If you charge yourself with energy you will manifest thoughts more rapidly into reality. If one goes to heaven, you will have so much energy, that you will instantly create devils, maybe not in your current context, because of the strength you are putting in "love" and peace and teachers of light, but you will know they are there and that they are the contrary of you. Because you come from a believe system where either you have one or the other. So you ARE one or the OTHER.

That's the major issue of polarity, it encapsulate the mind to have either one option or the other, and even if you have the good one, the other one is gonna be there, like a thing that is better to stay away from. Let's say, again, you have a lot of energy, someone says bomb, then if you live in polarity and the bomb represent something on the negative side, because is violence, instead of peace, then a good deal of your own energy will be discharged from you to the "word" bomb. So, a more opened mind could say, well is a bomb of flavor, a bomb of flowers, a bomb meaning Better Organiced Melted Bizquits.

It's like pain for example, pain is nothing. Pain is just a sensation, as sadness, as even hate. The power that these sensations have is the one we have been conditionated to give to them by our minds. Neo can stop bullets because his mind is free, is no longer conditionated.


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  • (being on this site for a while) you remind me of that core of what I forget when I again get swept up in this jungle here. awesome, you are in the zone :)

    I understand your. . . frustrations. . <3

  • Tesla_lion you are totally right on the money!!! Great post!! I have been thinking about that quote from Rumi. Beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing around polarity, duality beyond wrong perceptions is a field, the field nirvana or enlightenment.

    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing
    There is as field
    I’ll meet you there

    • I was also thinking again that he is talking about the IDEAS of wrongdoing and right doing......People have many thoughts in their heads about life or about right and wrong....... and to be right is to use this Detergent for my clothes, and to be right is to drive this car....and to be wrong is to be ______________(fill in the blank).......Now, I do believe he is speaking about something else besides a moral right and wrong which all religions and faiths talk about and for a good reason....great post!!

      • I was thinking some more about this as I was walking the dog this morning. I was thinking that humans run the gamut of human emotions and experiences, and was thinking of this scenario. I was thinking of someone who wanted something (lets say a bike) and the person in scenario A stole a bike, while the person in scenario B worked for the bike and purchased it. In both scenarios they got what they wanted one person did it out of the constructs of what society deems acceptable and the other did it within the constructs. Now, the stealing (regardless of our IDEAS around it) is an action, but each action in the above scenario produces a different set of emotions and wheels spinning i.e consequences. In scenario A a person might get caught and go to jail and deal with self loathing, shame losing the esteem and or trust of community members, while the other scenario the persons conscious is clean and clear while they enjoy a bike ride. but still there is that field that we are free to step onto...and fields are expansive, and beautiful.....thank you!!

  • This is great! I will add this to my list of "self improvements"
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