Dear Bhagavan, most of us are tired of battling with life. We often wonder if life is conspiring against our joy and peace. The more we try to elude pain, the more challenging it becomes. Is it simply bad luck or the fruit of my past deeds or an irrevocable destiny that is forcing its way into my life?
Life is like a cricket match. It is like a bowler throwing various kinds of balls at you – ball of pain, ball of pleasure, ball of hatred, ball of jealousy, ball of crisis. You are the batsman. Your life depends on how you play these balls.
In a cricket match if the bowler knows you are afraid of leg-breaks, he will constantly bowl leg-breaks at you. So is life. If you do not accept the balls it bowls, it will bowl only such balls since that is your weakness.
Being a batsman you are expected to face every kind of ball. You cannot afford to say I would not face a particular kind of a ball or a bowler. If you say that then the opposing team captain would only make that bowler bowl.
Life knows what you are afraid of and only such kinds of balls would come. Therefore, if you learn to play all the balls, your problems would get solved. Learning to play all the balls is nothing but “Recognizing, Accepting and Experiencing” events and incidents as they occur without trying to run away from them.
You should not think life would be nice and kind. It would bowl all kinds of balls. A good batsman would not run away from the field saying it is a tough ball.
If you are fighting jealousy, then life would keep giving you situations where you would feel more jealous. But if you learn to play the balls of jealousy by experiencing it, then the opposing captain would declare that you have won. He would concede because you are now hitting every ball for a six and what is it to hit every ball for a six - to experience everything in life.
The art of experiencing is the art of batting. If you could experience everything, whatever be the situation, you have won. If you can do that here, you are fully Enlightened. An Enlightened man is one who can hit every ball for a six.