves. But ONE true love? Nay.

        Thanks for trying to make a left brain jab in my direction but your intuition is off kilter. It doesn't really bother me but I feel it's important to point out when people's intuition are off the mark. How can they improve it if they aren't corrected when it's wrong? I even share a few things that contradict your assumption on my profile so it's not really a secret either.

        • I've probably read every possible resource available on the internet regarding twin flames/souls. It was a deep subject of focus for awhile during my journey. So much so that I've even had conversations with various people in my dreams about them (which may have been the catalyst for my interest in the matter)... not that those conversations are valid, just expressing how involved I was with the subject matter. I've done the work. Which is why I know there is no credible source. Which is why I asked you the following to prove me wrong (and I have no problem being wrong about this, it's not that I am against twin flames... it's that it just doesn't make sense):

          "Where are the "ancient texts" about Twin Flames (and no, Adam and Eve don't  really cut it)? "Channelings" aren't exactly a reliable source. How far back is the earliest dated writings about Twin Flames?"


          One is only able to base things off of their experiences in their current life time. So to say that is limited, is to say that every person alive right now is limited. There's nothing wrong with looking at it that way, just putting it into perspective.

          Splitting up. With the purpose of returning. Return to what? A big ball of consciousness? A bunch of voices floating around in a giant super computer.. like a ball of multiple personality disorder? Or do we all just meld into one giant entity as one massive, ultimate, single consciousness? --- Why can't we just be ourselves? Why would we spend a lifetime learning to love ourselves and appreciate ourselves and others... just to slough it all off and join "the big blob"? Why can't we just remain our individual selves? --- I feel as soon as we die... that IS the "returning to source" (or you could say we never left source to begin with)... which is basically just returning to the "immortal existence" where we hopefully still retain our individuality, personality and uniqueness.

          In the scheme of eternity, billions upon billions upon gazillion years of existence lasting with no end in sight (it doesn't matter if there was an end because if everyone stops existing all at once, no one will exist to know or wonder why in the first place)... I don't think there really is a purpose. I think the only purpose there is, is what we choose to give it at any given time. I'm looking forward to exploring the afterlife as myself and not something different than myself (I don't care if I look human or a ball of energy.. I just want to be able to think as myself). If I'm forced to be in the company of others due to "returning to source"... then screw source (don't get me wrong, I enjoy others, but I also enjoy my alone time, but being forced means there's no free will). Source better have a delete button option available for those that wish to no longer exist. And if it does... that means some people would lose their twin flames.


          I don't go around telling people "TF'S AREN'T REAL! TF'S AREN'T REAL!" Do you know how many TF discussions have appeared on this website since my membership that I have not contributed to? Practically all of them. The TF theory is one belief system where I don't try to convince people it's not real when I see it appears to make them happy because my intent isn't to stomp on their happiness (even if it is a belief based on a fairy tale). And it's a belief system that won't necessarily make them go insane anymore than love and it's conquests normally would so there's really no harm in the matter. --- But when there are situations like this, where someone is unhappy with it and welcomes the topic of discussing it... I'm going to say something if I can because of my extensive analytical thinking on the matter.


          "To discount the twin flame concept, you have to go through much struggle to discount a lot of other existing lines of concepts (if you are pursuing it with an objective intent)."


          Which concepts do you have in mind? I've more than likely already thought about it and figured out how; I would be surprised if you bring up something I haven't discounted already. I've pursued the TF concept from all angles. From all sides. Truly. I didn't always have the perspective I do now.

          BUT before we do delve into those concepts, it would be much appreciated if you could first give me your source into what makes you believe the TF concept is real to begin with so we can discuss the validity of that source. A mere, "because I want to believe in it" would even suffice and would actually make the most sense.

        • I wasn't clear. When the topic of whether we exist is dived into through a mathematical angle as well as philosophical through every angle, the only thing that can be proven is that yourself exists. Many people have tried to prove otherwise. To simply say it isn't logical discounts the many different avenues of reasoning that you must take to arrive at the appropriated conclusion. Just because it doesn't sound good, it doesn't make it incorrect. That is just where the humanistic endeavor is at currently. I am not saying that I don't agree that we all exist, I am just talking about what can be proven.

          I completely agree that we were not all created in one fell swoop. I think the problem a lot of people have with the afterlife concept is they would like to assume that we exist in a recognizable fashion. I don't think it is as simple as that. I am more inclined to think this reality is more like a dream. It is a microcosm of the bigger picture. But from a physical level, do you believe in the evolution theory? Do you think we came from just a few originals? If so how is incest not applicable in such an instance?

          A concept being all over the internet doesn't perpetuate anything on its own.

          The twin flame concept isn't new by any means. I suggest you research more into the origins of it if you think it is a recent idea. I have even heard people say that the only thing that says Nibiru exist is channeled material. That is very far from the truth. When researching, one must keep in mind about how they will find information that places limitations on different concepts.

           But think about splitting up in this way: the whole concept of our soulful existence is built upon the concept of splitting from the ultimate creator to return.  Why would the cap be right before the twin flame concept? Why wouldn't it go that small?

          The dream state is only one level of existence, it isn't the epitome of them all. The whole concept of communicating with dead people is that a veil is lifted upon their once blind eyes.

          I like a chinese proverb that goes something like just because you can't do something, don't tell someone else they can't. You are basing a lot off of your relative experiences in this life time which is severely limited itself. To discount the twin flame concept, you have to go through much struggle to discount a lot of other existing lines of concepts (if you are pursuing it with an objective intent).

  • It's important to understand that the union of the twine flame is a co created event.

    and that requires making peace with a vibrational frequency you are uncomfortable with.

    Your unconscious knows what it is you need to do to achieve this.

    And the ego, for one reason or another, doesn't like the idea.

    The upset and anger you feel is the ego's efforts at discouraging you from taking taking the necessary steps.

  • It needs to be kept in mind that what humanity normally considers love isn't true love. We have attached new meaning to that word. On the other hand, the love one experiences is real. "When twin flames meet, the heavens rejoice!" Maybe you are feeling her? Perhaps the constant revival in your mind is signifying that you must search out your twin flame. Either way the negativity you are experiencing might be related to karma that needs to be played out. In my experience, repetition often persists until I learn a lesson. 

    Do you meditate on the subject frequently? I am not talking about a quick twenty minute and then awaken session, I am talking about deep meditation.

  • Just listen to your inner guidance :) ofcourse you should continue reading if you feel it helps you in any way, but if it just makes you feel upset or angry no matter how different the claims are, then in my opinion you would do well to focus on something more uplifting :).

    No problems, I LOVE to help others by sharing my views with others :) 

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