Going for the juggler vein! This woman Cathy O'Brien has got a lot of guts, acusing a former head of state of rape! And the rapist? Hillary!
Cathy Obrien describes her sexual assault perpetrated in her book, “Trance Formation of America” at Siss Villa – Lampe Missouri, 1983
“Hillary Clinton is the only female to become sexually aroused at the sight of my mutilated …”
US Intelligence Told Stew, This Story Is Causing Chaos Now! Help It Go Viral!
Note: Do not go to the source video or linked article if you are easily offended as it is very graphic! But since Hillary Clinton wants to take our guns, put us all in FEMA camps and destroy what’s left of our country, the story must go viral now!!! Stew Webb is asking all patriots to link and SHARE this story! Read Cathy’s book you can get for free through Stew’s site and send the information to Donald Trump, Roger Stone and all other legitimate alternative media outlets who won’t censor the story destined to bring down Hillary and the new world order in Washington! Stew says he has already heard from US and French Intelligence sources that this story is causing absolute chaos to the new world order! Hillary has already tried to kill Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan over their stories on her criminal activities and he has her email proving it! She’s so angry, she’s screaming at her poor dog reports moles within the Clinton camp!
Stew has pulled out of Cathy’s book all the new world order pigs she names! The list alone will blow your mind! This is HUGE! All the people named by Cathy Obrien who are still alive are part of the “Never Trump” movement! Now we know WHY!! Get the story out to all social media! It’s up to you! If everybody shares this story, Hillary and the new world order are completely exposed!
Details on Hillary Clinton Rape of a child PLUS Mind Blowing List of New World Order members by Cathy Obrien!
don't forget-the US debt is $20 trillion!!both dems and rinos are responsible but YOU are responsible to pay it BACK!!! Biggest white collar crime in all of recored history!!! time to clean house-
it is amazing how anyone in right mind would even consider voting for Hilary or Dumb Trump.
or bernie opm free lunch sanders
Michael: I see nothing wrong with voting for Trump, but I would NEVER vote for Hillary!
darkstar, aside from the fact that voting is meaningless, Donald Trump (if you were to waste your time at the polling station voting for him) couldnt care less about you, Donald Trump dosent give a fuckk about you at all, neither does Hillary .. they dont give a fuckk about you, none of them... think about that....
wait ! they are not in their right mind.............
That awful woman, Hillary Clinton, never surprises me, by her wicked decadence and evil intent...
I don't care how they do it, what muck they can find on her, from wherever, she must be stopped from running for President...
Certainly, Clinton seeks to take not just guns, but all rights...she must be knocked from the running...before she's allowed to starts WW3, if elected, god forbid....
'We came ,we saw, he died' Hillary said after she ordered Khaddafi killed-then Libya became a wasabi terror oasis
I saw that video, and she laughed her ass off in the process.. she also said in the video below "We are going to provoke an attack, because then we will be in power for as long as anyone can imagine!".. shes a nutcase!