Hello. I am a new member of this site. Thanks for accepting me! I have greatly enjoyed the posts, channelings, and dicsussions thus far. However, I think there is an element of thought largely missing here, and that is the taoist concept of yin and yang. Many of the articles posted here talk about "light" as opposed to the dark, love vs. fear. While in many ways this dichotomy is real, I think it is important to recognize that love and fear, light and dark, exist in all beings and are essential to a complete psyche/self-realization. One must acknowledge and love the darkness within, the evil within, even the hate, the fear, the anger. Light and dark are two sides of the same coin - they charge and validate each other. I mean come on, even Star Wars recognizes this - Luke Skywalker says, "A jedi must choose between light and dark in his actions, but the force has no light or dark side." The repeated emphasis on "light" i feel, oversimplifies, and kind of cheapens the beautiful complexity of life. The sun, the more masculine element, is important, but we can never, nor should we ever, neglect or do away with the dark element, the moon. I personally, would not want to live in a world there were was only light and no darkness, only love and no fear. I would rather be a flawed and complex being, sometimes caught up in hate, than an automaton who only sees, feels, and understands light. I am not saying that every action/decision is okay, but I am saying that everything in us, everything that makes us complete, including the dark and ugly parts, is beautiful. There are some spiritual teachings and narratives which suggest that the true path to God and self-realization and liberation is through acknowledging, exploring, and embracing EVERY facet of one's own being, the light and the dark.
Thanks for including me in your discussions!
Hi Hidden Exit,
Thank you so very much for this post. This is what I have been feeling... but somehow escaped my mind whenever I tried to put into words as English is not my first language.
Yes, there is too much imbalance in terms of only seeing light and embracing it... One cannot just shove aside darkness because it is part of existence too. Duality is beautiful and full of surprises, if we truly embrace both light and dark, love and sufferings.
So true Hidden Exit we tend to neglect the parts we don't like about ourselves until someone or something, triggers our hidden 'dark side' Great discussion! :)
I totally agree with you Hidden Exit.....Love and light is very nice and wonderful, but we are not ALL love and light all the time.....as long as humans are battling and belittling and feeling bad and judging ourselves trying to deny that we are complex and not all good or all bad and have the ying and yang in life, we are trying not to truly accept our humanity and embrace what we really are. I truly believe that "that the true path to God and self-realization and liberation is through acknowledging, exploring, and embracing EVERY facet of one's own being, the light and the dark." Great post and food for thought and thanks for sharing this.
I agree with you Marique. =)