Apologizes to whoever made this statement earlier but I couldn't find the post to reply to. However you are so right as I began to realize that WE as the human race are connected to the point that we are all one and a creative one at that. For we are creating the second coming of what we believe the world will be like which is,peace and abundance for all.
It shall be done on earth as it is in heaven (our real home) and the Christ consciousness is in each and everyone of us and I can be happy to say, we are all creative GODS or co creators and if/ when all the negativity was put aside we will leap further into ascension. Our real self's we be honored when we accomplish this mission in record time. As Kryon once said, we are pulling our self's back into darkness so far that it's like a slingshot affect so when we finally release (which is now) it will propel us so far into the light that ...well just use your IMAGINATION and dream like a child. Believe and TRUST.