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Introduction to the WingMakers’ Time Capsule
(Code-named Ancient Arrow Project)

Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA — responsible for extraterrestrial contact and technology assimilation — took the discovery into their laboratory for the purposes of their own agenda. This secret organization is known as the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and has enjoyed complete anonymity until now.

The discovery — referred to by the ACIO as the Ancient Arrow project — consisted of 23 chambers and connecting tunnels hollowed out deep within a huge, natural rock structure in a remote canyon of northern New Mexico. Inside this massive and well-hidden structure were incredible artifacts of a culture that was of indeterminate origins. In each of the 23 chambers were found wall paintings, various alien technologies, and strange, encoded hieroglyphs. By most appearances, the discovery was like a natural history museum from an alien race. It became known among the researchers as ETC or Extraterrestrial Time Capsule.

Because of carbon-dating analyses, it was initially assumed that this time capsule was left behind by extraterrestrials that had visited earth in the 8th century AD. However, it wasn’t until 1997 that the encoded language found within the site and its artifacts became accessible to the ACIO. It was then that it was determined that the time capsule was actually designed and built by a future version of humankind who were adept at interactive time travel. They called themselves, WingMakers.

One of the scientists from the ACIO involved in developing the translation tables for the Ancient Arrow project, defected in December 1997, and has disclosed this secret project to a journalist named Anne. And under agreement with the aforementioned scientist, has placed these materials on the Internet for the purpose of exposing the WingMakers’ time capsule to all who want to see, hear, and read its poignant and provocative message.

There are hundreds of pages of philosophy, photographs, poetry, new physics, music, and artifacts inside this site, all derived from the WingMakers’ time capsule. This discovery is being introduced to a worldwide audience through the Internet.



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Dr. Anderson
“Only one thing, and that is that if anyone ever reads this interview, please do so with an empty mind. If you bring a mind full of learning and education and opinion, you’ll find so much to argue with in what I’ve said that you’ll not hear anything. And I’m not interested in arguing with anyone. I’m not even that interested in convincing anyone of what I’ve said. My life will go on even if no one believes me.

“The WingMakers have built a time capsule of their culture and it’s magnificent. I wish I could take people to the original site so they could stand before each of the 23 chambers and witness these wall paintings in person. If you were to do this, you would understand that art can be a portal that transports the soul to a different dimension. There is a certain energy that these paintings have that can’t be translated in mere photographs. You really need to stand inside these chambers and feel the purposeful nature of this time capsule.

You could walk right up to the entrance of the Ancient Arrow site and see nothing that would look like an entrance or opening. To the observer it would be a flat wall of rock. And it would have all the characteristics of rock — texture, hardness and so forth, but it’s actually a reality construction that is superimposed on the mind of the observer. In reality the entrance is there, but it can’t be observed because the mind has been duped into the projected reality construction.”

I think they planted these time capsules as their way to bring culture and technology from their time to ours. And they decided to do this by leaving behind these miraculous structures or time capsules that, once discovered, would lead people to a new philosophy or level of understanding. I think they’re as interested in our philosophical outlook as our discovery of BST. Perhaps more so.

“As for why don’t they just show up and give us the information . . . this, I think, is their genius. They’ve created seven time capsules and placed them in various parts of the world. I believe this is all part of a master plan or strategy to engage our intellects and spirits in a way that has never been done before. To demonstrate how art — culture, science, spirituality, how all of these things are connected. I believe they want us to discover this . . . not to be told.

You have to understand that the time capsule was a collection of 23 chambers literally carved inside of a canyon wall in the middle of nowhere about 80 miles northeast of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. It is, without a doubt, the most amazing archeological find of all time. If scientists were allowed to examine this site, with all of its artifacts intact, they would be in awe of this incredible find.

“Our preliminary assumptions were that this site was a time capsule of sorts left behind by an extraterrestrial race who had visited earth in the 8th century. But we couldn’t understand why the art was so clearly representative of earth — if it were a time capsule. The only logical conclusion was that it represented a future version of humanity. But we weren’t certain of this until we figured out how to access the optical disc and translate the first set of documents from the disc.

“Once we had a clear understanding of how the WingMakers wanted to be understood, we began to test their claims by analyzing their chamber paintings, poetry, music, philosophy, and artifacts.

Most of the world’s major libraries have collections of information that are not available to the general public. Only scholars are authorized to review these materials, and usually only on site. In the same way, there are manuscripts that were controversial and posited theories that were sharply different than the accepted belief systems of their day. These manuscripts or writings were banished by a variety of sources, including the Vatican, universities, governments, and various institutions. “These writings are sought out by secret organizations that have a mission to collect and retain this information. These organizations are very powerful and well funded.

“I was selected to participate in the decoding and translation of the symbol pictures found at the site. I have a known expertise in languages and ancient texts. I am able to speak over 30 different languages fluently and another 12 or so languages that are officially extinct. Because of my skills in linguistics and my abilities to decode symbol pictures like petroglyphs or hieroglyphs, I was chosen for this task.

“I had been involved in the Ancient Arrow project from its very inception, when the ACIO took over the project from the NSA. I was initially involved in the site discovery and its restoration along with a team of 7 other scientists from the ACIO. We restored each of the 23 chambers of the WingMakers’ time capsule and cataloged all of their attendant artifacts.

“As the restoration was completed, I became increasingly focused on decoding their peculiar language and designing the translation indexes to English. It was a particularly vexing process because an optical disc was found in the 23rd chamber and it was impregnable to our technologies. We assumed that the optical disc held most of the information that the WingMakers desired us to know about them. However, we couldn’t figure out how to apply the symbol pictures found in their chamber paintings to unlock the disc.

“I was spending 70 hours per week working on the decoding formulas for the symbol pictures, and this went on for about 8 months. During this time I tried every conceivable combination to create an access code to the optical disc. I was convinced it was the only way to open it. I was also convinced that it was purposely made to be difficult, at least to our present-day brains. It was almost as though the struggle to decode their language was exercising a part of my brain or nervous system that was enabling me to communicate with them.

“I began to hear them speaking to me. It began as a word or two . . . then a sentence . . . maybe just once a day. It didn’t make much sense . . . what I heard. But then one day I was working on a chamber painting and I saw something move in the painting. One of the symbols moved and it was absolutely not an illusion or trick of the light. Then I realized that the WingMakers could interact with me, that they were time traveling to my time and that somehow their paintings were actually portals in which they moved through time.

“It was then I began to hear their instructions, or more precisely, their thoughts. I was given mental images on how to use the Sumerian language to decode their own symbol pictures. I thought I was possibly going crazy. I felt like my mind was playing tricks on me . . . that I was working too hard and needed to take a holiday, but I listened to the voices because it seemed plausible what I was being instructed to do. When I finished with the access code and it worked, I knew then that I was indeed communicating with them.

“The Ancient Arrow time capsule is the single greatest discovery in the history of humankind. Discoveries of this magnitude should be in the public domain. They shouldn’t be selfishly secured and retained by the ACIO or any other organization.”