From Stepping Into the New Reality: "Staying In Alignment With Each New Stepping StoneHow do we complete our process at one stepping stone before we can then move on to another? Neutralizing any lower vibrating energies within us (usually through acceptance and understanding, resultingfrom defusing any extreme lower vibrating emotions and resistancewe may have) is mandatory before we can move forward in a morepermanent way. We let go of any lower vibrating energies and webalance any energies that we will be keeping. What did you justsay, Karen? The ascension process serves to bring in higher vibrating energies.They used to arrive more from the outside, resulting from asummoning from the way-showers who had gone ahead (whetherconsciously or not, depending upon how connected each of us is toour souls...the more connected we are to our souls, the moreconscious we are about many high level things that are occurring)."From the outside" meant through solar flares, meteor showers,equinox and planetary alignments, and the like. The highervibrating energies seemingly arrived all on their own, whether wewere ready or not! Thus, in the beginning stages, we may have feltclobbered and as though something was happening "to us" when thesehigher vibrating energies arrived. We were not as connected to oursouls then as we are now, thus, our awareness was more limited. Over time, the way-showers began to embody more and more lightwithin themselves, and thus started the process of bringing souls(or the rest of the planet) along with them who were at lower rungsof the ascension ladder. Now, so many more individuals arebeginning their process, and now embodying more light, that a shifthas occurred. Things began to snowball after a while, and thus, theshifts began occurring more from within than without. The shiftsnow arrive much more often when we reach levels of critical mass,or rather when enough individuals on the planet are carrying andembodying higher light. The more we evolve, the more we operate asa whole. This is why it may appear that there is more darkness now forlonger stretches of time. This is why when a cosmic occurrencearrives, we may feel good for only a short time, and then thingsseem to dissipate. We are embodying more light now, so we are theones who need to create the shifts and the change, and then alignthem with the cosmic events that arrive to support us. This is whythe waiting also occurs at times before a shift can arrive. We arewaiting for enough souls to be ready or to arrive at a certainvibrational frequency within themselves. We want everyone on board. So then, the energetic shifts are now much more dictated by what isgoing on within us, as we, ourselves, are carrying the light morethan ever before. We no longer need so much help from the outside.This is why at times, our progress seems to sputter, and does notseem to really take off....there are not then, enough of the massesat a certain level, so we only move forward an inch at a time. Andto add even more confusion to this scenario, a substantial cosmicoccurrence will not take place until enough of the masses are readyfor its' benefit. We summon from the inside through our vibrationallevel and readiness, and the outside then responds in kind.Creation always occurs when everything meets in the middle at thevery same moment. Things are going slower now, or rather the bigsurges of light are much less frequent and for shorter amounts oftime, because many more are now carrying the light, and much moreof it. And again, we are much more of a whole now. Suppose you had a car that was out of gas (or light). Eventually,you were able to fill up your gas tank, so you started the engine,readying for a big leap forward, onto the highway. But the carwould only go forward in small, sputtering stretches, even thoughyour tank was full. You eventually realized that some of the partsin the engine were not functioning to their full capacity, as theywere broken and needed tweaking or repair (the masses). After yourepaired the engine, and with your full tank of gas that had beenwaiting for a while now, you were then off to a very new horizon infull throttle. And we will "repair" the parts of the engine (or the masses), byassisting and serving through our store-fronts. Then we will all goforward one more rung as individuals within the whole. How, then, do we complete our process at one stepping stone beforewe can move on to another? When new energies do arrive, each of us is then given anopportunity to adjust by making changes within ourselves and withinour belief systems and perceptions. These changes occur throughpurging, releasing, or balancing energies within us, and thus...amove forward is created. If we willingly choose to flow with thisprocess, we are able to see more clearly how we have been vibrating(or what we have been mis-perceiving and believing), honor andaccept this, and then let it go as we are now ready to vibratehigher. In this way, we can at times wonder who in the world we noware, as so much of us no longer seems to exist! Thus, the continualloss of identity that the ascension process creates. Ouch! There is also a little twist present as well with thisprocess. The evolutionary process we are experiencing also createsfeelings of intolerance and some other fairly unpleasant feelingswhen in the presence of lower vibrating energies (some of us whoare acutely sensitive can feel downright repulsed, not seeming veryspiritual!). This is partly because we are being encouraged to moveforward and create something new that is of a higher vibration, butit is mostly because higher and lower vibrating energies cannotexist in the same space. There is then, a vast mis-match nowpresent, and it can feel downright uncomfortable at best when weare around these old energies. So then, after we understand, have love for, and integrate withinus these lower vibrating energies in a more balanced way (and inmany cases release them altogether), we can then move forward andno longer need to experience or be in their presence again in thesame way. And after we are done with this process, it can feeldownright awful to be around the density of these old energies thatmay surround us! So then, it can really be a challenge to acceptand have love for energies that we have no tolerance for! Thus, ourpersonal sanctuaries become our individual Heaven until the wholecan catch up. But because the whole is almost always at varyinglevels of the ascension process, there is almost always present arocky road in this regard. Even though we may wait until enough ofthe masses are ready, before we experience the substantial shifts,the masses are still on a variety of levels. How can we experience the intolerance of lower vibrating energiesand also love and understand them at the same time? How can we bein their presence for long without feeling so uncomfortable? What achallenge indeed, and this is the way of dimensional hierarchies.Just like the non-physicals and the angels, we can go to lowerdimensions, but only for brief periods of time. We can also gohigher for very brief periods (during interdimensional travel orwhile giving a reading, etc.), but the higher we go, the moreexhausted we become, as too much of our reserves are utilized . Wecannot go higher unless there are at least some aspects ofourselves which are embodying these higher dimensions, thusallowing access to begin with. In regard to the ascension process,we gain permanent access to the higher realms when we arepermanently vibrating higher. So then, the ascension process isthus taking the entire planet as a whole into a much higherdimension, step by step. "This sounds very confusing and complicated to me," you might bethinking. Or perhaps, "I don't feel like concentrating this hard!This sounds like one big confusing mess! How in the world are wesupposed to live in this chaos and continual transition?" Here's a simple guideline to follow for a better understanding ofthis process: If you are feeling icky and heavy in certainenergies, very tired of them, feel as though you are drowning, feelfrightened, feel as though they have nothing to do with you, andhave a strong desire to flee, you have most likely evolved beyondthem. If you are feeling angry, resistive, mortified, in greatdisagreement with, have judgment, and are frustrated with certainenergies, it is probably time for you to diffuse these emotionsthrough acceptance and love, as you look within yourself to seewhat you are embodying that serves to connect you to them. When we have a deep, painful, sad, and almost gagging reaction to lower vibrating energies (not an emotional, resistive, and personalreaction), can barely relate to them, feel very heavy and suffocated by them, and have a severe preference to be somewhereelse, then this is because we are residing in a dimension or higherrealm where these energies can no longer exist. It can be easy to become entangled in the cop-out that we are more highly evolved than others, and use this as an excuse to disregard what is still inside of us, thus placing blame on another. No leaping, remember?The ascension process is a step-by-step evolutionary process, andit takes a long time." To access the newest WINGS post, kindly utilize the link below:

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"Elina knows my views on Red China and she knows I will not visit that place...However, being a very brave lady, she decided to RISK IT....;-) hehe....!! You can't not admire her spirit of adventure.....🪆👍🏻🛸

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                                                                                Chapter VII

                                                                       THE SEVEN CHURCHES


Human Being is a trio of body, soul…

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