Why don't they ?

We live in a world were almost everyone has access to internet. So, Why don't they create virtual currencies/money and give it to everyone, this way everyone would become equal. No more rich, middle class or the poor. How do they make this paper money? They cut down trees and make paper out of it? Or use some other method?

Then we could argue that if they start giving out money in this virtual way through the internet; will people stop working?

Yes and No.

Most of the people do work only for the sake of money even though they don't like the work that they're doing. So, these people might quit working.

But, there are those people (in fact everyone I guess) who love their "own kind" of work or have hobbies that they like to do everyday. So these people, I believe will definitely contribute to the society in the form of selfless service.

For instance I'm someone who likes to share knowledge and learn about new things. So I'd be happy to teach in an educational institution and carry out my independent research work etc. Or, say my neighbour is interested in medicine and would like to do her duty as a doctor. This is just an example; the real life scenarios can be well standardized and organized to benefit the whole of the humanity.

What this kind of selfless services will do is it will cancel out all those competitiveness in the work environment, cancel out the stress, etc. in fact all the negativity in the work environment will vanish. (THhe current financial system is a problem).

This is just a thought though, a theory if you will, for unity, peace, love, gratitude, compassion etc . for humanity and for the whole of our planet. I wish...I just wish this so happens...

Afterall, I don't know who gave our planet the name "Earth" or how it got its name as Earth (too lazy to wikipedia/google it at the moment ;p). But, its the jumbled  word of the word Heart <3.

Love, Light, Gratitude to you all. :)


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  • "We live in a world were almost everyone has access to internet. So, Why don't they create virtual currencies/money and give it to everyone,"

    Because money are supposed to match the ammount of exchangeable goods. If there's more money than there's available goods, the prices will run amok and wars will break out in the fight over who is going to get what.

    "this way everyone would become equal."

    for about 3 seconds, after that the value of the people will once again be derived after what they can contribute to society instead of through how much money they have.

    "Most of the people do work only for the sake of money even though they don't like the work that they're doing. So, these people might quit working."

    Say goodbye to sanitation and hello to the plague then. Or, how good are you at digging a gong-pit? :)

    • Yes there are advantages and disadvantages to the things we propose. We got to look at  the brighter side, the positive outcomes and as well as the negative outcomes too because it will give us a clear indication whether our ideas/strategies will function well or not. You have made some really interesting points up there. Although I don't agree with you completely but to a certain extent your points are valuable.

      Anyway do you have any solutions or ideas that can solve the problem of today's financial world that we live in? How are we going to bridge the balance between the rich and the poor? The rich are getting richer and the poor even poorer. It's because of money most of the people commit all sorts of crimes. It makes a person greedy, angry etc. It creates conflicts in our relationships. These are just only a few problems. How are we going to solve them?

      • "Anyway do you have any solutions or ideas that can solve the problem of today's financial world that we live in?"

        I've studied the problem in all aspects for more than 30 years and I've come to the conclusion that we either have to let all wars and disagreements of humans play out in their own pace until everyone realize by nature that cooperation is the only way to go together into a future, or we need a disaster of such grand proportions that only 400 million humans remain whereas we therefore are just enough people in most societies so that everyone in a society will be needed.

        I hate to say it, but there are people in society of today that are certifiably useless and sometimes even harmful to the whole, and either we or nature need to deal with that before we can get the perfect harmory we all want to have where noone will have to suffer other than perhaps from their own poor future choices. :)

        Todays financial world will one day lead to that 1 person owns the entire planet. It'll take a thousand years but it is the inveitable result of an interest based economic system. The flow of matter goes one way only, and that is to the credit giver (who had nothing but an idea to begin with).

        This needs to stop, but for as long as the normal IQ-level of humanity is 110 we're not gonna see that stop. Enough people need to get it, for it to have a true effect so that the system will then be forced to change.

        If you're looking for a quick fix you won't find it. To fix the problems we've allowed to evolve for at least 2000 years, we need to give blood, sweat and tears to mother Earth. :)

        You blame the financial system for todays problems. I blame laziness. If your fathers mothers fathers roomates friends grandfather would just have brought a cow and a pig with him instead of a silly little silver-coin when he was going across the country to buy a new cart, we wouldn't have had these problems of today. :)

        Lazy grandgrandgrandparents who wanted to pay with paper and metal instead of real goods. What were they thinking? ;)

  • You need to get rid of central banking and their affiliates in order to get rid of the criminals and to establish an acceptable and fair bartering system.  U.S. presidents Kennedy, Lincoln, and Jackson all tried to do that.  Only Jackson succeeded, and that's because his assassin had a gun that blew up when it was fired at him.  

  • ......virtual currency ?..like what a number"$" on the screen ?.......not sure I read this post. 

    on the other hand , what ?~ like a chip number tattoed somewhere on your forehead instead of credit card. forget cash, credit, gold . anything materialistic. ....sounds like a hollywood movie with virtual tvs, news, "girlfriends"(hehe), sonic cars and cameras scanning your eyes before you can get on a subway...........................

    .....on the other hand, many folks put a lot of faith in transforming our 3d dimention today towards 4th and 5th level of consciousness where such things are WORTHLESS................................................

    • @ Michael. The bank accounts are managed online on a daily basis. If we want a car or an house loan, they make you sign some legal documents and type the amount of the loan on their computer and hit enter! now the money is created/credited in your account. From where did that money come from? It didn't exist at all before you wanted a loan. Now you'll be paying them back with interest. That's how they fool us all.

      So what I was saying was why don't they create money for all of us if its so easy to create money by just a few button presses on the keyboards? We barely make use of cash in huge amounts these days for example say you want to pay your university tuition fees I think these days we pay it online, the electricity, gas bills, cell phone bills..etc are all being paid online. What's happening is there are no paper notes being transanctioned here; only the numbers are being changed on the computer screens.

      These people/They (governments, corporates) make all these kinds of stupid games such as debts. If money can be just created out of nowhere by just pressing buttons on keyboards. The the debt becomes an illusion concept. They they want to control nations, people etc. They're just enslaving us and controlling our minds. I wonder for how long they will continue to do so, because more and more people now are awakening and rising up to the 5D consciousness and higher.

      Ok, as for the higher dimensional consciousnesses are  concerned, you make a good point, money is indeed worthless; but on a planet such as ours, abundance is manifested in the form of money. The way money is being used in the 3D is bad. But it doesn't mean it will be totally gone in the 5D or higher. That being said, the way money will be used in the 5D will be completely different because it will be rather used for creating harmony, peace, oneness/unity, etc rather than creating wars, indifferences (rich and poor), suffering, etc. Now how this will be implemented, I have no idea. But the way it will be used in the higher D's will be different from how its being used now in the 3D. My understanding is money will eventually cease to exist in the higher D's.

      Most of us in the 3D level of consciousness also don't like money, we don't need to be in a higher level of consciousness to figure that thing out. Also, now Gaia is fully anchored herself in the 5D. What this means is, to get to the 5D consciousness it now takes a minimum effort on our part to get there; when compared to say 10 years ago where it was a bit difficult to get to 5D.

  • Why do we need plastic? Why can't we have a simple free barter system and/or currency issued by a local government for use as a public utility, instead of involvement of an international bank or large corporation who will know everyone's net worth and personal affairs?

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