Now im not saying dont get an education to make ur life better for ur self  an loved ones. My REAL BEEF with the education system these days is that teach so many unnessory things. Back when I was in Grade 5....I learned how to long division, and it got pretty easy for me...But when it came to Grd 6 all the too grd 8, I basically couldnt do math no more thanks to the over usage of a calculator. And when they teach u math here, they dont care bout the answers, they jus want u to show ur work...But hey if someone wants to go into advance math or calculus, then let them. Jus gimmie the basics  like addition, subtraction,...blah blah, fractions, percentages.

All learned from skool was how to pay my bills!!! Hell I wont care if everybody call me a dumbass...I'll be able to larger basic problem much more ezier in my head without a calculator. When in the bloody hell am I gunna need to find the hyponuese(watever) of a triangle.

However the thing that really grinds my gears....Is ppl say u need education to survive. Thts the thing, it doesnt teach me how to survive. I have no idea how to do taxes, they never taught me tht one in skool. They dont even teach u how to make a fire from sticks and wood, or how to boil water with nothing. Gurantee tht any being from another world will remember how "survival basics 101"...How to start a fire from nothing, and to boil water.

An the real funny thing, is I see some of theze multi-millionaries and billionaire r mainly high skool drops. Steve jobs( the guy tht died, and I could really care less), the guy from wal-mart, the old wendy's guy, mc-d's, not to sure bout bill gates, but meh u get the picture.







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  • Well exactly Promethus, the old school system is obsolete. In many ways. In fact, it's always been obsolete lol But especially now, because we have so many new kids coming into this world, who are a leg up in development. We have many great lighted souls coming onto the Earth now, who just operate at a higher level than most humans. In order to maximize potential...we have to have schools who cater to the needs of the individual kids! Instead of having one system, one curriculum, and push it onto all kids lol


    Some kids learn differently than others. Some kids have different missions, different interests. Like me, I was always very visual. I much rather see a documentary about Ancient Egypt, than read about it. I much rather see the forest, than read about it lol But I was very right brained. Some kids might be more left brained, they might respond better to reading than a visual. They would be very good at math and science...while people like me were more into history and geography and social studies.


    We really need to overhaul the school system, and change the way it operates. So that from an early age, the school notes the individual interests and talents and ways of learning that the kids have, and works from there. We need to figure out what kind of....soul calibration...if that's even the right kids have, and work with them to maximize their potential. Not superimpose a system on them.



  • I have not only been taught what some "Cabal" want me to know.

    And from the looks of Promethius's post he needs a lot more schooling.  He is devoid of simple compassion and can't even type a sentence correctly.  There is something to be said for intelligence, it's a part of our "human" evolution, and makes it possible to understand the deeper aspects of "feeling" and "knowing".

  • I'll give you one story that I think sums up the school system all together. I remember in high school, I came up with a simpler and more easier way to solve an algebra problem than what the book said. And when I showed my teacher, he said, no that's wrong, you have to do it like it says in the book!


    But, I think it's better to continue on with schooling than it is to drop out and quit. It'll make your life easier in the long run. There are very exceptional souls, who are smart enough not to need school to become a success and do good service for mankind, but they are the exception, not the rule. Most drop outs end up...well...not too well off. It's better to stick with it, and try to make the best of it. Better yet, become a great light in your school, and speak out against what's wrong with the education system, and everything having to do with light work....and try to change hearts and minds.

  • Albert Einstein's teachers all said he would be a complete failure, he turned out to be possibly the greatest physicist of all time! I understand the importance of education but I think we should be allowed to choose what we learn and the way we are taught should be different. 

  • ..the future of education will be far brighter that what it has been till now... "Knewton", and "Khan Academy" are just few of its first glimpses...



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