What I hear and see concerning ones ascension, the thing i read all the time is this.
"what you yourself manifest, this is ones own truth as to Ascension, what you want will be once you have ascended"
Sound familiar, sound about right, Hmm, to myself it does not sound correct, because if this was so then what if your take on "Ascension" is purely your own view, your own truth and it was not anyone elses "Truths" would it then be possible that you would be alone, yes it would, because you would be the only being that "THOUGHT" your Ascension into existence.
This is what your world see's as logical is it not, or maybe i am wrong here.
As said before, there is not "This is my truth" "this is his or her truth" truth is truth, lies are lies, a lie can never become truth, and truth never a lie.
Something is either truth or it is not, no inbetweens surly.
If you look upon a clear blue sky and proclaim unto the world that it is brown this does not make it brown, even if inside your head you THINK it so, for it would only be what you THINK is true.
As you could not ponder something inside of your head and come up with it as truth, if you like it, if you believe it to be true and all is coming from just thoughts inside the head then you can never know whether it is truths or not.
To know of truth one must, yes must be in contact with the inner being, for this is where true concern for your progression started and this is where it will end upon your "Ascension" when you will become one with your creator upon the newly Evolved Mother earth.
See this as truth or not, it matters not, i do not say that you must believe it, i say it because i see so many troubled beings, so much worry as to what one must do, you need do nothing for what will be will be, and because of all the sorrow and what you call "trial and tribulation" all of mankind has been through, yes ALL, you are Loved, loved unconditionally, no matter what the 3D has had to endure, you are not lost, for if you were then there would be Conditional Love, but there is no such energy that exists throughout the universe.
You are so loved by your creators, we want you to see light at the end of your Journey "now", not worry and confusion, not sad faces but Faces of Joy and laughter in your knowing, in your awakenings.
This is all we have ever wanted for since we created you, it has been a struggle for to keep you close so that you would not forget who you are, but alas a wedge has been driven deeper and deeper between yourselves and your creators, so deep that you did forget who and what you are, "OUR CHILDREN" our creation, but The Joy of the now is that you are beginning to awaken, beginning to remember once more.
I will repeat just one thing, please please do not hold on to the worry any longer, just be happy that we will become a singularity very soon now, i can not say when, for it has been told before, that no man knoweth, not even the stars in heaven.
Do not worry.
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