STION: Is Wikileaks founder and figurehead Julian Assange a tool for the Golden Age?


Answer from Saint Germain - December 2, 2010

I am not here going to comment on any particular person or that person's actions. What I will say is that when you look at history, you will see that people who have broken new ground in terms of challenging
the establishment have often had a particular personal psychology, and
that psychology can in some cases have certain side-effects. If you are a
risk taker, you might easily take – or be led to take – risks that a
more balanced person would not have taken. And this can often become –
or be used as – a means to limit your efforts to challenge the
establishment. That is one reason Jesus on this website wisely advocates
balance in all things.

In terms of an organization such as Wikileaks and bringing in the Golden Age, let me make it quite clear that in the Golden Age, nothing will be hidden. Thus, there will – as we move towards the Golden
Age – be many ways in which it becomes more and more impossible for
governments or corporations to keep things hidden from the population.

Let me make a clear statement: There is no greater threat to freedom than the exercise of power without accountability.

The dream of all power elite groups seen throughout history has always been the exercise of power without (personal) accountability. Now for another clear statement, that might be called a
law, similar to the popular "Murphy's law":

Whenever power is exercised without personal accountability, there WILL be misuse of power.

It has always been so and it will always be so, as long as people have egos. The ego can exist only in the shadows, where it can remain unseen. The same holds true for the power elite.

So as society moves towards the Golden Age, there will be other initiatives that will make it more easy to disseminate secret information, and thus make it more difficult for a small elite to
withhold information from the public. What you are seeing right now is
the culmination of a calculated effort by the Ascended Host. We
deliberately released computer technology in order to make it easier to
disseminate and share information, thus giving the people the most
powerful weapon possible for securing their freedom from any elite

The information technology that we have released presents the power elite with an undeniable dilemma. On the one hand, if the elite does not embrace information technology, then governments and
corporations will limit their growth and will inevitably fall behind.
Yet as the world is now beginning to realize, digitized information is
much more difficult to keep secret than information in a non-digitized

This is essentially the dilemma that brought down the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union did not allow its scientist to have access to computers, it would inevitably fall behind the West. Yet in
allowing access to computers, the state could not control how people
used and disseminated information. And thus, either way, the appearance
of information technology would have taken down the Soviet Union. China
is facing the exact same dilemma right now.

Likewise, the free dissemination of information will take down every monolithic corporation, every dictatorship and every so-called democratic government apparatus that is misusing its power.
What you have seen with Wikileaks and other leaks of secret information
is only the beginning. There is far more to come, and the breakthrough
has – not surprisingly – happened in this the year of the Son. The Son,
of course, representing the Christ mind in which nothing is hidden.

Let me give you a brief glimpse of what is in store for the Golden Age.

As you all know, everything is energy. And as all spiritual people know, there are forms of energy that are beyond what materialistic science currently sees as the boundaries of the material
universe. One such non-material form of energy is what has for a long
time been called "Akasha." This is an energy field in which is recorded
everything that has ever taken place on earth. As an example, you can go
into Akasha and focus on a particular person. You can then "play back" a
"movie" of everything that person has done in this and all previous
lifetimes. Likewise, you can focus on an organization or country and
play back all meetings held by the people involved—including meetings
taking place behind closed doors.

Nothing human beings could ever do can be hidden from Akasha, so once you have access to these records, you can expose everything that has ever taken place. Well, as we move towards the
Golden Age, technology will be released that will make it possible to
access these Akashic records. Yet releasing this technology is a
delicate balance. Obviously, the technology could be misused by a
government to expose and then eliminate any individuals that could be a
threat to its power. The power elite would love to have this technology
and monopolize it, so they could use it against anyone opposing them. So
the technology must be released in such a way that it cannot be
monopolized, but will indeed take down the power elite groups before
they can use the technology to consolidate their power.

Given the current state of the collective consciousness, the release of this technology is some time off, but I want you to hold in your vision that it will quickly become more and more difficult for
elite groups to withhold information from the public. And as you can
see, leading the world into digitizing information has been an important
step in the right direction.

Let me give you a teaching on why it is so important that information cannot be kept from the population by an elite group. As I have said in many places, the basic dynamic in human society is the
tendency of elite groups to seek power and privilege versus the tendency
of the population to seek freedom. At any given time, the power elite
groups think they can use current conditions to maintain control, but a
look at history shows that society is inevitably moving towards greater
and greater freedom for the people.

The question, however, is how the people win this freedom: with violent or non-violent means? You must understand, my beloved, that the Golden Age cannot be born in blood. You can never bring a Golden
Age by a violent overthrow of a power elite group—that is why we have
given teachings on non-duality for some time now. Any time – and I mean
ANY TIME – one power elite is overthrown through bloodshed, the
established elite will be replaced by an aspiring elite. This might
still move society towards greater freedom, but it will also set the
stage for another violent struggle.

You can see this pattern in history, where the French revolution did overthrow the established elite of the monarchy, but it only created a new elite that was in some ways even more oppressive. So
the point is that progress can happen in two ways. One is that the
second law of thermodynamics causes an increasing tension that will
eventually create a violent explosion that destroys the old order. The
other is that there is an awakening in the population, so that progress
can be brought through non-violent means.

You have seen many violent revolutions. They did in some cases bring progress by overthrowing the old order, but it also often led to new struggles. You have also seen some non-violent revolutions,
such as the enlightenment, the renaissance, the abolishment of slavery
and to some degree the emergence of democracies. Unfortunately, you can
see that the birth of democracies did involve some bloodshed, and you
can see that there is still the potential that democratic nations – or
at least the ones who call themselves so – can be involved in wars.

So do you see my point? The question is: what will drive progress? Will it be an increasing tension that leads to a violent explosion, or will it be an awakening of the people that leads to a
non-violent revolution? What determines whether it will be one or the

It is information. A non-violent revolution can ONLY be brought about when there is an increase in awareness among the population. What brings about this increased awareness? That more
information is available to more people! If the people do not have the
information to bring change without violence, they will inevitably bring
it through violence.

The power elite is quite aware of the crucial role of information, and that is why you will see that every single dictatorship has had to restrict or distort the information available to the people.
Even the most brutally repressive regimes, such as Stalin's Russia and
Mao's China could not subdue the population through violence alone. They
had to restrict information, rewrite history and engage in a
far-reaching propaganda effort to re-educate the people. And China is
doing so to this day, Russia to a lesser degree.

Yet I am only using these dictatorships as examples because to most people in the West, they are obvious examples of regimes that withhold information from their own people. Yet let us now turn to
Western so-called democracies.

You have all been brought up to believe in the Cold War, and you have been told it was a struggle between totalitarian societies  – based on communist ideology – and free, democratic societies based on
free-market or capitalist ideology. You have even been told that
freedom and democracy won. So let me now tell you what really happened.

The Cold War was NOT a struggle between totalitarianism and democracy. The Cold War was the power elite's most widespread and sophisticated attempt ever to stop the emergence of democracy—a form of
society in which the people will ultimately be governing themselves
without needing an elite.

How did they do this? Well, the emergence of democratic nations was the biggest blow to the power elite so far. They tried to stop it in all ways possible, but they were not successful. This, by the
way, was largely due to another piece of technology for disseminating
information, namely the printing press. So what did they do? They tried
to create – as they have always done – a struggle between two
polarities. They tried to create a new form of society that would form
what seemed to be a threat to the "free world."

During the late 1800s several capitalist business men had attempted to set up monopolies in order to accumulate maximum wealth and thus be able to buy power. Yet they realized that as long as
democracies and their economies were functioning freely, there would be a
limit to their influence. What is the basis of a democracy? It is that
each person has only one vote, and thus the elite can never outvote the

What is the basic weakness of a democracy? It is that each person can only vote based on what he or she knows. If you can control what people know, you can control how they vote. Thus, you see clearly
that in a democracy, information is essential. If there is not the free
dissemination of information, then a democracy cannot function
(optimally). In other words, here is another law:

If a democratic government starts systematically withholding information from its own people, then it will inevitably stop being a democratic government.

If the elite can control what the people know, the elite will control the people. It really is that simple.

Now, in the early decades of democracy, the elite was helped along by the fact that the dissemination of information was still restricted by technological and economical factors. So they attempted
to control the news media and publishing, and they were somewhat
successful. Yet some among the elite soon realized that as long as the
economy was somewhat free – and anyone was free to start a business to
compete with the established businesses – then they could never truly
control the economy or society.

So they started realizing that the only way to get a monopoly in a free market economy was to turn the free market into a capitalist system. And this could be done only by getting the government
to limit the free market through various laws. Obviously, this was
against the principles behind democracy, so they realized this could
only be accomplished through deception. Which means the elite realized
that they had to turn free democratic governments into institutions that
saw it as a necessity to withhold information from their own people.

Now, how could this be accomplished? How could you get a government that knew it was there to secure the freedoms and equal rights of all people to withhold information and thus give special
rights and privileges to a small elite group—that could hide behind the
veil of secrecy?

It was accomplished by creating new totalitarian states, which is why the big financiers financed and encouraged both Lenin's revolution is Russia and Hitler's ascent to power in Germany. What was
the result? It was that the democratic governments now started thinking
that they were locked in a to-the-death struggle against totalitarian
forces, forces that were based on withholding information. And thus, the
democratic governments soon began thinking that in order to survive
against this threat, they had to become as secretive as the totalitarian

So what was the first and second world wars and the Cold War all about? It was about secretly transforming free democratic societies into elitist societies, societies that are ruled by a small
elite, an elite who thinks it is legitimate and in the nation's best
interest to withhold large amounts of information from their own people.

Do you see that freedom and democracy did not win the Cold War? The forces who want to rule the people through deception won the Cold War. In order to "defeat" totalitarian nations, democratic nations
became as secretive as their totalitarian counterparts.

As Jesus reveals in his groundbreaking discourse, you have two types of fallen beings, corresponding to two factions of the power elite. One group are the beings who appear directly evil, and
they represent the power elite groups who want to rule the people
through direct – and thus obvious – force. The other group are the ones
who appear to be "good," and they represent the power elite groups that
want to control the people through deception—so that the people do not
even realize they are being controlled.

It was this second group of fallen beings who won the Cold War.

Yet this was not actually their plan. As I said, the collapse of the Soviet Union was brought about by information technology, especially computers. The power elite watched in dismay as
their proudest creation crumbled before their eyes, and for some years,
there was actually quite a bit of turmoil in power elite groups. Various
initiatives were tried, but none truly accomplished the goal. Yet then
came the breakthrough on September 11, 2001.

What was accomplished in this one incident was to create a replacement for the threat represented by totalitarian communist regimes. Instead of the Cold War, you now had the War on Terror. And
what has been the result? Well, in a country such as the United States,
the government now had a new – and even increased – power to withhold
information from its own people because of "national security."

So my point is simple. What will bring the Golden Age is that the elite will no longer be able to keep anything secret from the people. Thus, initiatives such as Wikileaks are indeed necessary steps
towards that goal.

What will begin to happen is that the democratic nations will be forced to rethink their approach. As governments begin to realize that eventually all of their secrets will be exposed, there will
be a gradual shift. And this will at least begin the process of
steering democracies back towards the only state that can secure their
survival, namely that all people have equal access to information. And
this just might prevent violent revolutions that could otherwise happen.
You see, freedom knows no opposition, so if a nation is to be truly
free and democratic, it cannot have a veil of secrecy. For the elite
will always have more to hide than the people.

If you look at the United States right now, you will see that the distrust and dissatisfaction that the people have towards their government is growing rapidly. In fact, the United States is rapidly
approaching one of these tension points that can trigger a violent
upheaval of some kind. Yet what has brought about this is precisely that
more and more people are beginning to realize that the United States is
effectively ruled by a small elite. The very government that is charged
with securing the freedom of the people is now the greatest threat to
that freedom, partly through physical force, but especially through the
withholding of information.

So there are two potential ways forward for the United States. One is that the government keeps holding on to the need to withhold information, by seeking refuge in "national security"
interests. In that case, tension will keep building and it will
eventually lead to some form of violent uprising by groups of people,
similar to what you saw with the civil rights protests in the 1960s.

The other option is that more and more information comes out, so that the decision makers behind the government eventually realize the futility of seeking to withhold information that is likely
to be exposed anyway. And if the people will indeed respond by educating
themselves and seeking more information, we might see a peaceful
revolution in the pattern of the enlightenment and renaissance.

I can tell you that the future of the United States is right now quite precarious. Thus, I hope the spiritual people will hold the vision and invoke the light and intercession that can bring a true
revolution—a revolution in higher consciousness.

As a final remark, what has become obvious with Wikileaks is that there is a need for a better way in which the people who work for governments and corporations can disseminate information and remain
anonymous—and thus unpunished. The leaders of the power elite know that
they cannot themselves do all the work that keeps them in control, so
they must rely on others. Their greatest fear has always been that the
very people that they depend on in order to stay in power will be the
very people who become instruments for taking away their power.

You have seen how dictators in the past relied on mercenaries from foreign countries for their personal defense, because they knew that their own countrymen might have loyalties towards family
or country, and this made them less dependable than people who had
loyalty only to money. So there is no better way to shake the confidence
of the power elite than to make it easier for the people who work for
them to disseminate information.

Why do you think whistleblowers are often treated so harshly? It is because the power elite want to scare potential whistleblowers into remaining silent for fear of personal retribution.
Just look at how the American government – supposedly charged by the
Constitution to uphold free speech – is trying to shut down Wikileaks
and personally punish its founder. You don't think this is only because
some of the leaks were embarrassing to the Secretary of State, do you?

So my point is that those who claim that they are committed to freedom of speech and freedom of the press need to seize the day. They need to form a new international organization, which can set up a
website that functions somewhat similarly to Wikileaks, but which is
backed by so much money, technology, lawyers and governments that
nothing can shut it down or go after the individuals running it—or their
sources. Only by doing this can they prove that they really are as
committed to freedom as they claim they are.

Taken from


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  • Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder lavished with awards by the Economist magazine and celebrated by Forbes, Time and Der Spiegel, has finally been arrested on rape charges in the UK, sparking speculation that Wikileaks will release documents and go „thermonuclear“.

    Yawn, yawn.

    It’s clear the US government can easily limit the damage of any leak just by filing injunctions to stop major media outlets like the New York Tomes and The Guardian from publishing stories. Why hasn’t it done this already?

    The few „nuggets“ in the current Wikileaks release just give a confirmation to what is already well known. Webster Tarpley and Alex Jones ran down the evidence that Assange has a hidden agenda and is a tool of bankers like George Soros in a programme yesterday.

    Given the fact, the alternative media has so little interest in Assange or in spreading Wikileaks documents, the US government can limit the damage done by the “leaks” by filing injunctions to stop major media outlets like the New York Tomes and The Guardian from publishing stories. They will be about the only ones hyping the “thermonuclear” documents, I bet. Them and Eric Cantona and Max Keiser.

    I, for one, have zero interest in looking at any of the Bank of America „thermonuclear data“ that is expected to be released by Wikileaks. We all know banks like BoA are overleveraged „zig“ times and have no money . That just is how the fractional reserve bamking system operates and has been operating for decades. What’s new?

    Since it is really only the major media outlets hyping the Wikileaks information, the US Justice Secretary could easily file injunctions to stop that today and spare us this tedious theatre.

    As for major releases of the names of spies and informants, why don’t US justice officials just pay a visit to George Soros and the Rothschild family, who are clearly linked to Assange and Wikileaks, and put some questions to them? And why don’t they drop by Hilary Clinton’s office. Just who had access to 250,000 confidential diiplomatic cables, anyway?

    It is widely accepted that the US government – like every government – has a legitimate right to keep its routine diplomatic cables confidential, so few see any infringement of media freedom.

    Even the writer Mario Varagas Llosa said too much Wikileaks is dangerous.

    “In simple terms, states would be placed in such a vulnerable position that institutions …, the very essence of democracy, would be in danger,” said Vargas Llosa.

    Ron Paul’s argument that it is wrong to attack Assange because it is like „shooting the messenger“ of troubling foreign news obscures the reality that peaceful states need to make use of diplomacy that require confidentiality just as much as warlike states.

    He has cut such a poor figure in this sordid episode that huge question mark has to be raised as to his real allegiance. To Wikileaks? Soros? Rothschild? Or to a functioning US state?
  • Thank you stumpyone...I should do this exercises if I could take even 5 mins to center myself but find so much resistance most of the time...thank you for the comforting words...I know all is well...blessings!
  • I hope this is all part of the divine plan. I'm getting so frustrated. ;-(
    • This is really the simplest way to put how I feel about everything going on right now.
  • WikiLeaks: Is It Credible?

    WikiLeaks is referred to as a "whistleblower site." It is best known for its release of Iraqi War documents including the names of confidential informants who worked with American and Iraqi security forces.

    The site might serve, however, as a perfect platform for a CIA/MI6 counterintelligence program (i.e., COINTELPRO). Suspiciously, the operation, in this latest breaking news, appears to advance the NWO agenda.

    WikiLeaks works perfectly for the NWO agenda because it allows the right amount of information and disinformation to slowly disseminate, manipulate, and confuse the minds of the masses. After reading Wikileaks, stories about corruption in the financial sector of government as shown in these WikiLeak data logs, readers clamor for the some alternative to federal corruption. This feeds the New World Order agenda.

    Thus, WikiLeaks appears to share more than its Wiki-branding with Wikipedia. In recent months Wikipedia has been similarly exposed for corrupting our minds on behalf of agent provocateurs working for the CIA and the Illuminati.

    Julian Assange: Is He and Forbes Credible?

    Plse read article here.....
  • I'm not so sure about assange, most of the stuff he's "leaked" I knew already just from poking around on the internet

    Plus most of this stuff just are notices like

    China hacks Google
    Arabs want to bomb Iran
    North Korea ripe for regime change

    To me most of this stuff is just a wish list from the CIA to start up some more wars
    Not to mention the Media is all over it and has been for quite a while

    Now they're going to "leak" some stuff on the banks which the media apparently knows all about and knows the target (Bank of America and others)

    And it seems like to me that if the CIA wanted to get someone, which they claim to, he would be gotten

    could all just be a pretext to censor the net guys, look alive

    (this is exactly how they framed Bin Laden and started War on Terror)
This reply was deleted.

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