June 2 2010Dear ones we are here to tell you that there remains much to do in the days that lie ahead. We are of the Sirian energies and it is with love and warmth we welcome you into the folds of our embrace. If there were only more that listen to the words that we and all others like us speak to all of you in the depths of the emotions and the depths of the caring there would soon be such an outpouring of love throughout the universe and the very planet on which you have chosen to visit in these times would be such that has not been experienced since the days of the rising of Atlantis from the depths of the sea. We are never certain there would be so many of you presenting yourselves to us for elucidation of all that has come to be in these the times of the rising of the hordes and the masses of all the beings in conjunction with all of us that are now awaiting your callings. When there is one that speaks there are 10 thousand that hear and where there is one that is listening there are 10,000 more that await the lightening of the very air around us. We are of the Sirian High Council and if there is one being that awaits our call to arms there is also 10 fold more that rejoice. There is no longer that need to feel fear there is no story to come. It is about to unfold itself in these wordings and if there is one more that feels this love and affection for all of us it is in our power to be of assistance to those.Just as we speak to this one so we also speak over and above those thoughts of dismay in the ones that are lost and alone in the void of the human experience. Did you indeed find there were many days and the nights were also times in which there was only the sound of our voices and the whispers of the wind was indeed a cheering, softening sound in the ones that attune themselves in the world of this planet of the green and the once blue known as earth to those that reside upon its face.In these times mankind faces challenges that have not been seen since the inception of these . Once you walked this earth in tune with the source of the power of all that is and now there are those that continually seek to reaffirm its very existence. If the mother of mankind were to open the channels and if the ones that of choice are not availing themselves of her words then is it possible to wonder if there truthfully exists such a channelling at all? If the mind refuses, the body also will reject and in that rejection will not be found the joy of life as it exists today. It is often the young and the old that feel our presences in the forms of the lightening and in the whispers they hear in the days and the nights as they slip in and through the forces and the fields of the varied planes. It is the men and the women that have chosen challenges beyond their capacity to face, who are the most vulnerable to those energies that would diffuse their powers.We have chosen to speak thusly to the woman in the directing of the words so that there is NO confusion as to the power that lies behind the penmanship. It is not in these to caution you to be vigilant in your desire to choose light over dark and it is never without some discomfiting situations will be found that corner of home within the world of the luck.Where we prefer to promise one a life of ease of transmitting, more than one will be feeding worthy thoughts. If that thought is one that brought a sense of fear it is often the element of surrendering all to those that would be freeing the being of choice from the bonds of the humanness that is indeed residing here in the time of choosing. To do or not to do, to listen or not to listen, and to promotion give the words of these even if the words are not to the liking.We are no longer waiting for the permission of any to heave the chains of servitude from the essence of their soul. We wait for none to commit their words to pen and paper. It is now the time of your destiny and it is up to each one of the serving of the needs of the light to step forth and sing the songs that echoed in the breast since the inception of the time every single one of you stepped forth and volunteered your services to those beings that are in need of these words and the succouring of that human expression that is in essence surrounding each soul with its own brand of quietude.Awake and hear our voices. Wake to the trumpeting of the Angelic forces calling each one of you. Wake to the choosing that is in essence lying before you. If in hearing our songs you choose to close the inner ears to our harmonics we entreaty you to open your inner eyes and the outer perimeters of vision to all that lies in waiting.There is no greater joy that can be found within your being than to know that you have entered the inner sanctuary of the Lord of all Lights chambers. We are many in form and voice. We are many in sight and sound. We chose to accept our role in these times just as did each one of you. We are no longer at war with one another and there is not the fear in each of us to find ourselves engaging any one of those beings that would increase the forces of darkerness in order to be of the power.The choice lies in the hands of the dark forces to attempt to weary of this struggle and yes dear ones in them also lies the same choices you find in the hands of each and every one of you. Extend the hand of friendship and you might find the essence is not that different than those of your own families. WE are the Archangels that chose you. There is no thing in this world of yours and in all of those others that may persuade those other beings to set aside their weapons unless there is found a commonality in their everlasting dream of glory and your own.Jeremiah was walking along the south end of the creek one day when he happened to spy a younger man struggling on the opposite bank with a large green stone the length and breadth of which was equal to the size of the man himself. Jeremiah paused on the edge of the bank for a time and watched the struggle occurring on the opposite bank. As the younger man looked down into the water he saw Jeremiah’s reflection watching him from the other side. He paused in his struggles and looked across the waters at his oldest friend.“I didn’t recognize you over there” he uttered. “I forgot the time we were friends and all I saw was an old and beaten man.”“There is nothing in this world that I would not have done for you”, the older man cried, “but as I see you struggling, I realize that it is not my help you require but the aid and assistance of one far greater and more powerful than I myself would profess to be. Even in my prime I would not have been able to help you move such a large and heavy burden.”“Aahhh my friend” the young man said, “with the aid of one and another I’m certain we would not only move this stone but 10 thousand more like it.”There is no greater power granted. There is no greater treasure. There is naught that will lighten the burdens of a soul in difficulty than the knowledge there is even one other single solitary soul that cares.We tell you that there is nothing that you can offer one of the dark that will change their patterns of behaviour. Their mission is to provide an environment that creates disturbances in your very souls. If it were not for the appearance of those dark entities in your world there would be not the continuing vigilance required of the Warriors of the Light but it is not with weapons of destruction will come a changing of their guardians. When there is a meeting of a member of their forces with one of ours there is a clash that is in essence creating openings within the beings to stand on the brink and peer through the veil at what is indeed the power of choice.Just as Jeremiah faced his own sense of powerlessness in the task across the waters, so do each one of you. Just as the young man saw the truth in the reflected image in the water, so is it possible for those afflicted with the scales of darkness to see their own true potential reflected in the light pouring from the countenances of those of you that are of a loving nature.We are of the Sirian High Council.

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  • I will do that I will keep you updated and when I find that name I will let everyone know you have been a true help and if I can ever do anything in return let me know.
  • Well, that's the conundrum with Marciniak for me. I read "bringers of the dawn" in one day, and , that night, I literally felt like something downloaded to me, the image I got in the dream state was sort of a ghost outline of my head and information being put inside. But, she also has made some decidely anti-male comments, along the lines of "men are warlike" and women, not so much..not sure how that figures in with aliens, seems to me they'd be beyond that kind of thing as well. with her, I'm not sure what is channeled and what is her own agenda. I do feel she brought me closer to the truth, but I've been led down the garden path before, so, my shields are up. BTW, did you sketch the above pic? what is it? the word written below it gives no google hits..do tell..
  • You are so on point with that comment it seems to be the pitfall I have been trying to overcome. in following my path. The actual problem Im having is my second guessing its not to do with believing. I am very comfortable with my guides and masters and recognizing them, yet when in comes to my own intuition i am not resonating well or have a harder time listening or finding my tone or i guess overall feeling for my higher self. This has been my hangup for quite some time not to mention that i have also been told that repeatedly by my guide and masters end. They make it seem as if its staring me right in the face and yet im blind.  It saddens me because i want to know myself better and the anguish and complete anxiety i get from the pressure i put on my self prohibits me from this. Even in writing this, im upset with myself because im always looking out and dont know how to look in. Or who i am feels like  a funhouse and dont know which door to open to find the way out. I will take your advice and change the name to add positive energy to my  outlook I mean all the help I can get is wonderful  this helped me let a big cry out  that I needed because its the same mary go round for me. I hope one day in time this will all be a funny story I can tell people about my struggles but as it stands right now Im a ball of rubber bands all entwined and need to be unraveled. thanks for letting me ramble you dont know how important your comment was for me to hear.
  • A worthy call to arms. Im glad that someone has recoginsed that something has to happen soon, as yet NOTHING has changed and the illuminati are, of course firmly in control. We really need to do something about them now. Could use full stops a little bit more and be a bit more to the point, if I can be honest.
  • Thanks so much for the response Alexis, now I feel a little guilty for making you go through all that to reply :)..yes, it does shed some light. I feel that I'm a starseed based on my own experiences, not just I saw it on the 'net and it sounded cool, but I do have a well-developed BS detector, and when I see similarities in things like this, it raises red flags. look at the things billy miers "contact" said about barbara marciniak(bringers of the dawn). I now doubt both of them as well. aliens have better things to do than involve themselves in petty squabbles, that's what humans do. as for myself, I got a visitation from 3 beings about 5 years ago; they looked like something from an egyptian hieroglyph or from a native american totem pole. telepathic communication, one phrase, "make amends".

    I've no doubt that we are being contacted, I just don't want to get fleeced along the way. went to jelila star's site, it resonates, but that woman has more stuff to sell than the church of scientology. BIG red flag for me. So, I question everything and everyone, because, based on the above experience, and many others I've had, I don't need to go through anyone else to get contact, I just need good intelligence on the whole thing, which is why I'm sniffing around here. As far as my name..lol good lord, I'm still accepting the starseed thing, if I find out I'm a dragon I'll lose my mind..but it fits about negativity. I've had a massive amount of it directed my way especially in the last 5-6 years. lost every "friend" I had, lost work, lost all kinds of things. Some due to my idiocy, some due to "enemy action" if you will. Just trying to put it all back together now. got a good sense of what I should be doing(I'm essentially a healer. reiki 2 now, going master on may 15th)

    now I just need to get myself to where I'm a complete package again. again, thanks for the response..

  • thank you for your message it brought me hope of what is to come. Not just for me but all of us that are trying to prepare.
  • All due respect to everyone..but, is it just me, or do these channeled message from all these high councils all sound similar? also, how many high councils are there, anyway? ^^
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