What's up folks just thought I would pass on a link to an article posted on red ice creations about the planet cooling down and not heating up like we've been made to believe via government propaganda and environmental extremists groups.


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  • The Space and Science Research Center, a leading independent research organization, has issued a warning about food & biofuel shortages due to an anticipated, dramatic temperature drop worldwide. These scientists have been right in the past about major climate shifts in opposition to NASA, NOAA and UN predictions that all have been wrong in promoting the global warming myth. SSRC posted 2010 Dec 29 (Cached)

  • This seems to be consistent with what Keisha Crowther is saying

  • The politics behind the false climate change issue, at least in the opinion of one libertarian conservative activist and journalist Ezra Levant.


    Winds Of Change Blow In Cancun - Toronto Sun



  • Big freeze to last at least another month, forecasters warn

    Shivering Britain can expect at least another month of bitterly cold temperatures with many parts failing to get much above zero until the middle of January, forecasters have warned.

    UK Braced for coldest December in 100 years......

    Heaviest snowfall in 25 years leaves Paris paralysed

    The heaviest snowfall in almost 25 years left much of the Paris region paralysed, with drivers advised not to use their cars unless absolutely necessary.



  • Hm...the article is interesting, but I'm not certain it has the total facts. Here are a few things that not many people know:


    a) We're in an ice age; ice ages are not as short as people think they are, and the "last ice age", which started in the pleistocene, never ended. What we may be entering is a glacial period - a period of extreme glaciation.


    b) The period during the 1600s+ that is sometimes known as a "little ice age" (officially known as the Maunder Minimum) was caused by a reduction in sun spot activity - which is not something we can predict, beyond saying that the sun goes through a cycle every 11 years where it will have more sunspot activity, and then less, and then back up to more...


    c) The sun isn't really predictable. We have no real idea of what it's going to do beyond, maybe a few days in advance. We can study the sun, but we can't really say what it will do several years in advance because the sun is too complex for us to fully model at this point.


    d) Glacial periods and interglacial periods are caused by the Earth swinging close to the sun and further away from the sun in its orbit. Every xthousand years, it will move further away from the sun; then, over time, it will move closer to the sun again. From what I have heard, we are currently further away from the sun...and we should have gone into a glacial period around the time the Industrial Revolution began. However, because of the greenhouse gases we were pumping into the air as a result of the IR, we heated up the planet enough that we stopped ourselves from going into a glacial period. Yay us? Sure. The problem is making sure that we don't make ourselves too hot. That said, if we get too hot and melt our icecaps, it can dump enough fresh water into the oceans to mess up the thermohaline circulation, which will cause something akin to the younger dryas, which was the period of sudden temperature drop that spread from S. America to N. America and caused the mass extinction of a large number of major fauna (including the mammoth and smilodon - also known as saber tooth cats)


    Anyway, these are just some interesting things to look up to take into account when looking at where the climate is going. I'm not making an opinion either way; just providing information that you can look up and do with as you please. You may find that some of it is irrelevant, or, as always happens with science, has been overtaken by a new theory...or you may find that it changes your view. Either way, I just thought I'd drop this information, because a lot of people aren't aware of it and it does give sort of a different view of things.


    Interesting article you provided us with. I hope you have a wonderful day =)

  • Erm, didn't they believe that in the 70's CO2 was causing a coming ice age?
    • CO2 is Carbon which is basis of all life in this planet and throughout the entire universe, don't get it confused with industrial and residential pollution. That's the work of elitist propagandists who are trying to convince the world that environment needs to be fixed via heavy taxation and depopulation (eugenics), which would give the global elite more power and influence to rule over you with an iron fist.

      Have you look into 1984 and Brave New World, google it
      • Aye, I heard of them.
        No, I'm just pointing out that in the 60's-80's ish according to my dad the latest trend in climopocalypse was that we were going to die from the "coming Ice Age". Which was weirdly connected with CO2.
        Note, it's the same scientists who paraded this around who are saying global warming now. It's the retired scientists (the ones not dependent on grants) who are protesting this; a few are saying that they were told to fudge it.
        I wonder if you confronted an "environmentalist" nowadays with this information? Would they just ignore it?
        And, CO2 may be the major life basis of life on this planet. But you don't know about all of them. What about silicon-based organisms?
  • So true. Yes we are having temperature extremes at both end of the scales and extreme weather but they are right, an ice age IS coming! And we can also thank BP for screwing up the Gulf Strem ocean currents and chaning ocean temps significantly there which will also have extreme effects....
    • Yep, it's bigger than us. The whole carbon trading thing is a nice idea but will not solve it. On the positive side, it may reduce pollution from fossil fuels, which really is harmful.

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