Chemicals in Drinking Water Linked to Feminization of Men
This sex-changing chemical is found in 1 in 6 Americans' drinking water

Image Credits: Michael Comeau / Flickr.
Atrazine, which was banned in Europe in 2005 due to its potent properties and harmful effects on animals and humans, has been found in the drinking water in nearly 1 in 6 Americans’ drinking water.
Although the chemical has been used for more than 50 years, evidence continues to pour in that it isn’t safe for human consumption.
When atrazine is found in wildlife refuges, it can be incredibly harmful and is known to feminize several species of wildlife.
For example, the male smallmouth bass, which is incredibly sensitive to pollutants, carries eggs 85% of the time at the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge, which is known to be contaminated with the chemical.
If a chemical can change the sex of animals that are not already intersex, then one would think that it could be harmful to humans, and that assumption would be correct.
For 15 minute video on sex-changing chemicals found in water, click
The chemical is known to disrupt endocrine function in human beings, which can lead to a number of health problems.
According to research, exposure to atrazine in utero can cause genital deformation in young boys, including a development of a micropenis, medically known as microphallus.
Other problems that may occur as a result of exposure include reduction in fertility, weight gain, lowering metabolism, ovarian cancer, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, thyroid disorder and hairy cell leukemia.
Atrazine has also been associated with abdominal birth defects, including gastroschisis, a condition in which a child’s intestines grow outside of his or her body.
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims the acceptable level of atrazine in drinking water is 3 drops per an Olympic sized pool, however it is clear that many water companies are getting away with including much more in an effort to save money by not completely filtering their water.
In 2012, Syngenta AG was ordered to pay a settlement of $105 million to filter the chemical from the drinking water of 52 million Americans throughout the midwest.
And since then, 1,085 compensation claims have been made against Syngenta AG over the widespread usage of the chemical.
How can you protect yourself and your family from this dangerous chemical?
Filter your water as much as possible before you allow your family to ingest it. Make sure the filter is certified to remove atrazine before use, and ensure that you do so before both drinking and bathing to keep your water as pure as possible.