During Jeshua's life, especially his childhood, he constantly did things that knocked the leaders of the day off balance. He always asked questions that the Rabbis couldn't answer, he himself made drawings and clay pidgeons (read about it in the Gospel of Thomas), infuriating the religious authorities. In every way, he insulted the instilled beliefs and opinions of the day. The common people, however, found a friend and hero in him.
why would he get pissed? He know well that people had been fooled to do so. Rather I can imagine him doing double FacePalm, shaking head or LOLing himself in hilarity at how a great creation of supreme creator; his fellow brothers and sisters - his siblings, view themselves lowly or as someone below him or to any other beings. It's really quite LOL worthy.
Honestly from what I've come to discover for myself no to the getting pissed off at people buying idols and not worshipping him b/c I don't get the vibe He wanted to be worshipped. Just respected and listened to about why He was here in the first place. He wanted trust and faith in what knowledge He was trying to share. That's it.
Well I think both the Church and the people are to blame. But I do understand that...back in those times...it was a different humanity, most people couldn't even read or write...people were basically ignorant....so when someone like Jesus shows up, who was even ahead of our time, nevermind 2000 years ago...people would follow him.
And...also...when the Church changes things and says that Jesus said I am the way, the truth, the light, and only through me can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.....well people are going to buy into it. It's like the stars aligned or something like that lol You get the analogy. All the different ingredients were there to make that happen at that time...
Oh well, it just is....it just is what happened. There is blame on both sides, but it's part of the story of humanity. I'm just glad we're at a point now when our story is going to take a very dramatic change in course.
That actually wasn't what JC said. The actual statement was: I AM is the way, the truth, and the life. We all have the Kingdom of Heaven inside us, in other words. The illuminati changed many things in sacred text in order to give him the appearance of a person "different" from us mere mortals. They wanted us to not see him as just like us (why would he need 40 days of testing in the wilderness), but as separate and above us. Divine. Kinda like the illuminati.
Another thing that was changed was any reference to reincarnation, by the way. Something to ponder.
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Our world has been put into a coma for years by the media and paid truth tellers to the point where it is impossible for most people to tell the difference between real and fake news.Once again, we the people are on the verge of a breakthrough to…
Christ is the Master of Love and Compassion,
Therefore he wouldn't get pissed. It.
He may question the need for it., He may explain it's not necessary. And he world say do whatever it is you have to do to discover God inside you.
I infuse my life with the intention of Love.
Jesus Christ. Metaphysical Master.
During Jeshua's life, especially his childhood, he constantly did things that knocked the leaders of the day off balance. He always asked questions that the Rabbis couldn't answer, he himself made drawings and clay pidgeons (read about it in the Gospel of Thomas), infuriating the religious authorities. In every way, he insulted the instilled beliefs and opinions of the day. The common people, however, found a friend and hero in him.
Jesus' entire life was spent on a cross of service to others. His last act was his triumphant overcoming of the last enemy, death.
Do spiritual people get "pissed off"?
depending how you answer that, is your view on this discussion...
its really irrelevant question because people's opinions are as varied as the food on a menu lol
why would he get pissed? He know well that people had been fooled to do so. Rather I can imagine him doing double FacePalm, shaking head or LOLing himself in hilarity at how a great creation of supreme creator; his fellow brothers and sisters - his siblings, view themselves lowly or as someone below him or to any other beings. It's really quite LOL worthy.
Honestly from what I've come to discover for myself no to the getting pissed off at people buying idols and not worshipping him b/c I don't get the vibe He wanted to be worshipped. Just respected and listened to about why He was here in the first place. He wanted trust and faith in what knowledge He was trying to share. That's it.
Well I think both the Church and the people are to blame. But I do understand that...back in those times...it was a different humanity, most people couldn't even read or write...people were basically ignorant....so when someone like Jesus shows up, who was even ahead of our time, nevermind 2000 years ago...people would follow him.
And...also...when the Church changes things and says that Jesus said I am the way, the truth, the light, and only through me can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.....well people are going to buy into it. It's like the stars aligned or something like that lol You get the analogy. All the different ingredients were there to make that happen at that time...
Oh well, it just is....it just is what happened. There is blame on both sides, but it's part of the story of humanity. I'm just glad we're at a point now when our story is going to take a very dramatic change in course.
That actually wasn't what JC said. The actual statement was: I AM is the way, the truth, and the life. We all have the Kingdom of Heaven inside us, in other words. The illuminati changed many things in sacred text in order to give him the appearance of a person "different" from us mere mortals. They wanted us to not see him as just like us (why would he need 40 days of testing in the wilderness), but as separate and above us. Divine. Kinda like the illuminati.
Another thing that was changed was any reference to reincarnation, by the way. Something to ponder.