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Worlds First Floating Nation Is Being Built By Paypal’s Founder To “Liberate Humanity From Politicians”
Amazingly, this floating nation is set to appear in the Pacific Ocean just over two years from now. PayPal founder Peter Thiel envisions hotels, homes, offices, and restaurants, and he believes that the non-profit company Seasteading Institute—and its countless teams of marine biologists, aquaculture farmers, medical researchers, nautical engineers, and investors— can help him turn his visions into realities rapidly. French Polynesia has agreed that the experimental nation can be built off its coast; Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, has even proclaimed that he expects there to be thousands of floating cities in only three decades time: “Governments just don’t get better. They’re stuck in previous centuries. That’s because land incentivises a violent monopoly to control it.”
Other important facts are that the nation will be permitted to operate within its own laws, and that the first island will be paid for by way of a coin offering, which is a new form of crowdfunding. Silicon Valley has utilized techniques like these before, so the non-profit company is confident in expecting approximately $60 million in just over two years. The first city will consist of eleven rectangular, five-sided platforms that can be arranged and customized as needed; they will be built from reinforced concrete that should be able to support three-story buildings for around a century.
Quirk has previously outlined his vision in his book Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore The Environment, Enrich The Poor, Cure The Sick and Liberate Humanity From Politicians, and Quirk’s executive director Randolph Hencken has voiced his full support the project despite the difficulties ahead: “What we’re interested in is societal choice and having a location where we can try things that haven’t been tried before. I don’t think it will be that dramatically radical in the first renditions. We were looking for sheltered waters, we don’t want to be out in the open ocean—it’s technologically possible but economically outrageous to afford.”
Hencken also argues, “If we can be behind a reef break, then we can design floating platforms that are sufficient for those waters at an affordable cost. We don’t have to start from scratch as this is a pilot project. They also have very stable institutions so we’re able to work with a government that wants us there, that we have respect for and they have respect for us.”
Seasteading Institute
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